Android Tablets

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The Apple iPad is a popular and useful utility whose millions of units sold worldwide in the first few days. However, Android may bring to you a better option because it is an open source free operating system owned by Google.Here is a lot of useful information about the basics and imagine you don’t know what Android is.


Originally it was planned to be used as a mobile phone OS but it is starting to flex its muscles and expand its horizons. As a mobile OS it is already hugely popular, HTC Sony and many others have adopted it as the system of choice for all their smart phones and here’s why. The fact it’s open source means they don’t have to pay for it, which is obviously a great start but it goes further than that. The fact it’s open source means everyone and anyone can develop apps for it, modify it heck they can do whatever the like with it. A huge subculture has grown around Android of developers, modifiers and programmers, all making killer apps that they can put out onto the market with no licensing costs and either distribute for free or make money from. the amount of apps will very soon overtake Apple’s App Store for the amount available and it will just keep growing and growing. It’s unstoppable.


So what does this have to do with the iPad? well Android is now spreading its wings and many tablet manufacturers are using it on their tablets and most of them can do everything the iPad can and for half the price. Ok they are not as slick (yet) but many of these tablets offer features the iPad can’t because of it’s closed architecture. HDMI ports that output 720p video, meaning they are also portable HD media players, memory card slots so you can easily put data on and take it off, access to the myriad of apps available to Android users and much much more.


At the time of writing this Youtube video shows the very latest tablet, still not released but the demo just shows that these things really are iPad killers check it out here.


Things are developing so quick it’s hard to keep up with the new hardware that’s coming out. Please keep up to date with our blog. it is regularly updated with news, videos and photos of the latest Android tablets out there

All the latest Android tablets can be bought from

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Reason Music Software Review – Ultimate Reason 4.0 Tutorial

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The first thing I want to tell you about the Reason recording software is what its not…

I need to go into this now because a lot of newbie producers get confused and then end up not being happy with Reason.

So here we go…

The Reason recording software is NOT an audio recorder!

So you should not think about trying to record your band with Reason because its just not set up that way…

What you will find in Reason 4.0 is a massive range of Synths and samplers. Its a totally self contained unit meaning that you can produce and master a whole track without needing any other equipment at all.

I would recommend it if youre making dance or hip hop music on a laptop and dont want to set up a whole home studio.

If you do want to add vocal to your final track you could use a program like pro tools and use the Reason recording software as a plugin which works great.

But I just wanted to be clear that you cannot import your audio into Reason itself unless you just use snipets in the sampler.


When you pick up Reason you get a whole bunch of award winning synths to work with and tweak till your hearts content.


* Thor – the multi synth that can transform into a whole bunch of classic synths.
* The RPG-8 Arpeggiator – you will love playing with this as it creates some really nice random sounds.
* ReGroove – lets you work with your drum beats and add a lot of randomness so that your stuff wont get boring.

Final thoughts.

Reason is a great option for people on a budget who might not have the best computer. Its runs really light on CPU power and it has never crashed on me!

But remember the more tracks you add the slower things get…PERIOD.

I really think the Propellersheads boys who make Reason are doing great things with the package and look out for audio recording in the near future.

Such a cool program.

More Free Information for You…

To read my other popular FREE guide on Reason click here: Reason Music Software Review

…and to learn how to make professional Techno in 3 easy steps click here: Techno Music Maker

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Which is the Better Choice – Dreamweaver Or Visual Studio?

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When talking about web site creation, the two programs that stand out are Adobe’s Dreamweaver and Microsoft’s Visual Studio and someone eventually will ask which one is the better program for what they need. The obvious issue that comes to mind before even opening the box is that Visual Studio is a Microsoft creation.

Anyone that has any experience with computers and their programs knows that Microsoft hardware and software plays better with other Microsoft toys. This is not to bash on Microsoft but if you are not using any Microsoft applications then this maybe a turning point for you. Many people are using Apple hardware when they have intensive graphic needs, so you might want a program that plays well with any platform, including Microsoft’s.

For any first timers, Visual Studio is easy to use with its many examples and help section. Via drag and drop interface, there is total control over servers and the HTML servers, as well. An easy to read and navigate control panel displays all your server controls. These are some of the highlights of what the Visual Studio can do for you.

Do you need to create and manage console applications, window applications and web applications? Visual Studio is designed to make this easy for you. Many users have noticed that Dreamweaver is better utilized in web design and that Visual studio is better to use for web development.

Adobe’s Dreamweaver is more concentrated on web design than web development. Dreamweaver works with almost all of the computer languages and can interface with java script effortlessly with its built in extensions. Actually there over 1300 extensions available for whatever you may need. Dreamweaver was created with idea of teams of people working on the same project, so teamwork on the same project will be a breeze. Teamwork is possible with Visual Studio when used in tandem with other Microsoft products.

For users of other Abode products, tables and layers are nothing foreign to you and you probably expect to use them with just about any Adobe program. Dreamweaver is no exception. Also there are tools included with the program to manage database connectivity.

You will pay a little less for Visual Studio than you will for Dreamweaver. However do not go too far with the money that you just saved with Dreamweaver because most of the extensions will cost you extra. Both programs can take up the disk space but most know that Adobe tends to always be a heavy hitter, so consider doubling the minimum system requirements to ensure that your computer does not slow to a crawl.

If Visual Studio is more of a web development program and Dreamweaver is more of a web design program, then can they fairly be compared to each other? It comes down to the types of application that you need the most.

John Choo is a web designer Malaysia, he own the web design company offer kind of website develop by dreamweaver and visual studio.

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Best Books For New Aquarium Owners

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“You and Your Aquarium” is a book that is written by author Dick Mills. This interesting book covers various aspects of both saltwater and freshwater fish keeping and also elaborates about how to set up your first tank. A species guide to freshwater and saltwater fish is provided in this book and the species guide covers some of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. This book also elaborates on basics of filtration, heating, types of tanks and feeding. 

“The Aquarium Handbook” is a book that is written by author David Goodwin. This helpful book is one of the best books for freshwater fish and has an elaborated guide on which species of fish to keep in your freshwater aquarium. The species guide has clear pictures of various species of fish and the species guide also elaborates on the feeding habits of the fish. Basics of aquatic plants information is also covered in this book. The information included about aquatic plants includes names of plants are their requirement. This book also provides information about general guidelines of fish keeping.  

“Corals of The World” volume one, two and three are indeed the best books for new aquarium owners since these three books have detailed information about corals from all over the world. These books are highly recommended as they cover topics such as technical and non technical information about various corals, pictures of the corals and history about corals.  

Practical Fish Keeping magazine also known as PFK is a series of magazines that are published periodically and are of immense value to new aquarium owners. This magazine covers incidents of what happens around the world in the fish keeping hobby and also provide answers on some of the most common questions asked by new aquarium keepers.  

Tropical Fish Hobbyist is another magazine that is very popular with fish keepers. This magazine provides valuable information on all aspects of fish keeping and also elaborates on which are the best products for your aquarium along with reviews and adverts.

Buy Coral,
Aquarium Chiller,
Aquarium Supplies

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Remove Unwanted Programs by Getting Started with Registry Cleaners

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The Windows Registry is a huge database in the Windows operating system. This registry acts as a hub for storing important information related to hardware and software applications of a computer. The windows registry becomes full with numerous unnecessary registry entries due to temporary data, settings and a reference left behind at the time of installing or uninstalling software packages on a PC, and makes the PC slow over time. The more and more bad information stored in the registry will take longer time for a computer to boot up. After that computer shows errors, freezing, or blue screen and the system even crashes. Therefore, in order to run the PC efficiently and effectively, it is a must to scan the PC for registry errors and repair them at certain intervals of time.

Whether we are running Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 or even 98 or 95, they all depend on the windows registry for system settings. It has been extremely advocated that registry cleaners can repair registry and improve the performance of computers. It has already been proved before that it will also improve computer’s boot time and overall speed.

Most of the cleaner software is coming with a back up feature. That means if something important is deleted, we can have a back up for this. These are completely automatic and are capable of identifying, backing up and removing unnecessary information from the Windows registry.

If you make a Google search for registry cleaner and repair registry it will show more than 25,000 websites. But there you can not find a single example of an actual performance test even in the next few pages. The currently available software applications in the market which are famous for effective registry cleaners are not efficient and never do their jobs as supposed to. They are not the latest and proficient tools as the commercial registry cleaners programs. For this reason, it is important for each PC user to first take time to gain ideas by going through some reviews and usability reports related to the application that they are evaluating. Then only one should take the decision of actually purchasing the product.

Boris Diana is a computer-savvy person with years of experience and expertise on information technology and other computer-related issues. Through his website, he wants to highlight the growing significance of registry cleaners to speed up ailing systems. Contact him to collect more information on repair registry matters.

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Life long learning

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We live in a rapidly changing environment that is easier to cope with if we cultivate the habit of continual learning to enrich our personal and work lives. Learning is not just confined to classroom training. In everything, there is always a lesson that you can tap on. Learning is like planting. You sow the need seed in your mind, then water and nourish it in the faith that it will sprout and grow. Left on its own without being nurtured, it will slowly fade away. It is up to you to take ownership of your continual learning. How do you learn to learn to ensure that new knowledge, ideas and skills gained are translated into new ways of doing things. This is referred to as a behavioural shift.  How do you engage in active learning to make the journey more meaningful, exciting and illuminating to the mind, spirit and soul? Here are some suggestions:-

( a ) Set learning goals- setting learning goals is a proactive step a learner can take to transfer knowledge and skills to real life. You should :-

( 1 ) Be clear of your learning objective; 

( 2 ) List specific steps or actions that you will take to practize or improve on the new skills. For instance, if you have attended a presentation skills course, you may want to commit to presenting a topic in front of your friends or co-workers, and ask them to give you critical feedback; and 

( 3 ) Set timelines for practising these new skill. 

( b ) Keep a journal – keeping a learning journal helps you reflect and express your thoughts, observations or new perspectives during the learning process. These help you question old assumptions and identify new ways of thinking. 

( c ) Dialogue and questioning- You explore and discover new possibilities in the process of dialogue and questioning. Ask questions when engaging in a dialogue with yourself or with others. 

( d ) Teach it- We are all learners, doers and teachers. We learn by doing, and people learn best and fastest by teaching others. Teaching is giving too. By imparting your knowledge and skills to others, there is a multiplying effect. As you refresh others, you will be refreshed too. 






To observe good practice, exchange ideas and sharing knowledge.

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Getting started with Software Outsourcing to India !

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Cheap labor available in India has completely transformed the face of global business landscape. No wonder India is a world leader in offshore software development. Huge multitudes of “non-core” activities are outsourced by the U.S. businesses to India for faster turnaround time, reduced overhead costs, access to technical expertise, improved service quality etc.

Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Noida etc. have carved a niche in offshore IT domain by delivering excellent services to the service seekers worldwide. However if you’re a novice in this field and about to get started with outsourcing, you must have your business objective clear in mind and then formulate the strategy accordingly.

You must have your business plan ready with all the minute details in place inclusive of screenshots, flow charts and diagrams of all components in your software system. It’s wise to pre-estimate the fund requirement for your outsourced software project. Also, you must have a crystal clear idea about the project deadlines and other information related to the project so that you can efficiently pass on your specifications to the offshore software development companies in India.

It’s your own prerogative to get your IT project done by your preferred city and offshore software development company in India. Since a large number of good companies are operating in India, finding the right provider is not a Herculean task. You simply need to browse through the Internet and choose the one that fits your requirements in the best possible manner.

We recommend you to focus more on legal aspects of outsourcing before getting started with outsourcing. A legal agreement needs to be prepared in which you’d put down all the specifications, terms & conditions, deadlines, funds, ownership, data security, trademarks, copyrights, payments etc. Both the parties, service provider & you, have to mutually agree on this agreement.

Also, we advise you to get a Request for Information (RIP) and Request for Proposal (RFP) made before you decide to hire a particular offshore software development company in India, and clearly specify the deliverables of the software project and time lines to be met. Then you must go about setting up an effective communication channel with your provider keeping in mind the language barriers & time zone differences. It could be e-mails, instant chatting, web conferencing, phone calls etc.

Once you’ve everything in place, get ready to reap the benefits of software outsourcing india such as reduced operational costs, opportunities to focus on core business objectives, increased flexibility, improved scalability etc.

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Adam George is a well known writer. He has written many articles on various topics including outsourcing, Presently writing on Software services, Software Development , Offshore Software Development India and other Software testing services.

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The Search For Unabridged Audio Books

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You will need to have heard about abridged and unabridged variations of guides. You must have wondered too what the difference is between them. Abridged textbooks are condensed ones. They’re shortened forms of authentic manuscripts. Traditionally condensing is performed to make any book that’s biblical in length sound fascinating to readers. Now that mp3 guides have grow to be fad and conventional publications are turned into mp3 files, you’ll be able to listen to abridged and unabridged variations of publications on audio tracks. Primarily, this is completed to cut production costs for audio tracks e-book manufacturers. Imagine reading through the classic Cinderella without an elaborate rendition of Cinderella’s plight with her step family? What about studying the Superman series in shortened form? Most people today read guides because they want to encounter the whole story and its characters or the total 12 rules for company engagement. They want each and every detail to be included, not a summary or a general statement of concepts discussed. That’s the identical matter with sound publications. This is wherever unabridged sound guides take the lead. They’re for readers who wish to have the unique manuscripts as if fresh from the hands of your author. It really is for those who desire to go through Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novels in Spanish. A full-length audio e-book on The Art of War, as an example, is not a mere semblance from the genuine thing. It can be the real issue. Maybe the ideal point that you are able to get from an unabridged audio tracks guide is far more listening pleasure for a lower cost. The dilemma resides on how significantly time people can invest reading; hence, the abridged publications and audio tracks ebooks. You can find folks who opt to examine or listen to the unique transcript of famous reading through materials; but since most music textbooks are shortened, they rarely come across the audio publications that they want. The truth is they might be discovered in places wherever traditional publications are sold whether online or off. In traditional bookstores, they have a specific section where unabridged book variations are located. On the web, you can come across new, utilized, and even rental unabridged publications and audio textbooks. You will discover also on the net bookstores that hold a vast collection of unabridged audio tracks books in reasonably priced costs. Most of these bookstores only have the traditional tales in unabridged variations of mp3 ebooks. You look for one that has a complete list of all unabridged audio books whether or not it’s fiction or non-fiction.

For more information about audiobooks, please visit Cheap audio books and buy cheap audio books

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Personalized Books For Valentines Day

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Do you fantasize about traveling to faraway places for a wild adventure? You may even have been reading a book and pictured you and your partner as the main characters.

Now your fantasy can become a reality with the help of your own personalized romance novel this coming Valentines Day.

U Star Novels lets you be the star of your own personalized book while also being able to choose who stars in the story with you. If this sounds like the perfect gift for the one you love, you can order a gift voucher which will enable your partner to order the book of his or her choosing.

A U Star Novels gift voucher can give your partner the ability to choose from any of the romance novels that are available as well as choose who plays the other roles in the story as well.

Rosanna Robinson, 21, from High Wycombe in the UK found the personalized book a great choice for her hubby:

‘I chose ‘Amsterdam Lessons’ and included details like his nickname ‘Bubba’ – I call him that because he’s a big bear. I worried Alan might think the book was too girly. But he rang to tell me how much he’d enjoyed it.’

What are the possible scenarios? These personalized books come in a variety of choices as well as a variety of ratings. The husband could rescue his wife as a damsel in distress and then be rewarded with her appreciation for your gallant efforts.

Keep in mind these personalized romance novels are for adults. When ordering the personalized books, you can check out the ratings for the romance novels that are available so you will know how much of a steamy love story to expect from your personalized book. Here is an example excerpt from Fever In France:

‘It was vibrant and busy inside and the wine was flowing readily. For a second, in between the laughter and the chattering, Peter drifted off, back to Swansea and back to his job at IBM. The events of the last week had moved so fast and been so intense that the normal world of working and commuting through the rat race seemed a million years away. He smiled and a tingle ran down his spine as he snapped back into the movie-like reality of his present. Rose was sitting opposite tackling a slice of pizza that was altogether too big for her mouth; and dropping stringy cheese all down her beautiful new blue dress. She looked down at the result of the cheese and laughed. A slither of it had landed right between her firm breasts and as she fished it out, pulling her dress away from her chest as she did, a passing waiter caught an eye full. The waiter proceeded to trip over a chair and fling his tray of drinks onto the floor.’

A single lip rating denotes a sensual style with some suggestive language. A double lips rating is steamier and includes vivid language and sexual scenes. Three lips represent a scorching hot personalized romance novel that is highly graphic and sexually charged. Four lips is the spiciest choice dealing with steamy romance in these personalized novels.

These personalized books are love stories where the hero and heroine may find themselves in an array of destinations with any sexual situation coming into play. Its the perfect staying-in experience on Valentines Day with your partner.

These personalized romantic novels could be among the best Valentines Day gifts your partner has ever received. Now, with the help of being able to give them a gift voucher to acquire a personalized book, all you have to do is sit back and let them choose how steamy they want things to transpire.

If you’re lucky, you might even be able to reap some unexpected rewards from your thoughtful and unique gift.

U Star Novels pushes the boundaries in the innovative use of personalization. Personalized Romance Novels, various Personalized Books For You and Your Partner, include 10% discount code DCROMANCE at U Star Novels Personalized Books

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The Kids Laptop

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Parents now realize that they’d have to give their kids laptops eventually.Although most parents think of the budget first and want to give the children an inexpensive laptop or notebook . The operative word here is ‘cheap’ for with today’s economic and financial difficulties, giving kids laptops may just be an expensive and unwise decision. Alright, so some would say how the kids need them so they might review their work online and share notes with classmates. The truth is, most of the books distributed in schools are outdated and the only way to find the updated data is over the internet.

However, the budget for the acquisition of a kids laptop remains a very important factor, the requirement is real, so it is about time to do what the kids do, go online and research on cheap laptops. Fortunately, yes, there are several really great laptops you can get that happen to be very affordable. However, it can be crucial for a parent to realize that they should not get stuck on the branded computers marketed available, you will find really good cheap laptops sold.

The fact is, there is a good deal online which you should purchase for a kids laptop, and they’re sometimes even better than the more expensive ones. There are numerous offered online, simply shop around and will find the many cheap laptops such as clones and also the less popular brands. A cheap laptop does not necessarily mean that it won’t work well; in reality, the cheap laptops are compatible with most systems which is the main difference. Most expensive and branded computers only work with a specific system which the company also developed.

In fact, with a cheap laptop you should buy other gadgets that may quickly turn your regular laptop into a higher tech type. Are you aware that there are now many gadgets which you can purchase within a budget that could turn an ordinary laptop into a touch screen laptop? Truthfully, most favor to use the clones and also the cheap laptops for youths laptops since the kids can improve on them without having to deal with all the restrictions of a high end software which can reject the additional programs they install. So think about it – more expensive or the cheaper model? It is all up to you.

Cheap Laptop – All about cheap discount and Kids laptop released.

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Electronic Music For Inspiration And Relaxation