Power Of Android

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Being open Source, you don’t have to pay the licensing fee for its development which you have to pay in case of iPhone or blackberry. There are no jailbreaks and unlock priorities to fulfill in it. Android App developers can sell there applications on the official Android App store or the third party vendor which is not possible in iPhone as there is only one way and that’s Apple store. Android applications are Linux based hence making it stable and secured.

Google Android Applications are chosen because of these capabilities:


Great ROI

Stable platform

Easy development and Good portability

Huge developer community support

Android OS Roils SmartPhone Market

Many sales options

Google has gifted a open source handset operating system for all the future phones which literally gave these handy toys a great power to work as a walking PC’s and perform a great piece of work very easily and without any hassles. It is the best way to make a good money on very less investment.

What you need is just a reputed and certified Android App development company who could easily understand your requirements and mold them into a beautiful Apps. Once you hire a company for your Application you will definitely save your money, time and resources because they are professionals who are trained for it who can develop customized and user targeted Apps bringing glory for you and your business all you need is an imagination and a creative idea, “They will turn them to Application”.

These benefits has stormed the Android Application market by influencing more and more application development companies to jump into it and develop unique and interesting applications.

Now smart phones has enabled a walking person to get connected to the whole world with just one touch and share his experience with the whole world. Businessman’s have started using it as an pocket office and are using it as a small office connector by the help of many Applications. They no more need to sit on the PC or carry a laptop with them.

Elan Technologies, An Offshore Software Development Company Now an ISO 9001:2008 certified
Elan Technologies gives customize software development services to ensure that clients potentiality and market far exceeds their competition specialized in Android Development .

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Fun Halloween Crafts for Kids

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 Spooky decorations are appearing on front lawns, and even the smallest children begin to get excited about trick-or-treating. To keep your little ghosts and goblins busy as this favorite holiday approaches, why not try some of these fun craft ideas?

Pumpkin Seed Necklaces

This is a great activity that can be adapted to different ages – for younger kids, paint the seeds ahead of time, and for older kids, let them color their own. Paint roasted pumpkin seeds in “Halloween” colors (black, orange, green, purple) and using a sturdy needle (supervise young kids for this step) string them on heavy black thread cut long enough to make a necklace.

Handprint Ghosts

Using non-toxic white paint, cover the surface of your hand; with fingers held together, press your hand down to make a handprint on black paper. Cut around the handprint, leaving a bit of black around the edges. Paint black “holes” for the eyes and mouth. These can be strung up to make cute Halloween decorations.

Paper Plate Spiders

These silly, spooky spiders make a great activity for younger kids. Paint the surface of a paper plate black and allow it to dry. Pleat a sheet of black construction paper, then cut lengthwise into eight strips. Glue one end of each strip onto the plate to make the spider’s legs. Glue on a pair of googly eyes, or use cut circles of white paper with a black dot in the center.

Cereal Box Haunted House

This spooky house project is ideal for older children. Open the top flaps of an empty cereal box and tape the edges together to form a peaked roof shape. Cut out holes for windows and doors, and then paint the outside of the box black. Glue or tape yellow or white tissue paper in the “windows” from the inside of the box. Using construction paper, glue, white chalk and other decorative craft items, decorate the outside of the haunted house, making it as creepy as possible. Place a small flashlight inside the box and turn it on to light up the windows.

There is no end to the fun you can have creating fun Halloween crafts with your kids. With a good supply of craft materials and a little imagination, you can come up with all kinds of fun, scary decorations.

Bonnie Lim owns and operates the company “A Kid Place” which specializes in children’s high-quality toys and furniture. Feel free to visit at http://www.akidplace.com to view all this great company has to offer and learn more about the Arts & Crafts they carry.

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Why Do I Need Software to Do Telemarketing?

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Businesses that practice remote sales need to use telemarketing software in order to be productive. Telemarketing is now used by many retail businesses, and these remote call centers should be organized, efficient, customer service oriented, and above all-profitable. Telemarketing software has been developed to help the growing number of businesses reach these goals. The use of telemarketing software provides a competitive edge in this market by allowing companies to get more done.

The telephone dialer is a type of telemarketing software. Dialers call through a list of leads or contacts. In between calls the sales representative stays logged into the dialer system and the dialer continues to calls leads for him. This allows the dialer to immediately route new calls to the sales person. Over the course of a typical work day each sales agent is able to make more calls and spend more of their day selling. Compared to dialing manually sales agents are able to make as many as four times the amount of sales calls when using a dialer.

Contacts can be uploaded directly from a CRM and many dialers have the ability to integrate with the top CRMs. CRMs (customer relationship managers) also track all of the processes associated with remote sales. From the information screens within the CRM calls can be made instantly to contacts and clients. With this click-to-call technology a single mouse click will connect a sales agent to the specified contact.

Email messaging is an important feature available with telemarketing software. Remote sales professionals spend up to a third of their day following up on the calls they made that day. This involves sending emails with additional information on products or promotions. Email messaging technology cuts this time drastically by automating the process. Email templates are designed before the sales calls even take place and can be tested to see what email best achieves the desired action. When an email needs to be sent, it can be done during the actual phone call from within the CRM. By cutting out the time it takes to follow-up, sales agents can spend more time on the phone making calls and closing sales.

The investment in these software programs is worth it to any organization that expects to compete in the remote sales market.

David Harlow is an SEO consultant for InsideSales.com As a firm believer that people should know the facts, Harlow’s blog Inside Sales Adventures seeks to inform new comers to the industry about important terminology in insides sales, as well as to give tips on what to look for when shopping for industry software.

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Top 10 iPhone Apps for the Accounting Pro on the Move

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The iPhone is a terrific portable traveling buddy and a marvelous asset for service professionals, including accountants and CPAs.

Right out of the box your iPhone is a powerful tool, but to really get the most of it there are a number of apps designed to help you run your practice on the move. Here are some of my favorites.

Best of all, they’re all free.

1. Trip Tracker – A fully automated application that keeps track of your travel itineraries with minimal set-up. All you have to do is register your frequent flier and hotel rewards numbers on the site and your complete itinerary will automatically be displayed in the program. Status and changes are updated via push notifications.

2. GateMaps – This is a brand new app, but once it’s fully developed it’s going to be really amazing. The application currently supports only five major hubs: Atlanta (ATL), Chicago O’Hare (ORD), John F. Kennedy (JFK), Los Angeles (LAX), and Miami International (MIA). As the app is developed more airports will be added.

3. Skype – You probably already use Skype on your PC or laptop, but they also have a great mobile app. If you’re an international traveler who likes to pinch pennies this is a great app for you. Call Skype-to-Skype for no charge over Wi-Fi, or use the built-in instant messaging feature. Unfortunately skype has recently started charging for using skype over cellular connections.

4. Yelp – Yelp is very handy when you’re out of town. It provides user reviews for restaurants, bars, and shops making it a whole lot easier to find a good, nearby place to eat.

5. Unit Conversion – This nifty little app lets you convert currencies on the fly.

6. Taxi Magic – This is my personal favorite. You push a button and a cab magically appears. All you need to do is enter your pick-up location and the app does the rest. You don’t even need to make a phone call. Taxi Magic coordinates with the local taxi dispatch services to find the closest to your location. You can even monitor the cab’s progress via GPS. This application is available in most major cities in the United States.

7. Bump – This is a very interesting little app. All you need to do is hold two phones next to one another and it swaps their contact information. Think of it as an iPhone business card, only better. Your card is a lot less likely to wind up in the laundry if it’s on someone’s smart phone.

8. Expensify – Eliminate the burden of lugging all your receipts from your trip around with you with Expensify. It compiles your expenses as you go and packages them up into a report that’s IRS-friendly. One of this app’s major selling points is the ease of uploading information: all you have to do is take a picture of the receipt with your phone’s camera!

9. HopStop – This app turns your iPhone into a public-transportation-sensitive GPS of sorts. By inputting your start and end location, your route will be calculated, taking into account buses, trains, transfers, and turns, and always getting you there as quickly as possible.

10. World Customs and Cultures – Did you know that in Japan it’s considered rude to turn down a drink, even if your glass is full? Down that sucker and hold your glass out for a refill or run the risk of seriously pissing off your host! The World Customs and Cultures app will help you bridge cultural gaps and avoid the many pitfalls of international business negotiations.

These apps make hitting the road for your CPA practice a lot less arduous – and possibly even fun!

Brian O’Connell is the President and founder of CPA Site Solutions, one of the country’s most successful web design firms oriented solely to CPA sites. His company currently provides websites for more than 4000 CPA, accounting, and tax preparation firms.

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Android PC Tablet

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There are several models of Android PC tablet available at different prices but of course the very reasonable. ‘10.2 Inch Touch Screen Tablet PC with Google Android 2.1 OS- 512MB- AG- ZT- 180′ is one of the most selling model nowadays. Due to its nice speed people prefer this Android PC tablet than other. No matter where you are, you will be able to operate this small device to watch movies or checking Emails or just surfing the internet. One additional feature of this mini PC is that it has Ethernet connecting port along with WiFi. This is the best device to handle the urgent office works very effectively. If you are going somewhere with this Android PC tablet then there is no doubt that whole world will be walking with you. There is personalization feature of installing various applications according to your preferences. It has high speed data transferring capacity without any problem.

This pocket PC has operating system of Google Android 2.1 which is very fast and with strong firewall system. This Android PC tablet has 215MB DDR2 of RAM, 4GB of hard disk, 1GHz of processor, storage ROM of 2GB- 32GB. It is designed to support nearly all the video, audio, picture file formats. Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint and PDF file formats can be read by the Android PC tablet. Simple photo and video editing works can be done using Android PC tablet. There are several gadgets included inside this mini PC such as weather, calendar, clock, alarm, news etc. which will be very helpful for doing the normal daily works. Android PC tablet has Li-ion battery which can provide the operative backup plan of 3 hours to 5 hours and the standby timing is of 15 hours to 20 hours. And it will not take much time while charging. There will not be any problem if you are not an English speaker or if you have difficulty in understanding the English language because there are several other languages (for example: French, Arabic, German, Hindi, Japanese, Czech, Swedish, Chinese Thai etc.) included in this Android PC tablet.

If you have any problem in operating the Android PC tablet with touch screen then there are ports for connecting the keyboard and mouse for the convenient use. There is a volume regulating system from the outside and so you will not need to touch the screen for increasing or decreasing the volume while using Android PC tablet.

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Kids play school

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The newest idea among kid playschool is have the educational toys in there school, so that the kids can as well as learn the things


Educational toys for kids should not be treated as ordinary toys. For one thing, toys can be used effectively to reinforce early education. It is now a settled theory that proper toys can help enrich the quality learning for kids while at their play.


The importance of play among kids can be best glimpsed from the fact that humans have the longest childhood among their closest primates. This prolonged childhood stage is very important for the developing the mental faculties among human children.


The human brain, as it is now a generally accepted scientific fact, takes very long to develop. Both the rational and emotional development of kids depends much in their childhood, making quality toy an important factor for kids’ play.


Kids around two or three years of age have natural liking for role-playing and other creative play. Individually or as a group, creative plays among kids can be used as opportunity to induce learning while kids enjoy themselves.


Dressing up, including putting on make-up, are normally learned by girls from grown-up females in an household, while boys and even girls like to transform themselves into characters that the fancy. Kids’ imagination, language facility, general social skill, ang overall emotional behavior can benefit immensely from these types of play.


Educational toys that can strengthen kids’ learning during this creative plays include all types of dolls, costumes for their dressing-up games, and even assortment of materials that can be used for their games.


Kids up to five years of age however, can benefit from educational toys that need construction and designing. Puzzles are good example of the needed type of toy for this age group as these will help their cognitive development, including the problem recognition and decision making skills. After entering school however, this type of toys becomes less attracting to kids, as they learn new games, and consequently toys that go with it, in the school.


Perhaps the most popular of children’s educational toys are those that deal with science. Children that hope to become chemists, geologists and doctors someday can now get themselves toy kits that simulate the experience. Future astronomers can get to practice their “profession” with telescope kits. Future vets are able to learn more about animals and how to care for them with animal kits.


There is a wide range of play sets and devices to tickle a child’s hunger for exploration and discovery, which include the likes of microscopes, dioramas, binoculars, chemisty sets, insect and bug habitats, robotic sets, electronic devices, and others.


Whenever we say the term “educational” and partner it with “toys”, it almost always has this boring ring to it. Without adequate knowledge about the value of educational toys, a lot of us would think that these products are just a waste of money because kids won’t be able to appreciate them, and say it’s for nerds.


This is where we are wrong. Educational toys foster learning AND cater to a child’s creativity. These toys are so well designed and carefully developed that they insert “learning” into the picture without the child realizing that he or she is actually “studying”. This doesn’t mean, though, that educational toys are out to dupe kids into studying. It simply means that toys do not only stimulate kids’ senses and motor skills, but also have the capacity to feed their intellects.


With the birth of educational toys, learning has transformed into an activity that is fun, and not just confined to the four corners of a classroom. Schools have started to incorporate educational toys to their teaching methods, especially to preschoolers, because of this.


It should be noted that both the intellectual and emotional development of kids are at stake while they are playing, or while they are playing with their favorite toys. The reason for this simple: both the emotional and rational sphere are both housed in the brain. Educational toys should therefore, serve the need to develop these two aspects of kids’ brain.


As the kids grow, the need for games and toys evolves, but the need itself remains. This can take the form sports, or other endeavor and hobby other than work.

For more infromation on Kids play school you can visit http://www.kkblr.com/

Hi, This is Manish Sing from http://www.indian-seo.com , KKBLR is a play school based on many country .You can visit KKBLR here : http://kkblr.com

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Exam1pass Cisco 642-437 Tutorials

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How to Make Professional Rap Beats in FL Studio in 4 Steps

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 In this article I will touch on the key factors that you will need to master and this is what separates the pros from the amateurs when producing hot rap beats.

Where to Start

Some people have a preference in what instrument they first want to layout when producing beats in FL Studio. Some prefer the melody, some prefer the bass line and some prefer the drums. No answer to this is wrong or right, and it is mostly a matter of opinion, but for starters I will recommend laying out a good drum pattern first.

Before we get started, set your BPM (beats per minute) to something between 85 and 95.

Creating the Drum Pattern

First, search through your sounds for a nice, hard-hitting kick sample. In the example that we’re going to create, you’ll want to try to find a kick sound that hits hard but does not contain a lot of low-end sub bass (this will make it easier to mix with the bass later). Once you have found a good drum kick sound, fill in the steps on the step sequencer of where you would like the kick to be heard. Now, right-click on the sound in the step sequencer and select “Send to piano roll.” This will put your drum kick pattern in the piano roll where you will want to adjust your velocity. Velocity is what gives the sound a human feel and not so robotic. Technically, velocity is to adjust how hard something is hit, or how hard a string is plucked, a piano key is pressed, etc. Play with this a little bit until your drum kick pattern starts to sound more human and natural.

Next, find a hi-hat sound that you like and again, click the steps where you want the hi-hat to be. Generally, every other note on the step sequencer is a good place to start. Now, do the same thing that you did with the kick sound and send the channel to the piano roll and adjust the velocity. This is even more important on the hi-hat than it is with the kick.

Now for the snare drum(s). I usually like to layer a few together to get the sound just right. I usually like a tight and hard-hitting sound, so I might mix a clap sound with a rim shot and then take 2 different traditional snare hits and turn the level down a little bit on those and then pan one to the right and one to the left at about 35%. For starters, you’ll want to put your snare drum on every 4th step in the step sequencer.

Now, you can add more personal touch if you want using the same techniques already mentioned. Feel free to throw in a cowbell, tambourine, cymbal, etc.

Creating the Bass Line

In most hip hop, a low bass sound is used so really all it provides is power and thump and possibly a catchy tune that helps to “glue” the drum sounds together with the rest of the instruments. Choose a low bass sound that will give a good rumble when being bumped, and if there is too much high-end frequency to the sound then you can always cut it out with proper EQ or low-pass filter. I usually like to have the bass frequency set at 50 to 75hz and have the kick set at about 85 to 90 hz. You can also do this in reverse (have the kick lower frequency than the bass). The most important thing is that they don’t both occupy the SAME frequency space. This is where most amateur beat makers struggle. It can take a lot of practice to mix the drum kick and the bass line together so that they don’t sound weird or cause distortion when they’re on top of each other. This will probably be the last thing that you master when learning to make beats because it can take precise EQ and compression to make it sound crisp and professional.

When writing the bass melody, start out simple. Choose a note scale that you want to use and stay within that scale. If you don’t know music theory, start out by researching scales and pick one at random. Next, put a blank sound (use a sampler channel, or just turn the volume all the way down on the sound) in your step sequencer in fruity loops. Right click it and open the piano roll. Fill in all the notes in that scale, in every octave, and drag the edge of them so that they show up for the whole duration of the full pattern. Now, open the piano roll for your bass and click the little piano icon in the top left corner of the window. Select view > Ghost Channels. Now every note in the scale will be highlighted gray and you know to stay in these notes while writing your melody. This is a tip you really don’t want to ignore because it can help you a lot!

Writing the Main Melody

First, choose your instrument. Let’s pick something simple like a piano. Write a melody that goes along with the bass line. Sometimes you can copy your same bass line but then add more notes in between (remember I said to keep your bass line simple). If you have researched some music theory, you should use some chords here and there and use some type of chord progression. Remember to stay in the scale and always view Ghost Channels to make sure you’re in the scale in you’re unsure. If you want to stay simple you can just have the piano playing for the melody, but feel free to select a couple other complimentary instruments and add some accents here and there. Sometimes I like to use something like a violin just to emphasize certain notes or phrases in the melody.

Writing the Hook

The hook is where you can really go wild because it is the most climactic part of the song. You still want to stay in the correct scale of course, but you can add lots of strings and other instruments. You should either elaborate on the normal verse melody and make it more complex or you should write a totally new melody in the same scale. Remember to try to picture it with vocals on top of it and try to add things that will compliment a finished product / song.

Ryan Jobe has been producing rap beats for 10 years and is the owner of ProBangers.com where he offers completely free beats for commercial (profitable) use with no royalty payments required.

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Never Stop Learning

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If you have ever seen someone at the end of his or her career get shoved out the door for someone younger with a whole lot less experience, you will like this post. You see, when we become a bit stagnant in learning we in turn become somewhat dormant in carrying our selves forward in our own personal development as well. If you have free training, grants for education and so forth, always make sure to take advantage of this. If you work for a company or you are a student, there is sure to be a concession for training and further education grants for people of this status. To be sure, always check with your organization. If you are an entrepreneur, you should set aside a percentage of your earnings every month to further your training as well.

So, what happens if you have no free training and so forth available to you? Well, the answer to that question is simple; you need to make due with the resources available to you. This may be simply getting course books and studying on your own or taking some college level classes that could further or even change your career. It could be White papers, manuals or even instructional Dvd courses. There is a sleuth of information at your fingertips and all you have to really do is tap into it.

A good source of information is a library and you can even borrow books, cd’s, and a whole lot more for free. Don’t overlook these government sponsored knowledge banks. There is also a whole lot of information available to you on the internet. You should make Google your friend and cannot tell you how many courses, webinars, teleseminars that I have personally taken because they were available to myself. Remember, we live in the information age and there is a wealth of information that we can get our hands on if we only work on it.

The reason why you want to keep your mind in tiptop shape as a learning machine is simple. You are either growing or you are simply dying. I’ve got news for you. If you are a professional that has been out of college for say 10 years and have not achieved any other professional certifications and so on in that time, you are in danger of becoming redundant in one way or another. Remember, if you are not growing you are dying. There is a whole new generation of knowledge workers being trained in the most efficient manner possible and could easily take your place. Doesn’t matter if you are entrepreneur working with clients or an employee working with a big corporation, you can easily be replaced. Use this knowledge to drive you and to your advantage in growing yourself and become irreplaceable in any endeavors you undertake.

Keep your mind sharp and your body will follow. When you keep your mind at the top of it’s game, you naturally will want to take control of your health and fitness levels, relationships, life freedom and other areas in your life. Get on the path you need for greater learning today. We can all learn something from someone else and never be afraid to admit you don’t know the answer but need to understand how to arrive at that answer. You want to basically be an attraction magnet for learning. Once people around you know that you are a beacon of knowledge, you become somewhat indispensable and will be taken more seriously over others that may simply exist. So, I wish you the best in your pursuit of knowledge and that you will use to your advantage for greater success!

Article Source: http://ezineseeker.com/?expert=Dwight_Anthony

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Kids Toothpaste

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Getting your kids to brush their teeth can sometimes be difficult for a wide variety of reasons. The most important thing to keep in mind is choosing the right toothpaste for your kids. Main stream kids toothpastes contain a wide variety of questionable chemicals, and the fact that they will be putting this in their mouths is definitely cause for concern. My advice is that you purchase natural kids toothpaste. Even when choosing a self proclaimed natural kids toothpaste you may want to watch out for some of the following chemicals; alcohol, artificial sweeteners, parabens, salicylates, sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), triclosan. These chemicals can have a wide variety of ill effects from drying the tissue, causing canker sores, allergies and concerns with cancer. Once you have found the natural kids toothpaste you like, have your kids try it and see if they like the taste.

It is very important that they like the taste because if they don’t, it will make getting your kids to brush their teeth even harder. You can have your kids try numerous kids toothpastes until they find the one they like. I like Junior Varsity Naturals Kids Toothpaste you can find them at http://www.toothpasteforkids.com but there are a lot of different companies that offer good natural kids toothpastes, again let your kids decide which one they like best because the most important thing is that your kids actually brush their teeth. Next step is getting your kids a toothbrush. Sounds pretty simple right? It is, but keep in mind, the size of the toothbrush is important because you want the brush to fit their little mouths or brushing can end up being uncomfortable or even painful. If your kids have sensitive teeth and gums make sure to pick the softest brush you can find. You may even want to let your kids pick it out. It may be a good idea to find a fun toothbrush with bright colors or even cartoon characters. It will make brushing seem like a fun time.

Get excited when it comes time to brush, and get your kids excited about it. Have a good time with it, as if it is a really fun thing, almost play time. Let your kids know it\’s time to brush away all of that bad bacteria that can cause cavities with that natural kids toothpaste. Explain to your kids that after they eat a bad thing called bacteria begins to run rampant in their mouths and it is very important to brush, brush, and brush away that bad bacterium so they have white, healthy and clean teeth. Make sure your kids are only using a small amount of toothpaste so that it doesn\’t foam up to much and cause a gag reflex. Even though there are kids toothpastes that are safe to swallow never let them get in the habit of doing that. They may end up using a mainstream kids toothpaste and end up getting sick because of it. I wish you the best of luck in picking a good natural kids toothpaste and promoting proper oral care with your kids.

You can buy kids toothpaste from online stores and get discounts. Click here to know more about kids toothpaste

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Electronic Music For Inspiration And Relaxation