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We all have some ideas about Intel because it has no movements in the android Tablet PC industry. But Android is growing slowly under the current term. Intel’s grow does not necessarily mean failure, which may come from behind.
So far, in addition to Apple iPad android tablet computer products, other products, consumer acceptance is tepid development. Motorola has been in the sales of Xoom anemia, Samsung Android Tablet PC as well. Asus and HTC Android is delayed tablet release date.RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook the same time the target user groups, the number of seemingly little more as the BlackBerry add-on products.
So using the Nvidia chip (Xoom and Samsung Galaxy Tab) and Texas Instruments (PlayBook) Tablet PC chip sales may not be too optimistic, then Intel will this get more opportunities? Analyst Richard Shim said, “This market has opened the door, the development of existing products need to be longer, Intel may be more opportunities.”
Other people in the industry agree that this is a great opportunity to Intel. Although Apple currently has a competitive advantage, but it can not be a single large. The present situation, Android is in addition to Apple’s computer products outside of the main plate, Intel may, with its professional development team, the Atom chip to maximize the effectiveness of Android, because Intel has a lot of resources available.
As Google’s Android event hold every year, lots of manufacturers released their new models recently. Sumsung, Viewsonic, Motorola, Aus, Dell, those big fish make the market flooding. In resent event you can see many of these new tablet device announcements. By sourcing these from China, where Android Tablet is manufactured, someone could get in touch with Chinese Wholesaler and a new brand may come to life then.
Meanwhile, Intel has another advantage. Intel’s Atom chips can be inherited after the ARM chip, energy-saving advantage, full advantage of its production, security and media processing and other aspects of successful know-how. Apple to grasp the outside of the market 20% to 25%.
But it also depends on the Android 3.0 Atom’s performance in the case, the other Intel is best not to focus too much on the MeeGo, because in addition to Android, the HP in full QNX WebOS and RIM’s market to win the attention developers difficult
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