The Guide to Setting Up Your Home Studio

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Setting up your home studio can be a daunting task at first; there are a lot of things to consider when choosing the best equipment to buy, and where to run your studio. This guide is intended for people who want to produce good quality recordings with just some minor investments. You can go pretty far with developing a home studio depending on how much time and money you invest. This guide will give you a few places to start.

A good way to start off is with many hard disk recording devices and mixers. I personally am using the Zoom HD16 Digital recorder. You can purchase anywhere from a single track- 32 track digital recorder. The Zoom HD16 will cost you about $ 700. But this is not a bad option to go, if you’re looking to have something durable, as well as portable.

Now, you’re probably thinking about where to go from here…right? Well consider what type of music you will be recording. If your investing your studio to record solo artists, or full bands. For any musician looking to record, you’re going to need decent microphones. I’m going to run through some of the microphones that are good for specific purposes that I would recommend to anyone.

SHURE SM58 ($ 100-$ 110)- Is a great versatile microphone, good for vocals and guitar, and even for overhead microphones with drums.

AUDIO TECHNICA At2050 Condenser Microphone ($ 220)- Great for vocals and guitar, would definitely recommend, will also last you a very long time if taken care of.

Now, you have a start. If you’re a solo artist playing guitar and singing, you now have the idea of how to start recording. With a little bit of time, experimenting and research along with steady investments, you can be on your way to producing some great recordings. You don’t need thousands of dollars, in this day technology is advancing and allowing us to fully utilize it in the recording process.

For more recording techniques, and guides check out my blog for more information!

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Dermatology Coding Alert: Master Your Derm ASC Coding

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Numerous changes affecting ASCs every year are enough to confuse you. Still, few aspects of ASC reimbursement continue to be the same. Read further to know how the ASC rules affect you and what dermatology codes you should choose in such a case. These expert tips will surely take you a step ahead in perfecting your dermatology medical billing and coding.

1. ASC-allowed services: Know where to find them. CMS has a very specific list of codes payable for ASCs, but if you don’t know how to access the list, you could be losing your reimbursement.

You can download the most recent ASC-allowable codes from the CMS website. It includes both the current quarter as well as previous quarters in case you’re battling older claims.

2. ‘Same-day global’ rule. Each procedure the ASC bills takes a “same-day” global period as the ASC is only reporting facility fees and not physician work services. This is applicable to the coder working for the ASC and not the physician who performed the service.

In case the physician returned the patient to the ASC the day after the initial surgery, the ASC coder is supposed to report the suitable control-of-bleeding code with no modifier. On the other hand, the surgeon’s coder would report the bleeding-control code with modifier 78 appended because the physician’s services follow the standard global rule.

The ASC coder should go by the “same-day” global rule, but the physician’s coder should follow standard global period rules from the fee schedule.

3. You Can Avoid modifier SG. In the past, the ASC coder had to list modifier SG (ASC facility service) as the first modifier on the claim in case he billed Medicare for any service performed in the ASC. However, that all changed with the CMS Transmittal 1410, which stated that the SG modifier is no longer applicable for Medicare services for services on or after January 1, 2008.

4. Discontinued surgery modifiers may differ. ASC coders may sometimes use modifier 52 (Reduced services) but would not use modifier 53 (Discontinued procedure). Instead, insurers generally want ASC coders to call on modifiers 73 (Discontinued outpatient hospital/ASC procedure before administration of anesthesia) or 74 (Discontinued outpatient hospital/ASC procedure after the administration of anesthesia), as appropriate.

When the physician gets back to the ASC with the patient to perform the aborted procedure at a later date or time, the ASC will get full reimbursement for the completed procedure.

5. Keep in contact with the surgeon’s coder. You could lose your reimbursements when the physician and the ASC report separate codes for the same procedure. Remember, the physician and ASC should report the same codes for each surgery, any coding differences should be fixed before the claim is submitted.

Want to get more tips like these to master dermatology medical billing and coding? Click here to read the entire article and to get access to our monthly Dermatology Coding Alert: Your practical adviser for ethically optimizing dermatology medical billing and coding , payment, and efficiency for dermatology practices

Read more to know everything about dermatology ICD- 9 codes and perfect your dermatology medical billing and coding

Jerry Salley, CPC, has over six years’ experience writing about coding, focusing especially on ophthalmology coding with The Coding Institute’s Ophthalmology Coding Alert . He has also written about optometry, gastroenterology, dermatology, audiology, and urology coding, as well as Joint Commission accreditation, healthcare human resources, and behavioral healthcare reimbursement issues. A graduate of Furman University, Jerry is a certified professional coder through the American Academy of Professional Coders.

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Enlighten World With Captivating Mobile Apps

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Mobile apps are enlightening the users with their vigor, charm and functionality. High-end mobiles add a snob appeal to user and offers applications to enhance user style of working.

Enhanced communications

Mobile applications enhance user-communicating capacity. They can audio-video chat with people having mobile apps with same of similar functional capacity. Companies have developed apps to empower users for internet usage and enjoy live chat online.

Social networking sites apps are available online or through mobile apps store to be in touch with business associates and friends and family with ease. Companies also have their social networking accounts that have commendable role in increasing business opportunities through social networking mobile apps.

Enhanced system orientation

Business class has the capacity to orient their functions through customized mobile apps. Companies for example Rapidsoft Technologies have developed and are developing customized business apps to integrate different business activities and make them work at best for example operations integration with HR department and monitoring them online through exclusive mobile apps.

Finance apps integration with marketing activities for possible expansion and diversification. Inventory control apps are also available to keep a check on inventory and manage it accordingly.
Creative apps: Mobile apps are not for work, solely. One can entertain with these apps in various ways.

Gaming mobile apps

Games are not unusual nowadays, especially when game lovers are available in all age-groups. Some age-groups prefer fast games with X-factor while others prefer mind-boggling games with intellect approach. Interactive and captivating games have the capacity to engage users for hours. Online gaming option is also available where users can integrate with friends or unknown players and add thrill into gaming. Gaming apps are idle time utilizes.

Entertainment apps

Create your music store, develop an exclusive Pandora Box, watch movie reviews and trailers and watch that long awaited match on your handset with exclusive mobile apps. Companies develop mind-blowing applications to entertain their customers. High-end mobile users are generally high spenders and need simple and complex apps to enhance their exposure and utilize apps to enhance work and entertainment manifold.
Listen to exclusive collection of your favorite singer through exclusive download. Or else mobile apps are customized to search and set the Radio station for your favorite singer, making you listen and enjoy to music from that singer anytime and every time at that particular station.

Apps are available to enhance your mobility also. They can guide your path to the desired destination in an unknown place, without getting lost or strayed. These apps can also be used to direct you to nearest retailer, hotel, restaurant, theatre, hospital or landmark as per your need.
Relax in your own Company with exclusive mobile apps to suit your needs and demand.

For more information on mobile application and
Smartphone Development Visit

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How to Create a Web Page Shadow Using Photoshop Slice Tool and HTML Coding

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For an easy-to-implement web page effect, add a Web Page Shadow all the way around your webpages using the Photoshop Slice Tool and HTML coding. Doing so not only adds visual interest but also gives your website a professional look. Read these step by step instructions or watch a video tutorial and follow along with a PDF supplement.

High Level Process:

Create 2 blank documents in Photoshop, one smaller than the other
On the smaller one, add a Photoshop drop shadow all the way around image
Drag the smaller document on top of the larger one to create one flattened image
Use the Photoshop Slice Tool to slice the image into 3 smaller images and upload as 3 separate gif’s
Create a table in your HTML document within the body to hold gifs and content

Step By Step:

Create the larger of two documents in Photoshop (or another image editor). Width is the same as your website template (ex. 950 pixels). Height does not matter but should be big enough to easily use Photoshop Slice Tool (ex. 250 pixels). Color should be the same as your website body.
Create the smaller of two documents in Photoshop. Width should be smaller than the larger document (ex. 800 pixels). Height should be smaller than the larger document (ex. 100 pixels). Color should be the same as your content area.
Add a Photoshop Drop Shadow to the smaller document.
In the Layers Palette, double click on the word “Background” and change it to any other name. This will free up functionality and allow you to easily add a drop shadow.
Open the Layers Style dialog box, click on “Drop Shadow” and set the variables as follows:
Opacity 75%
Angle -90 degrees
Distance 0 px
Spread 35%
Size 35 px
Color #7B7979 (gray shadow)

Drag the smaller document on top of the larger document to create one image. Using the examples above, this image will be 950 pixels wide by 250 pixels high with the smaller, shadowed image embedded on top of it.
Slice the document into 3 smaller images horizontally.
Grab the Photoshop Slice Tool from the Tool Palette. In the top toolbar, set the Style to “Fixed Size” to ensure exact proportions. Using the 950px X 250px example, input width and height as follows:
Top slice equals 950px X 100px
Middle slice equals 950px X 50px
Bottom slice equals 950px X 100px

Now you have one document sliced horizontally into 3 smaller images. The next step is to “Save For Web” and upload each image as a separate gif. In the “Save For Web” dialog box, save each slice separately by clicking on the slice and naming it.
Upload the 3 gif images as usual.
Create a table in the body section of your HTML document to hold the shadow gif images and your content. The first row in your table contains the top shadow gif, the middle row contains your middle shadow gif and content and the last row in your table contains the bottom shadow gif.

Creating a web page shadow using the Photoshop Slice Tool and HTML coding ensures that you do not end up with a jagged, unprofessional looking shadow. If you use this process, you will undoubtedly achieve the results you are looking for.

Visit where you can watch a Video Tutorial showing step by step instructions on How To Create a Web Page Shadow.

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Android Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier

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To go of purchases is the pure happiness or or the torture based on a who asks to him. Independent of the fact that the ends of the phantom that is, applications of Android will help him to save money and it will allow him to become a more efficient buyer. The pure power and the functionality of these applications of Android almost one totally new experience can really make the purchase.

Handcent SMS – You want to send messages SMS and MMS through its telephone with Android? Not what I am asking? Simpler: it makes the text? If it does, which you need for SMS Handcent for Android. Basically, it takes the telephone at totally new level and the dimension from the text messages.

OpenTable – This is an excellent gratuitous application for Android life style if you like to leave to have dinner and to try new places. OpenTable can help to find the best restaurants near you. It can use the application of reservations and even see the menu of the restaurant

Appointment Pro – To obtain the quotes most recent actions and the news, whereas to be able to obtain very detailed data on the actions that interest to him (or those that it owns). This gratuitous application useful Android also allows you to create and pursuit of its portfolio (s).

Live F1 RACING – Are you a fanatic of Formula 1? I will say to you what, honestly, I am not very fanatical, but that does not mean that this application does not enchant to me. This gratuitous application for Android sport provides something more than live updates for all the races of F1 anywhere in the world.

Dolphin Browser – iPhone can have the property of Safari, but the androids have the dolphins navigating. This Android application does that easier and much more funny movable navigation, with the sujetador of zoom lens, the commandos of gestures, navigation by eyelashes, markers of arrangement and much more.

Nimbuzz for Android – Nimbuzz is a gratuitous client of instantaneous mail, that in line allows chat with our friendly of Google Talk, Yahoo, Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Facebook, AIM, Myspace and many more.

client torrent for Android: Transdroid applications allow to easily administer and torrents him on their Android telephones. Also it can unload torrents of remote form. Torrents is popular between people to unload the last songs, music, applications, etc AppBrain incorporates social elements to help to find selections him. You can share his favorites in Facebook and Twitter. Also he allows to know him what applications have lowered of price recently. Tools of third parties can be very useful when you are going to gather equipment applications of Android.

WordPress – This it is firmly in the section of the productivity. I have a series of blogs of WordPress, and this excellent application that allows me to update my directly blog, and to add blogs and pages, commentaries to verify and to see all statistics of visitors, all seated in the train. It allows to manifolds blogs, and it is easy to change among them.

Soundhound – This incredible Android application uses a powerful algorithm to associate the sounds caught by the microphone of its intelligent telephone with an exhaustive data base of the songs. This means that you can identify the majority of the songs of game of any equipment of music with Soundhound.

Twitter for Android – Twitter is a service in line very popular. This social means Web site is very wanted by its short updates of state called ” tweets”. These brief and updates of last moment-transmitting information of a simple and fast way. Like result, the propietary application of Twitter for Android is one of most popular. Many people use this application every day to stay in contact with their friendly of Twitter.

iTechFreak is a technology blog where you can get all information about Free Android Apps and Free Android Games


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The Whole Story That Goes Into Making Different Kinds Of Apps – AppsBar

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Apps is the short form of the word application. The basic thing that the apps do is help people organize their work while using mobiles and computers. Designing an application is done in such a way that the users find it easy and simple.

The process to make an app is quite simple. Firstly, the person has to create a software development program. He/She can write the code himself or else hire a professional to create it. Then, the software developer has to submit the apps to the different mobile or i-pod marketing companies. These apps are then reviewed. If the company finds the apps saleable, the application will be purchased at a good price.

The next question that pops up is how to build an app? Building up an app is more or less similar to making an app.

Apps created by different app developers are specifically for different companies. Get to know how to make an Android app. The application developed for Android is called an Android app. To create an Android app, one needs to be specific that it is usable and functional. While designing the application, you can try different layouts that can either be defined as a Java code or XML. If one tries the linear code, then the formats will be displayed in a linear way and if one tries the vertical code, then it will be displayed in a vertical way. The designing of an android app can be done by using varying various graphics and controls.

An app builder is the one, who can make the task of building an app very easy. One can conceptualize, design and build his own app, if he has knowledge of Objective C and Java script. The i-phone app builders create different types of apps for the viewers, to customize their work. The app developer creates exciting apps for the i-phone and android smart phones. Moreover, there are various online platforms which help them to build apps and earn money. Free app builders are created with the purpose of gaining profit from it. The free apps always promote and advertise products and offer discounts. i-phone app builders and i-phone app makers produce results that are beneficial in the functioning and implementation of the business operations.

So, we can get a brief overview of the making of mobile apps, facebook apps, i-phone apps and android apps.


For more information on How to make an App and How to build an App. Visit –

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Website 101 – Getting Started With Twitter

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 Your Twitter profile page will become your home page on Twitter. Done properly this can be a boost to your other web activities and online presence in general. 

Firstly, don’t just rush in and create a profile, which Twitter makes so easy, only to find that you have to start again down the line because you have missed some vital points.

Before you start, make sure you understand how your choices for Username and other details of your profile, will affect the impact of your profile page.

Your profile page will have:

Areas Twitter Controls:

Header area
Tweet area
Bio area

Areas You Control:

 Background image  (large image)
Profile image (small image like a photo of you or your company/enterprise  logo)

Areas with text you have some control over:

Username – displayed by Twitter but must be selected carefully (see below)
Tweet content 
Bio content details

See below for a link to a diagram of the above areas. 

Things to take note of include:

Background Image

Your background image needs to be specially designed to ensure the best impact possible. It has to either repeat or be designed to fit the left and right narrow columns. The background color should also match your brand colors. (There are a number of templates available on the web for Twitter profile pages. They are usually in Photoshop format. Google this phrase “Twitter Profile page template’ as a starting point.
Don’t forget screen resolution is a factor! My advice is to keep the image as simple as possible because the image is not like a HTML web page. This will affect your profile page by not producing a consistent spacing and format when viewing screen resolution changes. Make sure that you test a sample image on various common resolutions (especially the common ones – 1024X786, 1280×720 or 1280×768)

Logo Picture

Your logo can be loaded as the profile image even though this is pretty small
The most visible text will be your Username – so this is an important word. See below for tips about selection of username.

Signing up

Signing up is quick and painless. The first 2 selections you must make are your Name and Username. Make sure that you choose these to reflect your business, venture or whatever you are looking to publicize.

Remember that your username will become a permanent part of your persona on the web. So choose well. Current Twitter username rules are a bit tricky.

1) Pick a Good Full Name

This name will appear on your profile page and you can use quite along name with various punctuation elements.

2) Pick a Good Username

i)  Username cannot be longer than 15 characters

ii)  You have to use an underscore to separate words

iii)  No dashes or spaces are allowed. (Also brackets and full stops)

If your company is ABC Fishing Equipment then a good place to start would be: or even _Equ

Despite the best practice advice to always use dashes as a separator when working on the web, in Twitters case you have to use the underscore.

3) Your Bio

This is really important and you have to have your say in 160 characters. Best practice would be to design and layout your words in a word processor first. This will ensure that your spelling is correct and force you spend a few minutes thinking about what your bio needs to say.

4) Your Home Page Link

Unfortunately this will be given a NoFollow status by Twitter and thus will bring no real SEO inbound link value. However it can still be read and used by human visitors to your Twitter profile page, so make sure you get the link right by cutting and pasting it into a browser address bar to ensure it goes to your site.

5) Using Your Twitter Link

You can now start using your Twitter link on your website and in other places. Place a call to action prompt on your home page to say something like “Follow us on Twitter”.

Next step is to learn how to Tweet!

Link to diagram of the areas on a Twitter Porfile Page:

Click the link for a profile page visual representation of these areas on your Twitter Landing Page.

Dr Howard Rybko MBBch has been involved with software since 1984. After more than 15 years in medical software and IT Systems, he established Syncrony Internet Services in 1999. Syncrony is focused on web design and custom software development, with all web development based on the DotNetNuke Content Management System (DNN).

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Christian Books for better knowledge

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There are a lot of Christian books available nowadays. If Christian literature is new to you, you can search a little bit for some of the most popular titles. The purpose of Christian living books is to help in knowing more about Jesus and how to live a Christ centered life. Christian books also aid in the reading and understanding your Holy Bible.

If you are looking for a teen Christian book, look no further than “Teenager, You Can Make It!” by Dr. Don Woodard. This book will inspire your teen to seek Christ and all that he has for them. Some of the topics include how to recognize temptations, set goals and finding help in the Bible and church. Teens face so many challenges these days. There are books that instruct teens on their journey to becoming adults that seek God for everything.

Church can be an exciting time for children. Sunday school is an important building block that encourages children to have a desire to know about the Holy Bible and Jesus. The book “Big Ideas for a Better Sunday School” by Dr. Clarence Sexton guides the Sunday school teacher. There are forty brief chapters full of plans, ideas, explanations and inspiration to help you with your class. Every child should be excited about Sunday school. Every teacher should have that same excitement and be ready to teach the Word of God.

It can be very difficult to balance your spouse, family, church and work. A lot of women struggle as they try every day to love God and do many other things of their own accord. The book “It’s a Wonderful Life” by Terrie Chappell can inspire any woman to love God with her whole heart, support her husband and serve in the Church. We can not do it alone, but with God all things are possible. Dedicate your life to serving God joyfully in marriage and ministry.

The Christian home can be attacked by many worldly things that try to destroy a marriage and cause discontentment among parents and children. The Christian home should be a haven for the family to find love, comfort and encouragement. The book titled, “A Heart for the Home” by Jim Townsley can provide Biblical help for your marriage and child rearing. It describes Christ as the head of the home with husbands leading the home, supportive wives and children respecting the authority of their parents. This book will teach you how to build your home on Christ. It will assist in providing a home that is truly a haven filled with love, comfort and encouragement.

Bible reading along with good Christian books will further advance our Biblical knowledge and Christan growth. It can be very challenging to be a Christian. God first, your family and serving must be of the highest importance to you. Yet, many set aside God and family to purse other things. This harms marriages and family life. Christian books can be of a support to you by teaching things of God. They can also show you how others have been through trials and tribulations giving you hope in situations you may encounter.

Burner Christian bookstore is an online bookstore specializing in Home and family life books and Baptist Sunday school material. Burner Christian Bookstore’s mission is to preserve and promote the Bible by providing excellent service.

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How to track an Android cell phone

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If you’re looking to conduct some covert Android tracking then this article will help you a bit. I’m going to go over a few concepts and how you can get going with a good Android tracking tool. There are many kinds of tools online, and I’m sure that you know that each Android device is now made with a GPS chip inside of it, making it capable of being tracked. So let’s get into it below.

OK, so you have a fancy touchscreen Smartphone with the Android operating system (perhaps a Verizon Droid or even a brand new Nexus One from Google), and you want to spice it up with a compatible golf GPS. Maybe you’re already familiar with GolfShot, GolfLogix, and some of the other popular golf GPS apps available for the iPhone and BlackBerry Smartphones.

The objective of GPS tracking cell phone softwre is to obtain information of how an Android based phone is used. What to do with this information is up to each person, but common uses are monitoring what your kids do and who they hang out with, finding out if your spouse is having an affair, keeping an eye on key employees, and having a way to know the whereabouts of old parents.

Like all cell phone spy programs in the market, Cell phone tracking softwre has created its share of controversy. It’s easy to see why. Unlike other Android applications, Cell phone tracking softwre involves the questioning of your own values and making decisions of finding results that you may not like.

Some mobile location tracking techniques can be implemented by the mobile service provider for any mobile, while others require the installation of some software on the phone itself. IMEI tracker systems using triangulation techniques will be of moderate accuracy only. The accuracy will be best in the city because the mobile network cells are smaller in the urban environment.

GPS tracking cell phone is the future of technology now. This spyware which was once only a dream of completing is now here. There is however only a few reputable companies that actually produce this equipment that works well. It is important to be very selective when deciding which to purchase in order to get the results you would like. is a mobile phone trick blog.

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Mobile Apps and the Path of Wellness

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Today the healthcare market is witnessing a steady flow of mobile apps thanks to innovations in software apps and the change in the whole way of looking at problems and solutions. Acceptability of products like smart phones, tablet computers and personal digital assistants continue to encourage entry of more and more complex mobile apps into the healthcare market. 

World of Mobile Apps

The developers are using mobile platforms to deliver a wide range of useful health-related apps. iPhones, Androids, cloud computing and many other mobile devices from developers have successfully penetrated into the healthcare field in a short span of time, giving patient wellness the extra push. Evolving mobile healthcare technologies provide consumers with real-time care. Physicians now agree that mobile health practices are a better way for providing improved patient care.

Apple came out with a third generation iPad last month. It has several features that appeal to the medical community. The increased graphics capability and camera resolution combined with the high speed internet, opens up a new path for several applications in telemedicine and m-Health in general. The high resolution ‘retina display’ gives a better view of images to radiologists. This model with an improved HD screen would set the stage for several clinical uses, argue some experts. iPads have gained popularity in medical academics too.

Many hospitals and clinics are on the path of adopting e-health apps today. Take for example the Sarasota Memorial Hospital, Florida and Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Houston, where iPhones are widely used. For “anywhere anytime computing”, they find iPhone as the best platform for running applications of their choice. The Texas Health Resources, a healthcare provider with 24 hospitals has half-a-dozen smart phone and tablet apps running on iOS and Android. 

“Non-phone” Wellness Apps

It looks like time has arrived for the “no-phone” wireless wellness devices. AT&T has recently launched a child tracking device and a personal monitoring device meant for senior citizens besides a GPS locator paving the way for further innovations in tracking technology. The company is already selling the “BioHarness” a physiological monitor that records heart rate and other related data. It plans to sell these tracking devices embedded in clothes and provide wireless connectivity needed to push the gathered data to the web and smart phones. It has also identified a market with senior citizens, particularly those who wish to remain in their homes. It hopes that once these apps start feeding healthcare providers with updated information without any interruption, the huge population – young and old, healthy and chronically ill, would seek their conditions to be monitored. According to company officials, this would perk up the demand for these new devices.

According to a study by the Boston Consulting Group and Telenor Group, with Mobile Healthcare cost of care for the elderly would go down by 25% and that it would positively influence the economic growth of nations and promise better life for individuals. A 2011 m-Health Report projection show the number of people using Mobile Health Apps touching 500 million. That means for the next two years the health care market is going to keep us engrossed.

Orra Health is a unique transcription software application from Acroseas Global Solutions, a pioneer in medical transcription services. for more information visit here:

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Electronic Music For Inspiration And Relaxation