The Mobile Phone App Market Continues to Grow

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Like a mobster with zero indiscretion, mobile apps have muscled their way into our lives. Users are spending as much or even more time in front of their mobile phones as they are in front of their browsers, and in some corners, mobile apps have even been called the new Web. From information on the weather, stock market quotes, silly games, to even location-based social networking and GPS Tracking, these mobile apps have created a niche industry in and of itself – and a big one, at that. Figures show that more than half a million apps are downloaded every hour, and on average, every Smartphone user has 22 mobile apps loaded onto their mobile device, this from an industry that did not exist 2 years ago. A Burrell Associate’s report published recently forecasted that the spending on ads delivered by Mobile apps will jump from $ 305M this year to $ 685M next year. By 2015, that same figure could be a whopping $ 1.2B. The report also estimates that the number of mobile phone users that are able to receive these ads will triple from one in five users to three in five users. GTX Corp (GTXO) is leveraging the mobile phone app market in a big way. Recently the company launched a real-time live Tracking App for the iPhone, BB and Android platform. The new app is not just a tracker; it’s an interactive friend-finder, child-locator, and social planner, among many other unique features. The Tracking App is part of the company’s web-based service and offers cross-platform, real-time GPS tracking of friends and family, kids and co-workers. This new Tracking app could be the company’s next blockbuster as it already hit the number 30 spot its 5th day on the market and is now the Company’s second paid for App on the charts. GTX Corp has also had a free app on the charts for 10 months and saw a 400% one-month revenue increase from advertising as this app continues to be the flagship free app supported through advertising. Also recently launched on the Android platform for those of us who loose or misplace our phones and don’t feel bad because over 70 million phones are reported lost or stolen every year in the U.S. the Company offers an innovative way to find your missing phone. Simply text it your PIN or pass code and the phone will report back its location. Simple but very useful, keeping with the company’s philosophy to help you locate with a push of a button or in this case a text message. With crossing over 700K downloads in 92 countries, on 6 platforms; the Company continues to make huge inroads in the Mobile LBS (Location Based Services) market, a market which mobile carriers are calling Pure Gold. Look for more success stories coming from this company that is pioneering an industry estimated to grow to $ 29 billion in the next few years. For more information visit (The Global Online Investment Community) is a high traffic stock market, news data website providing cutting edge new media products and services to publicly traded companies worldwide. Our Editor’s Desk authors insightful real-time coverage on the economy, the capital markets and their listed companies.

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Mobile Apps Are Leaking Data on You

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Tracking users is all the rage. A battle is being waged over our data, and there are several parties involved in this fight. We voluntarily offer our data to various companies, only to discover that they are using it in ways that we never anticipated.

Smartphones have become almost an extension of ourselves. They are as integral to our lives as clothing. I have mine clipped to my suit when I’m working, jeans when I’m shopping, and pajamas when I’m lounging. And then, of course, it’s on the nightstand when I’m sleeping. It’s even right outside the shower.

And then there are the applications. Most people spend more time navigating their apps than actually making or receiving calls.

The Wall Street Journal found that many app developers haven’t been upfront with their intentions:

“An examination of 101 popular smartphone “apps”—games and other software applications for iPhone and Android phones—showed that 56 transmitted the phone’s unique device ID to other companies without users’ awareness or consent. Forty-seven apps transmitted the phone’s location in some way. Five sent age, gender and other personal details to outsiders. The findings reveal the intrusive effort by online-tracking companies to gather personal data about people in order to flesh out detailed dossiers on them.”

One developer of online ads and mobile apps declared, “We watch what apps you download, how frequently you use them, how much time you spend on them, how deep into the app you go.” The motivation here is money. The more they know about you, the more targeted ads they can deliver, and the more likely you are to buy.

So what to do? Privacy concerns are justified, but what can be done with this data, other than ad targeting? Not much. I don’t see any fraud or identity theft happening as a result of this. They aren’t going to try to sell you anything by cold calling you, and hopefully they’ll refrain from emailing sales pitches.

If you want to cleanse yourself of this type of tracking you can delete and avoid apps, or you could provide false information, but that could violate terms of service, and might even be a useless tactic.

The best you can do is try to understand what you are giving and what you are getting in return, and make conscious decisions as to whether the tradeoff is worth it to you.

Robert Siciliano, personal security expert contributor to Just Ask Gemalto, discusses leaky applications on Fox News. (Disclosures)

ROBERT SICILIANO, CEO of is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering Americans so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds.

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Why I Love Mobile Application Development – My Favorite Five Mobile Apps

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The first mobile phone I used was just that: a phone that I could use while on the move. It did have a calculator, snakes (the game) and a calendar, but not much else. When they launched mobile phones that could play he radio and had a built-in camera, I was overjoyed. It seemed to me that there was not much they could do with phones anymore; they could attach a Swiss knife, fit in a torch, or maybe shape it like a boomerang, but what else was left?

I happily realized that I was wrong once the field of mobile application development advanced at a searing pace and more and more innovative mobile applications flooded the market. At first I was not much interested in all these fancy applications; my attitude was: Do I need them? I dont think so.

But once I checked out an app store and was totally hooked. Now I cannot imagine my mobile without Facebook, Pandora, Evernote, Google Maps and YouTube player. The following are my five favorite applications.

Facebook: this application is available on all the smartphones and all Apple devices. Most of us are addicted to Facebook and its a great way to stay connected to friends and pseudo-friends. It also the leading mobile application; 200 million people have it on their phones. The mobile version is as easy to use as the one on the computers, once to get used to it.

Pandora: Are you listening to music while reading this article? Created by the custodians of the Music Genome Project, it is easily available on most of the smartphones. You can create radio stations that play a particular kind of music and you can further customize you station by giving thumbs up or down to the songs Pandora plays. Its simply amazing; only problem is you play it outside USA.

Google Maps: This is one application that makes me bless all those people doing mobile application development work. This application lets you store maps, see live traffic, gives your voice directions, lets you explore an area in 3D, allows you to share you location with your friends (also lets you see yours) and much more.

YouTube Player: Who wants to watch videos on the mobile phone? Thats what I thought too. Well, with YouTube players perfect resolution on almost all the phones everyone might get start watching videos on the phone. This application works very well with the phones and using the default streaming media.

Evernote: The undisputed king of note-taking. An example of really smart mobile application development, this application lets you snap a photo, speak your note, take screenshots, and type your note. It also makes your note searchable on the net. If youve taken a snap of a music DVD cover, Evernote will make the text on the DVD searchable!

Jigar Shah is an owner at Tri-Force – a web development company that offers best Mobile application development, iPhone application development and offshore software development as per your requirements. For any query contact us.

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Get Started With Basic Spanish

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It will be confusing on where to start when Beginning out with basic Spanish. There are some things to think about to urge started.

Things You will Want:

* Basic Spanish grammar books

* an web affiliation

* CD or mp3 player and DVD player

Firstly, it is wise to spot simply how much time you’ve got to devote to learning Spanish. Do you’ve got one hour per evening or one per week? Be realistic with goals, if one hour every week is what is out there then be precise and clear regarding what you wish to learn. Structure your learning and be versatile with learning methods. Try not to stay to one, be creative to keep up motivation.

Notice smart basic books on Spanish grammar, verbs and vocabulary. Begin by reading through the essential rules of the language like how to mention ‘I’, you, he, she etc. These are referred to as subject pronouns. It would be tough to say ‘I’ve got eaten already’ without the ‘I’. To begin speaking and understanding any language then a basic knowledge of verbs is required. Take time to acquaint yourself with these, verbs like to talk, to eat, to go, to sleep, to remain, to run, to scan, to walk etc. Of courses there are too several to mention but when learning anything new then a sensible foundation is needed.

Realize audio courses that will give the benefit of teaching conversational Spanish, for instance you may learn how to shop for food in Spain, very necessary I think. Different examples would be a way to introduce yourself to others, raise queries such as ‘Where does one return from?’ ‘How recent are you?’ Not only do audio courses facilitate with expanding vocabulary they conjointly facilitate to tune your ears into the language, aiding pronunciation skills.

Go on-line to find free basic Spanish courses. Several free lessons embrace audio, video and written exercises to assist with learning. Most offer a subscription primarily based membership for those who wish to take their learning even further to intermediate or advanced level.

A non-public tutor or a night category is often an wonderful means to learn. With private tutoring then lessons are structured specifically to your own wants and one to one suits some additional than others. With group lessons it provides lots of scope to create new friends with the same goal and find people to follow with.

Attempt being attentive to Spanish as a lot of as you can. With the explosion of the net it is now doable to tune into Spanish radio in real time or subscribe to Spanish TV. There are quite a few choices to try and do this, the bulk are free. Language exchange is something that heaps of individuals learning foreign languages are using, all that is required is an internet connection and a microphone/headset. It is simple to register for language exchange, be a part of up with a username and password and off you go. Most people learning Spanish find a native Spaniard who is wishing to enhance their English thus both parties are happy.

Watch Spanish movies as a lot of as you’ll, though it can appear very quick in the start, once more it helps with tuning the ear and pronunciation. The subtitles are a great help also. Finally, fancy yourself and have fun. The additional fun we have a tendency to have the a lot of we learn. Continually remember that it takes time to find out any new language, Spanish is no different.


* Continually rotate strategies of learning to stop stagnation and boredom

* Learn as a lot of vocabulary as you can

* Get as abundant apply speaking Spanish as you’ll be able to

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Get Started Snowboarding with Spyder

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Unlike other venues ski sport, away from the hustle and bustle of the city to join in the Snowy Forest. Apart from the thrills, and understand the purity and the spectacular mountains, purifying the body and mind with Spyder outlet, is a rare sports and leisure sports.


Now, more and more young people started to pay attention and participate in the sport, and its slightly two big reasons: first, because the skiing is the winter by physical, mental benefits, an excellent return to nature sports and leisure exercise; II Existing equipment Spyder outlet jackets is the sport of professional functionality and practical appearance, especially clothing is a beautiful charming. Think about wearing bright indulge in the snow ski suits ride, that ye are generally attractive?


If you want to get start skiing, you will need the right gear, which will keep you safe; you must remember, while surfing has the water beneath when you fall the snow only offers the solid ground so, you don’t want to miss any of the essential equipment. Such as helmet, goggles, gloves and Spyder jackets.


The helmet for your head’s protection would be my first suggestion and don’t get influenced by anyone out there who rides snowboards without them; it may look good not to wear a helmet but, if you fall, you will be glad you wore one.


Padding for your knees, hips and elbows are next on the list; since you don’t have the usual ski sticks, those are the areas you will be using to break your falls and therefore they need extra protection.


There are a few things you can do to make your snowboarding experience easier and more satisfying. First of all bring plenty of ibuprofen or naproxen sodium with you to prevent the aches and pains from keeping you off the slope on day two. Second, don’t overlook the importance of a good pre-boarding stretch!


Glasses to cut the glare of the snow and gloves for your hands would make your snowboarding equipment complete. You don’t need to purchase any of the above equipment as you can rent it all at the available store in any snowboarding resort.

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Getting Started With Remote Controlled

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Whether it is a remote controlled car, helicopter or boat that suits one’s fancy, there are actually important matters one should learn about and make the most out of each game one gets into. It might take a little more effort to learn how to play these remote controlled models, but the learning process is just as fun as playing the game seriously.

Another highly significant element in the RC hobby is the expenses involved in it. It is quite costly, whether one is just starting out or already a pro in the game. After all, there are constant developments in remote controlled models, and being an enthusiast is definitely enough reason to invest on innovations after innovations. For starters, most people start out with the car models first. There is really not a lot of difference between if one chooses to go with a car, airplane or a boat mode. It is just that everyone knows how to drive a car, so most beginners in the hobby feel that they are able to control a car more than any other models on the face of the Earth. After learning the ropes with a car, one then gains the confidence to get a hand on an airplane, boat or other more complex models to drive.

Since remote controlled models come in varied sizes, one can use a varied amount of space for the hobby. However, it is best to stick with a large open space such as a football field to maximize the movements offered by the model one has invested on. Airborne models, more specifically, require the largest spaces one can afford for safety in the assembly as well as when flying the said model.

A number of RC makers are continuously creating models of varied sizes and styles, so hobbyists are never lost when they come around to choose the ones that suit not only their preference but their budget as well. The best way to grab a really good deal is by looking around before settling with a specific model. There are a lot of shops locally and even online that offer variety and even uniqueness at times. More so, shopping around for that one model a hobbyist has in mind can lead to possible interactions and meet-up with other enthusiasts who frequent these RC hobby places.

When investing on an RC hobby, there is no real limit except for one’s own capacity. The current market offers a wide selection of choices to pick from. Someone who has limited budget when starting out with the hobby can choose to go with a low end model. This might mean lesser features and ability to perform compared to more expensive models, but it is good enough to start with as long as the model works.

In addition to the money, one should also evaluate the time available for nurturing the hobby of playing with remote controlled models. It takes time to assemble them as well as when learning how to control them. More so, one has to be constantly updated with the developments of these toys, and keeping up with the trend means burning time along with one’s money. In addition to that, one should have the interest in these toys. If either of the three is unavailable, it is best to try out other things to do instead.

At RCUnlimitedShop, you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality remote controlled models.

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Cisco Ns0-502 Tutorials

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Learn Guitar Notes By Following Guitar Tutorials For Beginners

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Learn Guitar Notes

“Without music, life would be a mistake” is an old saying. Yes, music renders joy and makes the soul blissful. There are various forms to express music. Musical instruments do it perfectly. Guitar is one of the most ancient musical instruments of the world. Traditionally, the only ones available were acoustic. Today, there are several types of instrument sold in the market. There are a lot of manufacturers who have the reputation of manufacturing guitars for almost a century.

It is not only enough to buy an instrument but it is also important to learn the notes on the guitar. There are several academies that teach students of all ages. In order to learn guitar notes, a person has to register in a music school. However, it is not possible for everyone to afford an admission to a music school. Nowadays, people hardly find time to attend a regular school. There is an alternate solution for such people. It is none other than a virtual class room.

A virtual class room is nothing but a remote class room. Through this system, both the instructor and student stay in their own places and interact via a computer. They use the computer as a medium of communication. A person residing in one place can learn guitar notes from a person residing elsewhere through the virtual class room.

The third method of learning guitar notes is through online classes. There are numerous portals hosted by numerous instructors in the internet. These portals are exclusively dedicated to teaching to the online community. These websites have a detailed instruction set to help the learners of all levels. Even an amateur can become an expert in due course by learning through these websites.

Learn The Notes On The Guitar

Besides showing how to learn guitar notes, many websites also have live videos to demonstrate the art of playing guitar. People can learn by watching those videos. Guitar is an art for all ages. Age is never a constraint for learning things. Learning guitar is fun. With the advent of technology and the increase in the availability of resources, learning guitar is no longer a difficult task. Any one of any age can learn guitar from anyone anywhere.

Buying a guitar is not a big deal. Guitars are available at various price ranges. There are small sized guitars exclusively for children. The guitars could be bought based on the level of expertise of the individuals. Beginners can go for an inexpensive guitar. On the other hand, experts can pick a costly product. As always, the number of features increases with the increased price of the guitar. Guitars could also be connected with amplifiers and made to produce huge sound. Such guitars are known as electric guitars and can be used for concerts.

In the present age, guitars can be learnt without incurring much cost, and without leaving home. We can as well have what we want just by being where we are. Practice makes perfect. If you are an individual willing to become a master in the art of playing the guitar, start to learn the notes on the guitar, today!

Before you do anything else visit my blog where you can get guitar tutorials for beginners plus all the latest and easy to understand, in depth information. You will also get more free powerful tips on how to teach yourself guitar as well as free guitar lessons.

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Mobile app Development Techniques for Designers for the Preparing Phase!

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There are many people who have different thoughts on how to build a mobile app. But many of them lack the quality with which they can apply the idea or the necessary abilities necessary for execution. Most of the new designers have clean thoughts but confused about its working technique.

It is essential in the area of mobile database integration that the venture needs to be organized well. First and major, mobile app developers should provide specific specifications requirements which is one of the most main reasons of software development. The specifications are employed to evaluate whether the end result is according to client’s needs. After the specifications papers are designed following the preliminary initial program research, one should identify the application’s efficient and non-functional specifications. Top quality specifications records can chalk out the competition of the program and its key functions. Thus the business app development can well be on course to response back to the requirements presented by the industry. One should also be sure about what all functions are not essential for development. This will help designers decide what the app is not going to do. One needs to identify whether all the specifications are legitimate and possible and then continue for the next step.

The need specifications should include all descriptions appropriate to necessary efficient and non-functional features of the app. Other than that, it should have results of program dependencies, and particular information for all following venture stages and marketing requirements. While guaranteeing program scalability for its interface with screen solutions and orientations, there might be some additional perform appropriate to style, execution, and examining. This technique helps for developing the app scalable to upcoming gadgets too thus developing it possibly a better bet for a larger viewers. Scalable mobile database integration techniques help in enjoying advantages later on too with decreased effort as the possibilities of developing versions for different options becomes sleek. The post-production perform also becomes quicker for a program that was designed with scalability in mind. Discussions with focus on clients of a particular system help in verifying whether you have chosen the right development foundation for mobile database integration.

Robust program protection is a must in the world of mobile business app development. One should find out the risks that the program is likely to come in contact with, for developing appropriate protection options. Different circumstances and relationships should be taken into account before completing on program style. The iPhone provides multi-purpose utilization to the people like, one can use them for interaction, or find it beneficial for improving the company income and so on. There are many other useful iPhone programs available in the Apple company shop. It contains business-oriented programs, game programs, enjoyment programs and many in the groups. The mobile app development resources backed the designers very well to create the programs in all circumstances. This provided the independence for the app designers to create the program with more independence. In order to bring the attention they tried to create the business-oriented iPhone programs. At present, the need is high for business-oriented programs in the marketplace.

My Pocket Business is an app development company; it is offering mobile app development. Find here that how to build a app.

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Great Things About Audio Books For The Blind

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Working 8 hours a day or even more can be very tiring. But most of the time, a good book makes us feel relaxed. After work, we usually grab something to eat and then immediately flip those pages for an exciting journey. Reading your favorite book is like a breather for many people. Through these books, they can learn and feel relaxed without spending that much. But what if your tight schedule would no longer permit you to read your favorite novel? What if you no longer have the time to sit back on a couch and feel relaxed with a good book? What if you can’t find the publication anywhere? Audio books for the blind will definitely give you more reasons to enjoy reading the more.

Reading can be very costly especially if you have to spend money purchasing the publication. That is the only way you can read your favorite novel apart from borrowing. But what if the book is too expensive? What if you have other priorities besides shelling out a considerable amount of money over one expensive novel? You don’t have to worry because reading can be very affordable. In fact, you can read your favorite novel for free. How is that possible and could that be possible at all?

Yes, reading for free can be very possible. There are various online sites that will allow you to browse through a wide selection of audio books for free. After which, you can download these audio books and store them in mp3 players, PDAs and iPods. This will allow you to access your favorite book anywhere and anytime. You can in fact drive home while listening to your favorite audio book. You can cook breakfast or lunch for the family while listening to a good book.

Audio books for the blind have become in demand among universities and colleges. Why? It is because these books on audio have become means for visually challenged individuals to enjoy a good book even with their eyes closed. Who says books are only for those people who can see? These audio books can enhance visually impaired individuals’ listening and imaginative skills. 

Read about audio books for the blind .



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Electronic Music For Inspiration And Relaxation