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Happiness Therapy

I have had enough life experience to be able to know that happiness is a state of mind rather than what you get when you have reached a certain plateau in life. Happiness is not defined by how much ‘stuff’ we have – though this brings pleasant experiences, it is not the sum total of ‘real happiness’.

Happiness is a state of mind. A place we choose to be at or not. Money buys comforts, wonderful experiences, but money does not buy happiness as this is clearly something that comes from within. We are either happy or not.

We musn’t confuse gratifying the ego with things outside of us to create our ‘happiness’. We have all been in that place where we have a new car, new relationship, holiday, , house, jewellery, clothes, and after a while the joy of this new object has dissipated to boredom. This is the ego’s way of saying ” I need something new to entertain me and make me feel better”.

Happiness comes from a place deep inside that permeate your entire being, radiates and extends outward and touches the people around you. True lasting happiness comes from within.

To say that there is a single key element to happiness is incorrect. And for everyone what specifically makes you or causes you to be happy is different. For some it may be to simplify your life and de clutter it of things that are just dragging you down. For some it may be to cut down on spending so you feel like you have more money, thus reducing any stress towards financial issues.

Others may just want to work on thinking and speaking more positively, and then there are those who feel that happiness stems from meditating, getting into a relaxed state regularly. There are numerous ways we can reach this space we call happiness.

When you find yourself in a place where you don’t feel happy do something to make yourself feel happy.

Do simple things like meditating, reading, exercising, or just doing something that brings you much joy and fulfillment. For as long as you stay in a state of unhappiness you will continue to attract more of it. This is the law of attraction in action.

The more miserable you are, the more you dwell on whatever circumstances or situation that you ‘think’ is causing your unhappiness, then the more of the same stuff will show up in your life. Our conditioning has been such from childhood that happiness is something that ‘others’ provide for us. How many relationships suffer because they are dependent on the other person to ‘make then happy’?

How often do you hear others say that this person or that person, or this situation or that situation is directly responsible for their unhappiness?

We place an enormous emphasis on happiness being something that is beyond our reach or ‘out there somewhere’ outside of us.

I found myself in a hospital for many weeks after a serious breakdown some 15 years ago and in my determined effort to change my life, I began my own form of ‘happiness therapy’. I would get up from my bed quite late in the evening, take long baths in the patient bathroom with lavender and bubble bath. Go into the kitchen and make myself my favourite food ( Vegemite sandwich of course), ask the theatre nurses who weren’t busy to take me for a ride on the operating theatre gurneys around the building.

I needed to find ways to create my happiness from a hospital bed. And I did. I just wanted to be happy again and I intuitively knew that this was not going to come from outside of ME.

Begin to find simple things you can do to bring laughter and happiness into your world. As you do, more happiness comes your way without a great deal of effort and you begin to attract into your life more joy, more fulfillment and so much more happiness that you imagined possible.

Nancy Wylde is an Author on empowering women through the Law of Attraction and associated tools. In her latest book Ticket To Freedom – A Self-Empowerment Guide For Women, Nancy Wylde outlines the steps necessary to recognize unconscious opinions and beliefs that we hold about ourselves and in so doing, transform and empower our lives. Reach your potential through your own inner strength. Tap into the creative genius that is within you and live the rich life you deserve.

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Relationships And Recovery From Addiction

Relationships in recovery can be a tricky thing. In fact, most people probably don’t realize it, but relationships are the number one problem when it comes to relapse. Nothing else has the same amount of power to create such turmoil in our lives.
Think about it your life is made up of nothing but relationships. If you were living on a deserted island, with no one else, your life would be very different indeed. At the very least, your level of stress would certainly be lower. This points out the true nature of relationships in our recovery they are both a blessing and a curse. They bring us great joy, but they can also cause us a lot of grief. As such, they must be handled with care and approached in an intelligent way.
There are essentially 3 types of relationships in your life one with yourself, one with your higher power, and one with a significant other. There are also dozens of other relationships in your life, such as with your coworkers or your friends, but those are the 3 big ones. Let’s take a look at them in more detail.
Relationship with yourself – This is the first relationship that you must cultivate and repair in early recovery, because it forms the basis for all other relationships. For most recovering addicts and alcoholics, this means forgiving yourself. What does this mean It means that you have to let go of all of the emotional baggage that you are carrying around with you and give yourself a break. Now that you’re in recovery you’re trying to do something different. You need to forgive yourself and allow yourself to live again.
Relationship with your higher power – Again, most addicts and alcoholics in early recovery need to do some work in this area. When we first get clean and sober, we are usually far removed from our connection with our higher power because we’ve been essentially ignoring God for so long. Getting back in touch with our spiritual side is critical for success in early recovery. There is a hierarchy here with relationship building. Start out by connecting with yourself and with your higher power, and this will lead to better relationships with others. As you get more in tune with your own spiritual side, your ability to connect and empathize with others will increase.
Relationship with your significant other – This can only flourish if you have nailed the other two relationships. In early recovery, there is a danger in rushing out and finding a new relationship with a significant other. The reason this is so dangerous is because a new relationship will create a temporary and false spiritual connection, one that replaces any need to cultivate and nurture the other two relationships (with yourself and with your higher power). Those other two relationships are the ones that will keep you clean and sober, not the relationship with a significant other. But there is a strong tendency to use a new relationship as a recovery strategy without even realizing it, and many newcomers relapse because of this.
Remember that relationships are a double-edged sword. They can bring us great joy, but at the same time, they can be extremely dangerous for the newcomer.

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The Pleasure of Digitally Distributing Your Classical Music Compositions


I have composed contemporary classical music. What? You have also composed beautiful contemporary classical music? No, not rock or pop or country music. Contemporary, classical music. And it sits on your computer or on scrawny hand-written music pages neatly tucked in your drawer. Maybe it has been performed. Maybe you have recorded it. You may think that this is the end of the story. Music is only to be heard in a concert hall or private functions, never to be repeated or listened to again.

Well, think again. Have you thought of putting it on the web for others to hear? What? Contemporary classical music out on the web? Who in the world is looking for classical music using the web? Aren’t all such classical music-lovers diehard technophobes, usually older folk, maybe in big cities and only in western countries? Hold on there! Such stereotypes are simply unfair. How do you know, and why, oh why, take anything for granted?

Go ahead. Try it out. See if a new breed of music lovers can be honed to your wonderful creations. Now you can introduce your music to the world –yes, your classical music! It is not the pariah that you think it is. There can actually be a real audience and following for the exact sound that you have produced, the sound and musical message that certain segments of society are actually searching for. So why not try the digital route? What do you have to lose?

Okay, so you have thought about it. You decide to take up my challenge. After all, you have by now Googled my name – Shaunie Shammass – and have actually have seen the diversity of sites where my classical music can be seen and heard. And now you want to know how to actually put up your own music on the web, right? Well, it is actually easier than you think. The magic words are “digital distribution”. And the steps to take are really rather easy. Ready?

First, you need to have a recording of your work. Don’t have one? Get some friends together to play it, but you must make a professional or near-professional recording of the performance. Second, take it to a professional for digital mastering, unless you know how to do it yourself. The end-result is just so much better. Third, find a website that does digital distribution. You can search for the words “digital distribution” and several sites pop up immediately. Make sure that the site you choose reformats your audio files and that it distributes to major music sites such as iTunes, Rhapsody, Amazon, etc. Finally, follow the instructions on your chosen site. Check the previews of your music that they provide carefully before approving your tracks for final distribution.

Voila! Your music is now online for everyone to take note of. So, go ahead Google your name. And feel the pleasure that I have of digitally distributing your classical music online for all to hear!



My first musical performance was at age 3 – in front of an old age group at the community center, where I dutifully played a Yiddish tune that I was able to pick out with one finger on the piano. They loved it – I hated it. The old folks surrounded me after the concert, showering me with slobbered kisses and pinching my poor little cheeks. I have had stage fright ever since.

I nevertheless studied piano, going through the yearly exams of the Toronto Conservatory of Music for 10 years. And then I dropped music for other passions – linguistics, phonetics, the sounds and languages of people.

Fast forward. I meet my future husband, born in Shiraz Iran. He sings me Persian songs, and woos me with a stack full of Persian-style music that he has collected over the years on grainy cassettes. I fall in love with him, and this music.

Fast forward again. I’m now married, 2 kids, and teaching at a university. I look into taking university courses that lecturers can audit, and come across a composition class, but I am told that not everyone is accepted – I have to have something to show the professor. I have written a piano piece, classical but based on Persian songs, and show it to him. He allows me into the class. Andre Hajdu. A remarkable teacher, opening the door to a remarkable journey that I am still taking. Encouraging the nascent musicality that has lain dormant for so many years, and unleashing my creativity as only a true teacher can.

I am still trying to find my musical voice, entwining east and west, in the language of classical music. Only time will tell if I succeed.


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Medications For Drug Rehab In Washington Dc

In Washington DC and across the globe, there are many more people who are in need of an excellent drug rehab program than most people realize. The fact of the matter is that the evolution of knowledge continues on regarding different treatment methods and medications that are used to assist people overcome their addictions and make a strong, healthy recovery. No one is immune to the possibility of facing addiction. Even though in the past rehabilitation and detoxification often meant facing extreme withdrawal symptoms, today there are excellent and highly effective medications that soothe those symptoms as the body begins the process of healing itself, advancing back to a healthy state of being able to function normally without any influence from substances.

With the most successful drug rehab programs in Washington DC, there are certain factors, features and criteria that are put in place in order to maximize the effectiveness of detoxification and rehabilitation. Intensive treatment programs that work exceptionally well are those that take place for up to fifteen hours per week during the initial phase, which is far more than what is offered in the typical outpatient programs. The best rehabilitation facilities are comprehensively staffed, with most of their groups and sessions led by clinicians who have spent years in their respective studies and have earned graduate degrees. They will also have the best certified chemical dependency counselors on staff.

Continuity of care is absolutely critical to a programs success, ultimately leading to the patients success with rehabilitation. A unified staff that follows patients through all phases of treatment in the top programs is present, highly educated and experienced far beyond those of average facilities and programs. Another important feature of the very best drug rehab programs in the area is accessibility. An outstanding facility ideally should have numerous offices in different convenient locations, and they also may offer evening sessions. Many people who seek the services of drug rehabilitation programs and professionals are members of families with excellent jobs who tend to their obligations at their workplaces during the day. There should also be morning sessions available for those who hold jobs and have other obligations to their families or communities during the evening hours.

There have been so many advancements that have been made in treatment now that allow people to be detoxified from alcohol and opioids safely and as comfortably as possible, even on an outpatient basis. At the best substance abuse treatment programs, participants spend a day or two at their designated facility to receive oral medication and to be monitored by medical staff. At the same time, they participate in an outpatient drug rehab program.

To learn more about drug rehab Washington DC, please visit our website.

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Angel Music Receives Critical Acclaim: “A Little Piece of Heaven Here on Earth.”

(PRWEB) December 6, 2005

“I am more than a bit uncomfortable tooting my own horn,” said Cheryl Melody, singer, songwriter and composer of the musical tracks on the celebrated CD. “Fortunately, the overwhelming response has allowed me to stand back and let the actual listeners describe firsthand how this piece of divinely inspired art is changing so many lives and in so many positive ways,” she continued.

For more information, go to

Voice of the Angels Receives Critical Acclaim.

“Spirit of Change” magazine says that the CD, “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey” is a “little bit of heaven here on earth.” The CD has already received airplay in Peru, Denmark, Canada, various European countries, and throughout United States. One reviewer says: “Melody’s voice is innocent and pure, similar to Enya, like you would expect from a heavenly being…coupled with inspirational lyrics of pure poetry.”

Medically Endorsed. Helps with Loss of a Love One/Terminal Illness.

Dr. Wyman, an internist, states that “Voice of the Angels” CD is beneficial to stress reduction and balancing of body, mind and spirit, and recommends the CD to his patients. Betty Gott describes her dying husband laying in a coma as miraculously responding to the chorus of the song, “Return,” from Voice of the Angels,” and dying with a sense of peace.

Promotes Calm, Sense of Well Being; Used Frequently by Yoga, Reiki, Tai Chi Masters.

Other testimonials state that this special CD gem gives calm, is a Direct Connection to Spirit and embraces all Faiths, helps in recovery, with insomnia, with healing, with stress. Many teachers of Yoga, Tai Chi, Reflexology, Labyrinth, Holistic retreats and Reiki masters use this gentle CD in sessions, and psychologists, music therapists and social workers often integrate the healing sounds and words into their practice with their client.

Helps with Addiction Recovery; NondenominationalPerfect for All Faiths and Religions

People in addiction recovery write Cheryl Melody of the comfort they receive in hearing songs such as “Trust,” “Surrender,” “Return,” “Light,” “Open,” ,”Love” and “Journey.” They share that the guided meditation and the trance-like way it is narrated offers them calm and inward answers on what their next step in life’s journey will be. The CD embraces all faiths, all religions. Both Christian, Muslim and Jew embrace the messages of this CD, Unity Faith has adopted the song “Love” into their Love Notes hymnal.

Brings a Sense of Peace and Completion to the Terminally Ill (and their loved ones)

Hospice caregivers integrate this beautiful music and words into their patient care and transition into death. “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey” is for the person who desires less stress and more calm and inward peace as they live with quality, as well as for those who are grieving or those who are facing their transition into death.

Sound Samples can be heard, and the CD can be purchased directly from the website. The duration of the CD is 60 minutes, two parts in one CD: soothing ethereal “lullabies” for adults along with a 30 minute guided meditation and visualization, soft piano, Cheryl Melody’s soothing speaking and singing voice, and the sounds of the ocean and river. Each chakra or energy centered is honored, and specific notes are integrated to open the heart, and other energy centers in the body. Also available for personal or Church use is “Voice of the Angels” sheet music and songbook.

Cheryl Melody is the composer, performer and voiceover artist. She is an acclaimed sound healer, involved in sound therapy, and is a peace troubadour, international performer, ASCAP independent recording artist and commissioned composer. She performs at holistic retreats, ecumenical gatherings, churches, synagogues, labyrinth festivals, spiritual healing gatherings, peace conferences, schools, healing centers, hospice centers, and also facilitates workshops and is a Keynote speaker and singer.

Cheryl Melody is also an ASCAP recording artist of children’s meaningful CDs for self-esteem development on She is also a playwright and has published a play called “Peace Begins with Me” which can be found for purchase as well on For more information on “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey” CD and songbook as well as Cheryl Melody’s performances, please log onto

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Music and Lyric Composition – A Therapeutic Mind and Soul Exercise

Music has accompanied people throughout their lives for different reasons that melodic tunes take on a therapeutic effect in alleviating stress-related concerns or even for just letting loose. As people have their own artistic preference in music and lyrical composition, coming up with your own piece of music can be good psychological and emotional exercise for almost anyone.

Stories and points of view come from experiences, and your own learning is one way to pick up a great topic. Also, keeping in touch with your favorite artists can help you on a style you wish to follow. Building your own music can bring a sense of fulfillment for you get to document a point in your life or idea onto a music sheet you can share with your friends and family.

1. Point in your life: Experiences are one of the most common topics. Choosing a period where emotions were high can be very poetic when put into writing. Just remember to use metaphors; these phrases make crude thoughts less offensive and also hide your identity.

2. Certain person/inspiration: To write about a person you admire or had a good influence on you is another approach. If the idea comes straight from admiration, building the tune and words will somehow jive for positivity usually strikes a happy note in your emotions. Also, to build a song out of admiration can get you to influence others, which is very rewarding for you as a songwriter.

3. Political view: Letting out your oppositional thoughts over a certain topic or person in a community can be better expressed through music. With a more rhythmical approach, you’re your strong points will not come out offensive. Also through lyric writing, the creative flow can pacify your ill-mannered thoughts and somehow change your perception.

Plain melody: There are times when words are not needed to express your thoughts, and pure musical content can be very personal without people really noticing the intensity of the composition. This approach can be a good way for you to reveal your sentiments over something. With technology now, composing is much easier with computer-generated instruments; and setting up a mini gathering of your family and friends would be a good way for you to share a part of you; and to set the mood, having poster prints of your theme would add in entertaining your guests.

Taking care of yourself means clearing your thoughts of negativity, and getting into a new hobby such as composing your own tunes and lyrics is a fun and effective solution. You can also try to be more adventurous that putting up a mini show can be enlightening; and dressing up your venue with poster prints adds a nice touch. Lastly, your prints, if produced through online poster printing services, can help you in the design aspect of your concept or theme.

For more information about Poster Printing and Poster Prints, please feel free to visit

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Astral Projection Trance and Binaural Beats

Astral Projection is a process by which our consciousness temporarily leaves the physical body and functions independently. People who say they experience Astral Projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the spirit word or the astral plane. Don’t be trapped in three dimension perception. Remember that we are all having multidimensional experiences and that there no linear time.

The box is our reality, a virtual experience in linear time and emotion. Creation takes place outside of the box. When you think outside the box, your consciousness moves belong linear thinking. We experience in higher frequency of light and see belong the limitations of physical consciousness. Everyone can have this experience, it is not a special gift that only a few people have been blessed with.

Some people can Astral Project naturally, for others it would take some amount of time to practice before they can enter the state of full relaxation. For those who don’t have the luxury of time, modern sound technology has provided us with a rather shortcut. Most people fail because they can not tune their brain waves into the right frequency. The scientific community has been aware that certain frequencies are associated with certain states of mind. And they know how to artificially create these brainwave states.

The sound technology known as Binaural Beats is very effective in getting people into Astral Projection Trance suitable for successful Astral Projection. This technology works by altering sound between both ears and using a variety of frequencies. It was concluded that a specific combination of frequencies consistently caused a shift in consciousness.

Safe and effective binaural-beat process offers a wide variety of applications which include, but are not limited to: relaxation, meditation, enhanced creativity, intuition development, enriched learning, improved sleep, and the exploration of expanded mind-consciousness states.

With the entire world of knowledge just a few mouse-clicks away, it has never been easier than it is right now to learn something new and unexpected every day.

Listen to free previews of Zylascope’s Electronic Music in our music store. | Electronic Music

Compose Music With Software!

What about composing music with software? Is it amazing??? The technology has made it possible to compose music with the help of software. You don’t need any expertise in music to operate this software.It is possible to compose a song at a less budget using this software. This Software can be used to compose classical, pop or hiphop music.

The cost of this software may be little high but you can compose music without having any higher education in music. There are many music composition software available. You choose the best quality software for better result. With a bit of talent and constant hard work you can compose your own music. There are certain free version of these software available and you can trial use them before  purchasing the original one. Music composers, Sound engineers and Digital musicians are mainly using this software.

You only need to have computer operating skills to work with this software. This software is not demanding any skill in music or in musical instruments. Just use your creativity and imagination to compose your own music. Basic time unit of music is beat. The beat consists of the sound of instruments.  By combining sound loops in a particular sequence beat is created. The created loops should be integrated in the correct manner to create music. There are inbuilt loops available with the software comprising the sound group based on the instrument. A composer should choose the loops that will blend together and compose it with rhythm in the appropriate time gaps. The software will have a studio control similar interface which will enable the composer to adjust the time, pitch and rhythm.

You need to use different software for creating a melodious music and a different one for a hip hop or pop music.

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Listen to free previews of Zylascope’s Electronic Music in our music store. | Electronic Music

Meditation Music

Meditation music can significantly enhance your meditation session. Gentle sounds and rhythms can help you to achieve a deeper state of calm, peacefulness and relaxation.
It is well established that sound and rhythm can create mental and emotional environments. As early as the 1920s, researchers were making connections between music, enhanced mental alertness, concentration and imagination.

Music has the capability to directly affect our physical being. Many cultures ascribe to this tenet. For example, according to the principles of Indian music, human beings are composed of sound. The vibrations inherent in sound can either bring us into greater accord with the vibrations of the universe or completely disrupt our chakras (centers of being). Music for meditation can either inhibit or expand our consciousness, depending on the selection that we make.

All this talk of alignment, vibrations and chakras may seem daunting, but the principles behind choosing appropriate meditation music is really quite simple. Basically, if you are looking to create a specific atmosphere, the tempo of the music should match the mood that you are trying to bring about. For example, upbeat and catchy tunes are most appropriate for the workplace or in other situations where you need to stay awake and focused. For meditation music, a compilation of soothing tones and sounds will take you where you need to go. You really can’t go wrong with meditation music that is peaceful, relaxing and tranquil.

Music for meditation is as much about personal choice as anything else. Ask yourself, “When do I feel the most relaxed? When have I felt the most at peace in my life?” For example, if you have an affinity for the ocean, you might choose a meditation CD with the sound of waves crashing upon the shore. Or, if you like jazz, you might choose meditation music with gentle piano and saxophone rhythms. Remember, meditation is a personal journey and it is up to you to choose which tools you are going to take along.

There are many resources which offer meditation music. Music for meditation is now widely available online, in bookstores, in popular music shops and in health and wellness stores. Some meditation CDs are a collection of harmonies, while others offer spoken words and mantras to guide you along the way.

Other types of meditation music are specifically designed to release past hurts and emotions through a combination of music and guided imagery. Still others help you to deal with inner fears or severely traumatic experiences. Meditation CDs may be used alone or as part of a more formal music therapy program.

If you are new to meditation, you may have difficulty descending into the calm and tranquil state that is so necessary for maximum clarity and self-discovery. Here, music for meditation can be a great tool in creating a profound meditative experience.

As you gain experience, turning on your meditation CD may become an unnecessary step in your journey. However, many find that music makes their meditative experience that much more energizing and refreshing.

Jamie Lynn has dedicated herself to teaching others the Power of Meditation and other alternative health/healing tips and techiques for the mind, body and spirit!

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Amazing Music Recommended for Pets Stress Related Behavior

Sherman Oaks, CA (PRWEB) May 3, 2006

For the past several months, Tracy Acosta, Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine and owner of Biloxi Animal Hospital in Biloxi, MS, has been adding a unique component to her medical and boarding services. This ardent pet lover has been playing soothing pet music to create a calming environment in her hospital as she and her staff head off to surgery and to their drop-off appointments. My staff and I at Biloxi Animal Hospital truly believe that our patients (dogs and cats) benefit from the peaceful tone that the music provides. I feel that this not only pleases the pets but their owners as well who seem to delight in the fact that their beloved companion/s will be supplied with such an amenity.

In its 2005/2006 study, the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association (APPMA) National Pet Owners Survey* reported that pet owners spent $ 43-68 Million respectively on their cats and dogs treats. An astounding $ 337 Million has been spent on cats and $ 574 Million on dogs surgical vet visits.

Pet owners will do everything to keep their pets happy, most especially if it meant proactively participating in their pets healing process. If soothing music can calm down your nerves then your pets can certainly benefit from this brand new set of albums exclusively composed to relax and calm your little friend.

In his stunning new CD series, internationally acclaimed musical artist Marco Missinato reveals the secret to creating more relaxed and healthier pets. Most importantly, his music has been tested by veterinarians as part of the healing and recovery program in calming sick and hyper-active pets, a beautiful project that is a first in its class and has not been done anywhere in the world.

Produced by the Los Angeles-based company Pets Love Music (TM), the first two releases in the new series consist of two-CD sets: Cat Dreams: Relaxing Music for Cats and Cat Lovers (Volumes 1 & 2); and Dog Dreams: Relaxing Music for Dogs and Dog Lovers (Volumes 1 & 2). Each CD features more than 50 minutes of original compositions, developed by Missinato and endorsed by international cat show judge Aline Noel and dog communication expert Brandon Fauche.

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