Try it. What I found was definitely not what I was expecting.
I was wondering ‘how could I practice drawing QR codes’, as sometimes I have to scribble one out quickly and I was getting sick of drawing a box with three little boxes in it.
So I grabbed a pencil and scribbled this one down slowly. Then I thought hey I should ask some friends to try drawing one themselves over a beer and smoke one night.
But then it occurred to me that it should contain data, but would it scan?
I showed the mysterious pencil drawn QR code on facebook. I’ll let you know here, what happens next. Soon.
Please have a listen to some music before you hit the back button 🙂
So can you please draw your own and send me some pictures?
By the way, if you’d like to make a donation please just share this page to all your networks instead. Use the social icons above. That could be worth untold fortunes to us. 🙂 Sharing Is Caring. Using the hashtag #zylascope in you posts related to music might also help attract new listeners for us.
Thank you and Happy New Year. Can’t wait to catch up soon.
Jevan Cole’s new EP is here and it’s impressive. Singing, Guitars, A real band, real instruments, drums, plus synths, sampling, effects, modular synths, a plethora of post-apocalyptic sonic celebrations and emotions. If you are still able to enjoy music don’t miss this.
I love this EP and all of their albums. Have a listen with headphones on! The perfect fusion of Rock/band music and electronic/techno/dance/psychedelic.
I loved their last album Silverling, it was staggering. There are not too many artists in the music industry that can make a better follow-up album. But they did it. It makes me think that they may have the rare ability to keep this up for years. I’m hoping so. I’m inspired to do a new album myself now. Thanks, Jevan. Your music has always affected me deeply.
If you are starting to develop an allergy to autotune, this is the treatment your ears have been longing for. The singing on this album sounds so refreshing, nice and human.
Such great songs and soundscapes, so well performed and recorded. Listen very closely to it.
Read this great review about it from An excerpt…
“You almost feel like you’re being transported into some other dimension, a whole other world to sink yourself in and immerse your existence within.”
That’s what I think too. I’m in a beautiful state after listening to it.
TIP: Make sure to click this button and make sure it looks like this for the best listening experience 😉 …
It helps you to hear the EP a few times without being interrupted by other albums. If you click it again you’ll see a number 1 in the center, that will loop one song. Click it until it lights up green and the 1 is not in the center, that will repeat the EP when the last track completes.
Jevan Cole from Meadow Argus Playing Accoustic Guitar.
If you love this EP as I do please help them by Liking, Reacting, Loving and Sharing it on Spotify and your social media apps. Sharing is caring 🙂
You could call your local radio station and ask them to play this song ‘House Husband’ which I think so many people in the world would love to hear, coming out of this challenging time…