Java Training Institutes ? The Center for Advanced Learning

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Pune is known as the Oxford of the East, several IT institutes populate the city. Secure your career in the right manner by opting for one of the best Java institutes. Java is developing lately, the need for Java engineers is on a rise too. Convert every opportunity into your growth; steps like these would take you places. This article equips you with detailed information about the course and how to select the perfect institute.

Adhere to the simple guidelines mentioned in this article to select Java Training Institutes according to your needs.

It is important for the institute to have reputation in the educational industry. Based on its reputation you would have a clear idea about its teaching.

Feel free to check out its website mentioned on the internet. Institute website will have testimonials from students who have completed their course. If you come across any negative feedback then feel free to choose another institute for Java course.
Negotiate the fees, this is possible when you are ready to pay the entire amount in one go.  Lookout for loan options that can help in sorting out your fees issue.
Placements should be provided at the end of the course, placements would help you in securing your life by getting you the dream job.

Hibernate Framework Course Content

Object Relational Mapping
Introduction to Hibernate
Hibernate Mapping
Creating Persistent Classes
Hibernate Query Language
Mapping Collections
Hibernate Caching

OCJP Preparation Course Content

Object-oriented concepts
Java Language fundamentals
Control Structures and Exceptions
API Contents
Utility, Collections and Generics

Android Training Courses / Android Certification Content

Mobile computing
Android Basics
Basic UI Building
Adv. UI Creation
Content Provider
Sending an SMS
Unit Testing Android
Playing a song
Connecting to the Internet
Multi-Touch features
Location based services with GPS
Working with Data (SD Card)
Creating a Google Maps application
Taking a photograph
Using the Sensors
Android App Market

Java Training Course Content

Object-oriented Concepts
Introduction to Java
Writing Java classes
Language fundamentals
Inheritance & Polymorphism
Java API Support
Exception Handling
Collection Framework & Generics
GUI with Java Swing controls
Event Delegation Model
Swing MVC
Socket programming
Input-Output (File I/O)

Business Component Development Course Content

Remote Method Invocation
EJB Introduction
Session Beans
Entity Beans
Message Driven Beans
EJB Transactions

Spring Framework Course Content

Introduction to Spring Framework
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
Spring Bean Wiring
Applying an Advice to a bean
Spring and Databases
Transaction Management

The above-mentioned guidelines are apt for selecting Java Training Institutes for your future needs. Conduct your research and then only move ahead with the application process.

SEED Infotech is leading Java Training Institutes in India. We have more than 17 years of experience in technology world. Join our Advanced Java Course for bright future and great career opportunity. Also Get the knowledge about Java Certification Course,Android Development Course, Data Structure Course & other broad exercising courses for IT Infrastructure Management program.

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Or Log in. offering extensive sketching tutorials

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Or Log in. is one such website that offers extensive tutorials regarding learning the art of sketching. These sketching tutorials are being aimed to be fruitful and these are being offered in a very wide range. is a relatively new website being established a couple of years ago but it has got an air of repute regarding its offered tutorials. The craze of learning sketches online has managed to go over the boarder lines and this is the reason, a hoard of such websites can be witnessed dealing in this very business. But Sketchheroes is one such online spot that literally aims at delivering the very best of services regarding extensive and detailed sketching tutorials. Sketching is a very preferable pass time hobby for a lot max tutorialof people but still there are those who have a nick for it but do not tend to have any experience or practice for sketching. is one such website that is adamant on delivering the sketching tutorials with full conviction and ease so that the newbies can learn it easily as well. There are a number of subjects on which these tutorials are being issued like how to draw Pikachu, different movies characters, cartoon characters, normal day to day items, manga and anime character etc. so, anyone having interest in any type of sketching can be fully benefitted after having spent some time over this very spot. The whole sketching procedure is simplified into many steps so that the younger ones can also learn this art. This is the reason, the popularity of is jus not limited to the adults but it is equally popular with the younger ones as well max tutorial.

The basic aim of this website is to turn any one into a sketch hero through its offered tutorials. This is the reason; the range of sketches does involve cartoon characters along with the movie characters. But the most significant feature is the effort put forth by the team of in creating such tutorials that can make any one a sketching specialist. Besides this tutorial, the facility of joining the community is also there and by becoming the members of this website max tutorial, the users can partake in forum discussions as well. This not only helps in increasing the social circle but it tends to help a lot in knowing many latest trends going on in the realm of sketching. indeed is offering qualitative sketching tutorials for the general guidance and for the need to draw a specific character as well. In order to know more details, just log on to

good collection max tutorial

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A Discussion Regarding Beginner’s Computer Tutorials

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So many people are happy to take what they are given, and this is not in and of itself a bad thing. When it comes to getting a new computer, it is not realistic to expect a relative beginner to know what exactly they need and how to get it, and leaving them to their own devices in putting together the best set-up is only going to lead to long-term problems. For this reason, the putting together of a new system is best left to the experts. But does this mean that a beginner should put up with a cookie-cutter out of the box set-up?

Beginners’ data processing machine Tutorial is designed to show the beginner how to create the perfect computer for them, step by step. It is a guide which is easy to pick up and put into action, and comes with plenty of backup to allow even the most uninitiated to put things together in a way which will give them the data processing machine they need at a price they can afford. Based on the idea of guides “for dummies”, this guide assumes only the most basic knowledge and harnesses that to give ideal information.

If you have said the words “I want to put together my own computer” and then found yourself wondering how you would do such a thing, then this guide is for you. It will make it all very simple and give you the chance to have the data processing machine that best suits your needs, and you will learn a great deal into the bargain.

Self Computer Repair Unleashed

We’ve all been there. You sit down in front of your PC with a cup of coffee and an hour’s mindless surfing in mind, or a vital project to do, and switch the machine on. Nothing happens. Or worse, something does happen that confuses the living hell out of you and makes you wonder what it was. Within moments, you know one thing – your number cruncher isn’t working and shows no signs of beginning to run as it should. Shortly after that, you’re looking at bank statements and wondering how you’re going to pay an exorbitant call-out fee for repairs.

Self Repair Unleashed is designed for just that eventuality. So many people end up spending money they can ill afford repairs because without their machine they really will be up the creek. Because this is an important service, and gets people out of a hole – and most of all, is not something most people know much about – those who can do it can also charge a heck of a lot of money for their services.

This, however, is a guide that shows you how to fix hundreds of faults without having to go to the Yellow Pages and call out a technician who may fix your machine but will leave your bank account bruised and battered. With this guide, you will never have to call out another technician, nor lose time and work to a temperamental PC. It’s an investment in the future of yours.


The present financial climate is such that people are finding it harder and harder to land a job, with countless applicants for nearly every post, and companies less able to pay major salaries. It is not only difficult to find a job but hard to keep one, and practically impossible to get into a job where the wage rises to meet the cost of living. Going it alone is starting to sound more and more like the best option, but at the same time it takes a hell of a lot of courage to get out there and start doing it. Many of us require a push to get started.

The PappaPC ebook is a fantastic guide for those who want to do exactly this and want to make sure they can do it in an industry that will keep paying well. People will always need theirs, and will as a result pay more for the privilege of keeping them running – and with more and more people out there ready to pass on viruses and other harmful programs, there is a need for people who know how to remove these programs and protect them in the long term.

This guide will show you how to keep yours free from viruses, pop ups, malware, spyware and much more – and in addition, will show you how to do it for other people, giving you a chance to run your own business doing a necessary good for people who are at the mercy of the rogue programs out there. This is a great opportunity for you.

For more information articles – visit : buying a tablet pc & augen gentouch & also apad tablet

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Fun Things For Kids – Cookie Exchange at Preschool

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Last year I had my first experience with Preschool. I have to say that at every turn I seemed to not be quite with the program when it came to the holidays and the treats or gifts that went with each one.

Halloween – My child got a goodie bag from each of the children in her class. We did not hand out any. We didn’t know that we needed to.

Thanksgiving – My child got a small gift from her teacher. We did not give her teacher anything. I didn’t realize that Thanksgiving was a gift giving holiday in school.

So, 10 weeks into the school year I am feeling very guilty about not knowing the protocol for holidays and gifts. I was determined to make amends in the upcoming holidays.

Christmas – My child got a gift bag from her teacher and a gift or card from each child in her class. I sat up until the wee hours of the morning with little foam stockings, foam letter and ribbon making a little personalized tree ornament for each of my daughters classmates. I also made a little picture frame for her teacher and included a picture of the two of them from the beginning of the year. Whew, I think that I did OK on that one.

Valentine’s Day – My child got a Valentine…AND a bag of treats…from each student in the class. I sat down with my child to help her print out 15 Valentine’s Day cards. She had to write TO: their name and FROM: her name. She is not great at printing small letters so she would run out of room…cry because it was wrong…start all over again. Good thing we had 2 boxes of cards. I also had to do 15 cards for my 2 year old. I did not know to send goodie bags for this one though.

Easter – My child got Easter treats from her teacher. She gave her teacher a special picture that she had colored. I hope that was good enough.

End of the Year – OK, this was the big one. My child got a gift bag and card from her teacher. I had gone out and bought a small set of candles ($ 10) for her teacher and the assistant. We also had to buy for my son’s teacher and assistant, the music teacher and the preschool director. I tried to pick out something that I would like as a gift from a student.

So, what conclusion did I come to? The expectations for gifts in PRESCHOOL (where we live) are ridiculous. Did I mention that I was the one doing all the work for the gifts that she was going to give out? Oh yeah, then there is the fact that all this gift giving can get a little costly!!

I am boycotting any gift giving this year. We are making cookies. All kids love cookies right?

For Halloween we made special cookies for the class. I bought the ones that come out of the “can” and have the Halloween decorations already in them. It couldn’t have been easier.

Didn’t have to do Thanksgiving because we were going out of town J Bonus for me!!

My enlightened moment came when I was contemplating what to do for Christmas. This is no way that I am going to have time to be “crafty”. We are going to have a COOKIE EXCHANGE in each of the kid’s classrooms!!!

Here is how it will work:

Each child will bring 2 dozen of their favorite cookies.

Now, I realize that the moms are going to have to do some work here but it will be faster than making decorations and cheaper than buying a gift. The great thing is that you can do this with your kids. My kids love to cook with me. There is always a mess to clean up but there are always smiling faces at the end of it. OK, back to the great idea!!

On the cookie exchange day the parents will send their child to school with the cookies and a plastic container with a lid.

The children will set out their cookies on a table and then go around the table with their plastic container taking 1 cookie of each kind until all the cookies are gone. They can put the lid on the cookies and bring them home. They can think of their friends and enjoy cookies over the entire Christmas Break.

I will get my daughter a package of Christmas cards so that she can write one for each of her friends and her teacher. Her printing is so much better this year but I will get big cards just in case J. There, the “gifts” are done.

So, I have saved myself time and money and therefore my sanity will still be in tact at the time of year I need it most.

I hope that many of you moms can relate to what I went through last year. I just don’t want to be the only one who feels like an idiot for messing up the gift and card thing. Please use this cookie exchange idea. Claim it as your own idea J I won’t mind a bit. Just promise me that you will let me know how it all goes.

Happy (a little bit more sane) Holidays!!

Dayna Palmer is a mother of 3 children – 1 girl and 2 boys – ages 5, 3, and 1 and lives in Roanoke, VA. She is actively involved in bringing parents and kids together with area businesses and organizations through her popular kids website. Dayna Palmer’s website [] provides families with a local events calendar, kid friendly businesses and organization, job listings for childcare workers, a classified buy & sell forum and other local kid worthy information. [] is the only website in the Roanoke area dedicated to “all things kids”.

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Choosing One of the Leading Mobile Apps Development Companies

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Over the past few years, there have been tremendous improvements seen in mobile communications. All thanks to globalization that enabled technology flow from one place to another place is a smooth manner. This technology spread has made people doing extensive use of different mobile-based applications. Be it banking sector or social networking, you will find various mobile applications available for different mobile handsets. Just an example, you can today easily perform net banking simply using an app on your mobile handset. This medium is not only convenient but allows you to access your bank or store or clinic or office wherever you go.

Whether it is a small organization or a multinational enterprise, it is extremely necessary for a company to remain available on mobile platform as well. As the number of internet users is rising day by day, sellers don’t want to leave any single place through which they can reach to their buyers. Therefore, getting your mobile application developed and being used by your target users is a thing of necessity in today’s business scenario.

Now the question is how to get a highly effective mobile-based application developed. The answer is there are large numbers of mobile and iphone app development companies out there in the market that can easily do this task for you but the major challenge lies in selecting the best Mobile Apps Development company for you, which suits your technology development as well as business needs and it requires great amount of prudence and due diligence. The best thing is to do a comprehensive research on all the mobile apps development companies present in the ecosystem, and contact the ones that look like most promising and best-matching mobile apps development companies. You can then talk to them more, review their capabilities, past experience, quality of proposal and sales communication, interact with their team, figure out pricing Vs value they are offering and finally decide to get going with the one that fulfills maximum of your criteria or atleast the most critical criteria.

If we talk about outsourcing to India, then reasonable cost is of course a prominent factor but besides cost, there are various important factors like Quality of the Mobile Application (which is most important) availability of the skill-set, quick development, domain knowledge, and professionalism that together helps you in taking your decision. You will never want to end up with an app that you got developed at insanely cheap prices via freelancing portals, but which only runs on simulator and crashes on device, or a buggy app which user downloads but then removes because of frequent errors, worse – the apple will reject it for submission. Ultimately, you’ll end up in losing on your real good business idea because of so called cheap and low quality development, and certainly we don’t want you to face it. So always consider the quality of the Mobile Apps development company first, and price should be secondary factor. If you have any Mobile App development idea, then don’t hesitate to dropping a note to Agicent via, you’ll get a response within 12 business hours!

Out of several available mobile apps development companies in India and elsewhere, Agicent Technologies is one of the best and most professional Mobile and iphone app development companies. Agicent not only provide you quality programming like .Net Development Services, but also mobile apps consulting services and acts as your true outsourcing partner for long term. If you have any Mobile App development idea, then don’t hesitate to dropping a note to Agicent via, you’ll get a response within 12 business hours!

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Computer Books Online tells clearly about all the programmings

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In this modern age, none wanna be backward on the behalf of the computer knowledge and that is why today were find huge number of computer books in the market and Computer Books Online as well.

In order to get the common concept about the computer operation we all need to get the the starting knowledge of the computer and which could be learned easily with the help of MS Office books from which we can know about MS Excel, MS Power Point and MS Word. All these three operations of computer are the most important thing and among these three MS Word is the most rigorous to learn because if your are unaware about its working procedure then it would be very tough and typical for you so to learn other processing of the programming machine which is commonly known as a computer.

With the help of internetwork connection we can know about Vista, CADD, interaction design,UNIX international, XML programming Bible, computer circuit designing, Java and so on. All the above computer related topic tells us that the area of computer is very wide. If we take a dip in the ocean of the computer information then we will be amazed that how widen has become the technology.

The computer books like Jupiner network net screen and firewalls, Mac OS X Leopard, computers in society, Java applications, database a primer, upgrading and repairing personal computers, build your own website-the right way using HTML and CSS, computer forensics etc are fantastic books written by various authors and are capable to let to know a widen areas and computer specialization.

If you too have a desire to be a computer specialist then you need to have a deep study of various kinds of computer books online so that you can learn how to make circuit designing ;how to make your own websites and how to bring out an original software of personally yours.

Jacko Liver is one of many professional writers on this website. He has been writing interesting and thought-provoking articles on Books and Magazines, Medical Books and Romantic Books in th UK with cheap books visit our books shop.

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How to Choose Professional Studios for Ballroom Dance Lessons?

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Today most of the people are well aware of dance. Literally speaking this is an aerobic activity. This is a unique method through which you can move you total body easily. At the same time, this is an easy option to express your emotions in different way. Since it is a mild form of aerobic activity that does not cause excessive strain on the muscles, it is certainly beneficial for health.

Children and adults can learn dancing and there is no age limit to take training lessons. So you need not really take lessons only if you are about to take part in an event or in a competition. There are a number of adults who simply love the idea of dancing and enroll in a professional studio. So if you are willing to learn this dance form, you will certainly need to take some ballroom dance lessons by enrolling in a reputed school that specializes in this art form.

Learning ballroom dance lessons are the best ways to keep the mind active and keep the body fit. Since there are so many muscle groups that are involved while dancing, it is certainly a good way to perform aerobic activity and keep the body in good shape. Dance is also an essential social activity and you can make a lot of friends while you learn dancing.

This type of art form requires a partner and you will find a number of newcomers like yourself you can pair with. If you are in a group, then you can keep switching different partners so you can learn to dance well, irrespective of your partner. However, if you are taking dance training where you require individual attention, then you may be paired up with one partner, or your professional teacher may act as your partner and also guide you through the dancing lessons.

In addition, this dancing form helps in building an intimate personal contact with your dance partner. Having a steady partner helps in more ways than one. It helps in building a strong bond between the two people and this will result in perfect coordination and elegant art form of movements. Social dancing is also beneficial and if you are taking ballroom dance lessons at any professional studio, you have every chance to meet a number of enthusiastic and like-minded people as well.

Learning this art form has been quite a popular hobby for most people and is a part of our culture. Since it is such a huge stress buster, dancing is an activity that is enjoyed by adults and children alike. Children benefit a great deal as they develop social skills and learn to shed their inhibitions as they learn to interact with their ballroom dancers.

Therefore, even the quietest child has a chance to blossom in such an atmosphere. Taking ballroom training also helps children improve their self-esteem and makes them more confident as well. This is true professional training always make you expert in this manner. So try to choose a professional training studio before get admission.

Ballroom of Huntington offers the best ballroom dance lessons in Long Island. Our curriculum provides a solid foundation ball room dancing lessons for beginner students, as well as a challenge for the more advanced dance lessons for wedding. Our highly trained ballroom dancers teach you more than just ballroom dancing lesson. We offer all types of ballroom dancing lessons including salsa, Cha Cha, Fox Trot, Tango, Belly dancing etc.

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Can a Mobile App Turn Into an Effective Marketing Tool for Real Estate Agents?

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The growth of the mobile industry has become phenomenal. It does not need anyone with special skills to notice this. Phones are everywhere and everybody has embraced the use of phones. There is no discrimination in the use of phones, from the young to the old, the poor to the rich and also people of different races and origins all use mobile phones. The development of mobile apps as marketing tools is one of the most successful areas in the mobile industry. This is because with the use of apps, almost everybody can be reached.

Real estate agents just like any other business people also have to embrace the use of apps. These are very convenient and very cost effective. Mobile apps are convenient in the sense that the real estate agents can make valuable information readily available to their customers or potential customers while they are constantly on the go.

Mobile apps are also very cost effective in that, with this marketing tool, the real estate agent is able to reach many people at a very low cost. By utilizing Push Notifications which work just like text messages, real estate agents could send thousands of messages free of charge. As long as the potential client has the app installed on his phone, this method of communicating is cheaper and more effective compared to any other means of advertisement. The method is also fast and easy to manage. Direct mailings carry very low open rates as do emails these days.

Real estate agents can use apps to showcase the available homes. These are some of the very unique features that are only found with the use of mobile apps. The agents can also provide home buying and home selling consultation forms through the apps. Free consultation forms are great at generating leads for the agent. This is to show how great this tool of marketing is.

We should however not forget that mobile phones are still gadgets of communication. But this serves as an advantage to the marketers since these mobile apps have features like “tell a friend”. With such features, the mobile user can recommend the mobile app to their friend and thus information is passed faster and quicker to many people.

Mobile Apps will most likely turn into a great marketing tool for real estate agents. They are the latest thing out there and generate a lot of interest from consumers. One should not be left behind for whatever reason as the trends are changing and one should work to suit with the emerging trends.

Now that you know how mobile apps can be used to market services provided by real estate agents, visit ImIn Marketer for effective and affordable mobile solutions. ImIn Marketer is a mobile app developer with monthly packages starting as low as .95. Visit for all your mobile marketing needs.

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Mobile Application Development Outsourcing

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Mobile Apps can be developed on different types of platforms iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian and Windows. The two most popular platforms are Android and iPhone purely because of the market share they command and app development for these phones makes it a preferred platform.

Most mobile app development companies invest in developing or upgrading the skill sets to keep pace with the modifications or upgrades these phones undergo. These factors make outsourcing app development more significant due to the continuous efforts that are required to keep pace with the technological changes.The apps can be developed using API’s provided by respective phone companies which are termed native apps or by using cross-platform frameworks developed by non-phone manufacturing companies. Mobile Application Development Outsourcing is gaining momentum as more businesses look to go mobile thereby giving themselves a competitive advantage. Enterprises are adopting mobile as a way forward and need experts in this space to compete in the market and building that expertise in-house is always a challenge due to the non-core nature of the business. Hence, outsourcing mobile app development will lead to quick turnaround; faster go to market and substantial savings in cost.

Stringent quality check by the app stores makes it more advisable to hire specialists who understand the quality parameters to deploy the apps on these app stores. Applications are required to be thoroughly tested before they are deployed in app stores. Enterprises can outsource the design, development, testing and deployment of apps for various devices like iPhone, Android phones and Windows, thereby saving huge cost of development.

Outsourcing model the companies can adopt could be on fixed price project or on a time and material basis depending upon their requirement. While outsourcing the key factors to be considered is the type of apps the outsourcing company has developed whether they are consumer apps or business apps. Most importantly, the expertise these companies bring in outsourcing, past and present credentials, customer references, and project management and delivery methodology.

A typical mobile app development company would provide services for iPhone Application Development, Android Application Development, Blackberry and Windows Application Development. However, some companies specialize in cross-platform app development to create HTML 5 apps which are compatible with all the Smartphone’s.

Shekhar Murahari is a co-founder of Synergy Technology Services an offshore outsourcing company specializing in bespoke software development.

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Is the Microsoft Kin 2 Worth Kinsideration?

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The Kin 2 is a three way collaborative effort involving Microsoft, Sharp, and Verizon. The result is a new approach on the way to Smartphone telephony that for me was disappointment piled on disappointment. It seems strange somehow that while the Windows Mobile operating system is ready for a serious redo, this Microsoft device has nothing to do with WM OS.

Right out of the gate, the most profound and amazing letdown is the fact that it is not possible to add any applications to this unit. You must accept it as is. So there’s no use complaining about the lack of an app store, for there are no apps. Unbelievable.

You cannot even add things like Google Maps. Of course there is no GPS and not even a way to add third party functionality with an antenna because you cannot install any software.

While you can access Google Docs and Notebook you cannot edit or create new documents. If you want to access other Microsoft applications such as Word or Excel or PowerPoint you can forget about it. There’s not even a way to take notes or to record audio notes.

I could go on about how it won’t make 31 flavors of ice cream and it won’t stop a missile attack, but it was never intended for these things. What was the intention? Apparently the developers have isolated a target market for this device among the younger generation and its preoccupation with music, photos, texting, and social networking. But what about gaming? Sorry, no games-not even solitaire.

The programs that come pre-installed on the device facilitate the above functions, and that’s about it. The installed apps include the following: Phone, Music, Help, Alarm, Browser, Settings, Email, Feed Reader, and Search. By the way, the search function only applies to items on the phone, not the Internet, and there is no voice search.

All these apps appear on one of three panels that can be rotated into view when the device is turned on.

Two more panels are available with the flick of a finger (yes, it is finger friendly-but the scrolling is slow). One of the screens contains posts from your favorite social networking sites such as My Space, Facebook, and Twitter. This page is called the Kin Loop. The remaining page contains your favorite contacts with pictures if you wish and access to all the rest of your contacts.

These would be handy functions for many people. You can add more content to the apps page as links to your favorite Websites, which is nice. But you are still limited to only three pages.

An innovative feature that goes along with the teenie bopper crowd that this device is apparently aimed at is the ability to share stuff. There is a little blue button at the bottom of every screen. This is called the Kin Spot. All you have to do is drag something to it and you can share it with your pals. It can be a file, a Website, a picture, a video, a tune, an email, a text message, whatever you want, however you want to send it. This is nice.

Another innovative feature of the Kin 2 is that everything is backed up online to the Kin Studio so that you never have to worry about losing your data. There is no syncing as such, but you can connect to your online account wirelessly and remotely to transfer files back and forth. I like this feature, but I fear that it may add to the cost of the account.

I was able to import all my Gmail information and contacts. I was also able to access my calendar from Gmail as well as my tasks.

Thank goodness for Google. Without Google, this device would be less useful. While I can edit and add items in calendar, tasks, and notebook, I cannot edit or create new docs in Google Docs, which is a shame. At least Notebook gives me the ability to take notes, a functionality that is otherwise lacking. However, I understand that Google has discontinued the support of Notebook and that if you don’t already have an account, you cannot get a new one. Too bad.

As an aside, there are some good alternatives to Notebook available such as Evernote and Zoho Notebook. I prefer the latter because of its collaborative features.

I am happy to report that Google Voice works with the Kin 2. If you’re not familiar with Google Voice, I recommend applying for an account. Voice not only records your voice mail, it transcribes it and allows you to scroll through your list of voicemail so that you don’t have to listen to every message. It also compiles a directory of all your messages in one place so that you can instantly review your email, texts, IMs, and voice mail. It notifies you of incoming activity too.

But that’s not all. Voice also gives you a free Voip phone number that you can use to make free phone calls over the Internet. People can also call you on that number. You can use it for free texting as well, which makes it a great money saver and convenience.

Browsing on the Kin 2 at first seems to be just fine with the initial screen fitting the device perfectly and with little tabs along the top. You can drag down the address bar to type in a new address or to go back to a previous screen.

You can scroll with a finger gesture, but it doesn’t glide as well as other devices I’ve tested. You can also use a finger gesture to expand or contract the image on the screen. However, when the image is enlarged, you must be prepared to scroll around for it does not wrap to the screen, which I find annoying and inconvenient.

While my first choice of a keyboard is in the vertical position, I must say that the slide-out QWERTY, horizontal, backlit keyboard on the Kin 2 is very nice. The keys are round and elevated for a good tactile quality that makes it easy to type without mistakes.

I found the sound quality on the phone to be satisfactory as well as the audio playback on the FM radio and stereo music player. I did miss calls repeatedly because the phone simply did not ring for incoming calls even though the volume was at the highest level. Media playback formats include AAC, MP3, WMA for audio; h.264/AVC, MPEG-4, WMV for video; JPEG and PNG for images. There is a 3.5 mm jack for stereo audio output and built-in speakers.

As far as music goes, you can import your own but this device is an extension of Microsoft Zune, and you are encouraged to join the Zune music streaming service for $ 15 a month, which adds considerably to the monthly cost.

Kin 2 has a nice 8 MPX camera on board with video, auto focus, digital zoom, and flash. Pictures are automatically geotagged if within range of cell towers for triangulation. I found that this feature rarely worked.

This device comes with 8 GB of internal memory which could get filled up fast with tunes and pix. Unfortunately, there is no expansion slot. I suppose that’s a good reason to take advantage of Zune’s streaming media so as not to use up valuable storage space.

With a 3.4 inch display and a 320 x 480 resolution, the Kin is not the brightest kid on the block. It measures 4.25 X 2.5 x.75 inches and weighs 4.7 ounces.

Its 1390 mAh Li-ion battery has a suggested standby time of 232 hours. I found that the battery drains fairly rapidly under normal usage and I would have difficulty getting through the day without a recharge. At least the battery is replaceable so that you can carry a spare.

Connectivity to the outside world is accomplished by means of 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi with WEP, SPA, WPA2 encryption as well as Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR. There is no infrared and no GPS. Localization is accomplished by means of cell tower triangulation, which is referred to as GPS.

The Kin 2 is capable of sending both SMS and MMS messages. It supports POP3, IMAP, and Push email (exchange).

There are built-in sensors for an accelerometer and ambient light detection. Additional features include flight mode and TTY/TDD accommodation.

Kin 2 costs $ 199, but you get a $ 100 rebate with a two year contract bringing the price down to $ 99. A contract will cost in the neighborhood of $ 69 per month for text, phone, and data. Add another $ 15 for streaming Zunie tunes.


The Kin 2 has some innovative features such as wireless Web syncing and automatic backup of data online. The Kin Spot for sharing is also a creative idea unique to the Kin. I suppose the Zune tune streaming approach is a good idea too, if you want to pay for it. It has a nice 8 MPX camera, and you can easily send video clips via email or MMS. The slide out horizontal keyboard is a pleasure to use. I hope the Kin will appeal to the intended audience with its orientation to social networking.

However, the Kin 2 impresses me more as a novelty phone than a serious productivity tool. I would never consider the Kin 2 personally because I can’t hook it up to a Bluetooth keyboard for travel and meetings. I cannot access, create, or edit my Office documents. It has no means of taking screen shots. I wish it had a memory card. Navigation with GPS would be nice too.

I could go on and on about what it doesn’t do but that’s not fair because it clearly was not designed to be a workhorse for a road warrior who wants to leave his laptop at home. It’s more of a toy for teens who are attached to Twitter, text, and tunes.

The biggest deal breaker for me is the fact that there are no apps available for it, and it is incapable of downloading common apps out there such as Google Maps. This is really inconceivable this day and age with iPhone, Android, and Palm Pre Plus competing for market share with bazillions of cool apps. And what about the intended audiences’ penchant for game playing? No games. Big mistake.

I have heard a rumor that Microsoft may eventually integrate the Kin with Windows Mobile 7 when it is released and then it would be possible to add apps to it. But for now the lack of apps is a highly negative factor.

While the Kin 2 does not measure up to my expectations for a device I would want in my pocket, it may very well suit the needs of the intended audience if the interest is indeed focused on social networking, pics, tunes, and text.

Timothy Hillebrand, Ph.D. is a retired archaeologist and windows mobile expert who writes for Smartphone & Pocket PC magazine and several other publications. Visit his blog at

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