Make your Samsung Mobile Different

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It can’t be denied that Samsung is one of leading brands in mobile market. Many, many people use Samsung mobile, even using the same model. So how can you make your phone different? There is one easy way: make your ringtone different. So, what is the ringtone of your mobile phone? Just simple tradition tone or some short music? How to create style for your ringtone different? This article will help you to give your mobile phone a distinctive character from others.

About Samsung Electronics

The manufacturing of mobile phones falls on the telecommunications network business area of Samsung Electronics along with the production of PDA phones and satellite receivers. It is one of the largest electronics companies in the world. Samsung phones have overall market share of 12.7 percent and ranked 3rd among the mobile phone manufacturers around the world.


Downloading Ringtones

Here are three simple and basic steps of getting various ringtones for your phones.

1. Since you are on customizing, it is normal that you are quite selective when it comes to ringtones. You want ringtones that will match your current lifestyle as well as your personality. If you are still undecided on what ringtones you want to have for your mobile phone, you can check out the following personal guides:

a. Determine first what music styles are your favorites. Since Internet as well as your local wireless network provider has enough ringtones on their database, you can freely choose among the following categories:

i. Dance music;
ii. Hip-hop and rap;
iii. Classical and oldies;
iv. Rock or alternative;
v. Country music; or
vi. TV or movie soundtracks.

b. You can also browse on the following categories:

i. Newest ringtones;
ii. Techno ringtones;
iii. Tropical ringtones
iv. Speedy ringtones;
v. Mid-east ringtones; or
vi. Mystery ringtones.


2. After deciding on which ringtone interests you, you can now start downloading your Samsung ringtone. There are phones that can receive ringtones through the following mediums:

a. Via direct download to your local wireless network provider, where you are given an access code that you will send as a text message to a given ringtone database access number

b. Via wireless application protocol (WAP) or wireless internet.

Samsung phones that are distributed by Verizon Wireless and Sprint PCS support the aforementioned methods of downloading ringtones.


3. In case your phone has that melody composer, here are its certain features that you must know:

a. It has up to 3 octaves;b. It has four-note duration, ranging from 1/16 to 1/2;
c. It has a graphical interface which represents notes on a given scale; and
d. Notes are obtained by pressing the key corresponds to the notes and adjusting the pitch and/or duration using the arrow keys.


To learn how to compose from your melody composer, refer to your phone manual.


Also determine the compatibility of the ringtone to your phone program. All the latest phones today support the three types of ringtones (monotone, polytone, and true tone); however, most of the older models can not recognize newer versions of ringtones. So it is important that you check first the compatibility of your phone and the ringtone of your choice.


Go and “dress” your Samsung mobile phone through downloading various ringtones available.

Low Jeremy has been writing articles on science, sports and internet markering for a few years. Visit his latest website over at which helps you find the best converse high tops and other information you may be looking for when shopping for unique high top designs.

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Goodword Islamic Books: Online English & Urdu Islamic Books Store

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“The Muslim who lives face to face with Allah at all times and will introduce no separation between his life and his religion, his politics and his faith. With its strong emphasis on the brotherhood of people cooperating to fulfill the will of Allah, Islam has become one of the most influential religions in the world today. Islam is much more than a formal religion; it is an integral way of life. In many ways it is a more determining factor in the experience of its followers than any other world religion.” Mr. Saniyasnain Khan has tried only this thing through his Islamic Books which are accepted and famous worldwide.

Saniyasnain Khan is the founder and promoter of Goodword Islamic Books through online Islamic Books Shop i.e. and specializing in classical and contemporary books in the Islamic and English language, and also offering an extensive selection of Quran Stories for Kids, books translated to or written in English, craft and activity books, gift packs, Islamic games, Islamic audio and video products, and other items.

Our books are primarily written and published in India and then after many of the books become part of a catalogue and recommended to teachers in British schools. Our collections are carefully selected for the discriminating person wishing to expand his or her knowledge of Arabic literature, Arabic regional history, Islam, and the Muslim world culture and history from the dawn of Islam to modern times. There is a lot of negative information about Islam. Goodword Islamic Books give the right picture so that people grow up to be peace-loving individuals. Since 1976, we are located in Delhi, India and welcome the customers from every corner of the world. We offer our Islamic books to major universities, public libraries and institutions, and our product catalog is available only by viewing our website. We have scoured available Arabic resources and listed only the best of the best here. Any of these books is guaranteed to serve you well on your quest to become knowledgeable in Islam Religion.

Our goal is to help both Muslims and those who are not Muslim to learn the Islam religion to spread its purity to the world. We recognize that the objectives of both groups are different but have specifically catered for the general language requirements with some Islamic aspects integrated into the lessons to facilitate Muslims and to help inform those who are not Muslim about Islam which has a close nexus to the Arabic language. Mr. Saniyasnain Khan has goal to give you the largest selection of the Islamic Books and Quran Stories for Kids and related products anywhere.

Mr. Saniyasnain Khan has introduced the Quran Stories for Kids , first time in English through his Goodword Islamic Books and established an online Islamic Books Shop where you can bye and see Islamic Books online.

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How to Buy Cheap Android Smartphones

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Android smartphones, in the market these days, are mostly priced in the $ 200-$ 400 range, especially the ones that make the hottest whistles and bells. Even on promotion, for a first time subscriber, the Samsung Epic 4G from Sprint is priced at $ 199 and the high-end HTC smartphones even higher. However, a huge variety of cheap smartphones running the Android OS, are available with all major carriers.

Below are some options to bag a cheap smartphone.

Android smartphone deals

A good way to save on android phones is to buy them on promotion. You’re likely to find great deals if you happen to be a new customer as you’re more likely to stick to a two-year contract, which again is most likely to roll over upon expiry. Moreover, of many so-called cheap android smartphones, the operator is increasing the monthly charges because of high data usage. Even with that, never expect a 4G cheap android smartphone to deliver high speeds, regardless of the area.

Unlocked android phones

Another method of saving money is buying unlocked android phones, instead of new ones. The deal involved in an unlocked smartphone is that the software which locks the SIM card to a particular manufacturer is removed. You can simply take out the SIM card from the old handset and insert it into the unlocked android phone. An unlocked android phone could be either cheap or expensive, if they’re under the warranty. They usually do not come with one. They could be refurbished or come directly from the manufacturer. It’s best to go around the market and search for the best unlocked smartphone deals.

Prepaid android phones

A great way to get a cheap android smartphone deal is to buy one with a prepaid plan. A prepaid android smartphone may not be cheaper as regards the cost of the phone. However, you can end up saving several hundreds each year if you opt for cheaper unlimited data plans. At a flat fee of about $ 50 or so each month, which is definitely much less when compared to the $ 79 or the $ 99 plus tax scheme that most operators would charge you for a two-year contract. Several companies, including many reputed ones, are now offering prepaid android phones, many of which come equipped with sophisticated features. Make sure you check them out if you’re looking for cheap android smartphones. Besides, under such a scheme, you can scrap the contract any time sans any need to pay a hefty termination fee that most operators charge.

While a cheap android smartphone may sound impossible to get, the truth is, you have to scour for suitable offers and promotions. Only then you can buy cheap android smartphones.

Go for the Cheap Cell Phone, search Cheap Used Cell Phones & nokia latest phone models.

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Getting Started With Japanese Onomatopoeia!

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Learn Japanese easily! You might not be familiar with the word “onomatopoeia,” but it describes a type of word you probably use all the time. Do you say things such as, “bang,” “smack,” or “woof?” If so, you are using onomatopoeia, which is simply a word that sounds like the things or action it’s describing. Onomatopoeia is incredibly common in English, and it also has an incredible number of uses in Japanese. This Japanese article is here to provide an in-depth introduction to the world of Japanese onomatopoeia. You’ll learn about the two types of Japanese onomatopoeia and how they are used. You’ll also find some excellent examples and plenty of information about working onomatopoeia into your Japanese vocabulary.

Vocabulary: In this article, you’ll learn the following words and phrases:

ibiku o kaku – “to snore” (verb 1)

nemuru – “to sleep”

doa – “door”

shimaru – “to close, to be shut” (verb 1)

ashita or asu – “tomorrow”

deeto – “date” (romantic)

kinoo – “yesterday”

kyoo – “today”

akeru – “to open” (verb 2)

okiru – “to wake up, to get up” (verb 2)

Grammar: In this article, you’ll learn the following words and phrases:


What is Onomatopoeia?


According to the dictionary, “onomatopoeia” is the formation of a word from a sound associated with its name. Examples in English include words such as “crash” and “splash.” The sounds of the words imitate the meaning. Also, many animal sounds such as “bow-wow” and “neigh” are examples of onomatopoeia.

——————–——————–——————————–Japanese Onomatopoeia


There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia:


This is because some Japanese onomatopoeia do not actually mimic sounds, but they do follow the same form.
Giongo are the true onomatopoeia. That is, they mimic sounds just as our English onomatopoeia.
Gitaigo, on the other hand, attempt to use similar sound patterns as giongo, even though they do not mimic actual sounds.

To confuse the matter even more, there are some words that have both Giongo and Gitaigo attributes. For example, there is guuguu.


Giongo: “snoring sound, to snore”Tomu-san wa guuguu to ibiki o kaite iru. “Tom is snoring.”
Gitaigo: “to sleep well, to sleep soundly”Tomu-san wa guuguu nemutte iru. “Tom is sleeping well.”



In the first example, the onomatopoeia guuguu refers to the sound of snoring. In the second example, guuguu expresses the concept of sound sleep, even though sound sleep is usually without any sound.

——————–——————–——————————–Sample Sentences


Giongo:Doa ga batan to shimatta. “The door closed with a bang.”
Gitaigo:Ashita wa deeto da. Ukiuki suru. “I’m going on a date tomorrow. I’m excited.”
——————–——————–——————————–Some Additional Notes



Many Japanese onomatopoeia are repetitive. That is, the syllable, or pair of syllables, is repeated.
We can use Japanese onomatopoeia as adverbs, adjective-like words, parts of adjectival phrases, and as verbs when combined with “and.” In this lesson, you will see how to use each onomatopoeia correctly.
Since most of these words are Japanese in origin, they are not often written in kanji. However, they are often written in katakana and occasionally in hiragana.

To instantly access complete 10-15 minute audio lessons (a native Japanese teacher and additional hosts explain the lesson dialogue, vocabulary, phrases, and grammar explanation in detail) and PDF lesson notes (detailed explanation of dialogue, vocabulary, phrases, and grammar), and to interact with other Japanese language learners visit the link below:

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The Easiest Way to Build your Mobile Apps

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Mobile applications, or apps, are those handy little features that can turn your smart phone into everything from a compass to a restaurant guide. With an online app builder, you can build your own original apps customized to meet your needs. Consider these useful ways to use an Mobile App Builder.

To Promote your Web Site

If you have a blog or web site, you can use an Anroid App Builder to make it conveniently available from any smart phone. You fans can stay up to date with your latest blog posts, access special app-only offers, and more. All of the features that you offer your customers online can be streamlined in app form. Include a map so customers can pinpoint your brick and mortar locations or a photo gallery of your top products. Smart phone apps allow your fans to take the functionality of your website along everywhere they go.

To Keep Up with Friends and Family

Simple app builders can be used to store a gallery of photos and videos. You can share these with friends and family or the whole world through an app that’s easy to navigate, update, and use. You can even upload and include music in your custom app.

To Simplify Your Life

Whatever minute task you’re sick of doing yourself, you can now designate to your very own app. Tired of looking up your car’s maintenance schedule, how-to videos for changing your oil, or the closest repair shops? You can store all this information and more in a handy app and carry it with you on your phone. Design an app to pinpoint the best Chinese restaurants, catalog recipes, or keep a series of handy step-by-step photos for making baked Alaska. Simplify the tasks you need help with most using an app builder.

To Store Information

If you’ve been keeping a collection of research on your computer, you’re probably familiar with the frustration of wanting to look up a fact or figure when you’re not at your desk. When you turn your information into an app, it’s available to you everywhere you go. Best of all, you can share your hard work with others. App stores let you reach out to a wide audience so you can find friends for even a niche interest.

To Map Out Your Life

An App Builder like Mobile App Wizard can help you utilize map features to pinpoint anything from your favorite stores to top vacation destinations. Designing a custom map of places you want to go will help you make the most of every excursion. You’ll never accidently pass the exit with the world’s largest ice cream cone when you’ve got it all mapped out on your phone.

At MobileAppWizard we have developed over 800 mobile apps like iPhone App Builder and Android App Builder. We decided it was time to take our knowledge and make app development very easy so a lamen can do it.


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Learn Android Programming in Few Steps

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Many people find android programming an uphill task, the matter of fact is that it is not at all difficult, one just need to follow step by step process of development activities to convert an idea to a functional Android application. For creating an effecting android application, one need to be excelled in Java script and should know how to use android open source operating system.

Android is a wide software platform with an open source operating system, which has huge capacity to create an end number of useful applications. There are a multitude of developers working on android technology across the world. Programming for Android phone is simple and easy; however it is necessary to thoroughly study the Java sincerely to make an effective mobile application. There are several companies in the market that offer services in android mobile application development; however one interested in creating an application by oneself need to read and learn java thoroughly.

The primary step to create an android application is installing an IDE, which is called Integrated Development Environment. It is software that has tools to code program such as compiler, debugger and editor. It is advisable to use Eclipse IDE, as it is the most used software by and large. One can also use Netbeans; it is popular software among users. The knowledge of Java is important for easy android application development. Next, get specific tools for Android programming, specially offered by Android SDK.

Developing an application for an android includes making a project for android that consists of all the source codes and resources integrated in application. The project will be set up on apk file format so that it can be easily installed on the device. Next step, which is the most crucial process of android programming, is integration testing. The android SDK has important tool for debugging program. These tools with the assistance of emulators help in testing applications. Programmers using Eclipse IDE has an additional advantage as it is available with compatible debugger.

The android is the most talked about topic in current time. Many android developers are utilising their knowledge and skills to make new and easy android applications. Besides that, Windows mobile development is also creating a niche market for itself. However, the new technology introduced by Google has become widespread technology nowadays as it has enormous applications. Those who are interested in this technology, it is advisable to them to read and update the knowledge with the help of content given on the internet.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at to know more about PHP Development India and Website Development and Design.

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Getting Started With Radio Controlled Cars

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If you have suddenly found yourself looking for a new hobby then you might want to look into Radio Controlled Cars. RC cars are a great way to get yourself involved with something that is not only fun and entertaining but also something that is a great way to meet new people also interested in similar hobbies. You could always mess around with all the gadgets and parts on your own, but must people tend to want to join groups or RC Cars organizations where they can meet people who share the same interests. There are probably a lot more people interested in this hobby then you would imagine. And RC Cars are not just something for the guys as a lot of women are finding themselves interested in this fun and exciting hobby.

When getting started you will need to determine whether you want to work with nitro RC Cars or electric RC Cars. The electric version is powered by electric motors while the nitro styled cars are powered by nitro fuel. If you are extremely new to this hobby of RC Cars then you may want to consider working with the electric models first,as they are known to be much easier on the novice.

You will also need to determine whether you want to do more on-road or off-road adventures. The on-road RC Car is meant strictly for smooth paved surfaces. The off-road electric RC Cars come in a variety of models and have great suspensions for all kinds of terrain. You will want to be careful though when looking into the different kinds of car and truck models. There are cars and trucks that are considered toy versions and there are the hobby versions. The Radio Controlled Cars that are toy versions are much cheaper in price but also in quality. These do not have the ability to move very fast either. The hobby style RC Cars are probably the best bet for those really into it, but they are going to come with a bigger price tag. Some hobby style cars can easily cost a few thousand dollars.

Since the Radio Controlled Cars are such a big-ticket purchase, if this is going to be a gift for someone else, it is probably a good idea to let them pick out the model that they are most interested in. This way, the RC Cars will really be enjoyed and there will be no money wasted. You may be wondering what people do besides get together and play with their Radio Controlled Cars. Many people find enjoyment in simply showing off their new found hobby while others find the need to race their RC Cars. Yes, there are actually racing tournaments for these cars and trucks. What can be won or achieved from the Radio Controlled Cars races will vary depending where you are located and what you entered. The main idea is that the RC Cars are fun and a great way to stay out of trouble. Meeting others with the same interest in RC Cars is also a great way to make some new friends.

For more information about RC Cars and Trucks, please visit Radio Controlled Cars Direct.

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Recommending Apps On The Htc Wildfire

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There is one addition to the entire mobile experience that has changed the way we look at our phones. These are mobile apps. Not only do they make our phones more personalized; they also make our phones more entertaining. This is why we would like to recommend the apps we find interesting to our friends and family. This is exactly what the HTC Wildfire can do.

There are so many mobile applications that you can come across the World Wide Web. There are just so many things for you to explore. One of these is games. This one of the most popular ways to keep you entertained on a mobile phone.

There are so many games to choose from. There are action games, adventure games, puzzle games, arcade games, racing games, and sports. Through these apps, you get to play for hours upon hours. It is easy to lose track of time once you are playing.

There are also news apps. There are various apps that cater to getting all sorts of information when it comes to current events. You can choose to get information on local news. You can choose to get information on international news. All you have to do is download the appropriate app.

When it comes to other forms of entertainment, there are other apps that you might find interesting. You can choose to download apps on music, movies, television, and other things. There is a variety to choose from aside from games on the HTC Wildfire.

If you like to read, there are apps that cater to this interest. These give you access to countless of eBooks that you can get over the internet. There are books about so many things. There are books about fiction, information, suspense, comedy, and so much more. Prepare to let your imagination run wild with these eBooks.

Aside from these apps, there are also apps that belong to various categories. The HTC Wildfire gives you access to horoscope, health, business, and other areas of interest. There are just countless categories to choose from. Every single day, there is something new to discover.

The good thing about this phone is that you never have to keep it all to yourself. Once you find an app that you think your friends or family would like, you can easily share the link of these apps to them. This way, they get to enjoy what you enjoy. This is how you recommend apps on the HTC Wildfire.

This author writes about the latest mobile phones such as HTC Wildfire and HTC Desire.

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Interactive Whiteboard: Future Of Classroom Learning

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Are Interactive Whiteboards really helpful in Classroom Education, Corporate Systems and Broadcasting Studios? A lot more questions are puzzling our minds. So, Let just try to find it out….

An interactive display which connects a computer to the projector is widely known as an interactive whiteboard (IWB). An interactive whiteboard is a combination of computer and projector where projector projects the desktop over the board’s surface where operator controls it by the help of pen, finger, or other device. This is just a kind of board which is required to be mounted over a wall or floor stand. It is widely used in classrooms for running software which is to be loaded onto the connected PC such as web browsers or proprietary software, capturing notes written on a graphic tablet connected to the whiteboard, OCR software to translate cursive writing on a graphics tablet into text, audience response system so that presenters can poll, conduct quizzes, capturing feedback onto the whiteboard.

According to market research by Futuresource Consultancy it was confirmed that interactive whiteboard industry was expected to reach sales of US$ 1 Billion worldwide by 2008 and By 2011, one of every seven classroom in world will feature interactive whiteboard.

This device is basically connected to a computer via USB or port cable or Bluetooth or even via 2.4 GHz wireless. Interactive whiteboard act as a Human Input Device (HID), like a mouse when it is to be attached to the computer. The video output is need to be connected to a digital projector so that images can appear over the whiteboard surface. Now the user can calibrates the whiteboard image via pointer and this is the device which is to be required for the activation of programs, buttons and menus from the whiteboard itself.

All over the Globe there are four common types of operations which used by the users. These are the operations which develops interaction between the user and the content projected on the whiteboard. These are an infrared scan technology, an electromagnetic pen, a resistive touch-based board, a portable ultrasonic pen, and wiimote.

Today, interactive whiteboards are replacing the traditional whiteboards or flipcharts or even media systems. The software supplied with the interactive whiteboard will usually allow the teacher to keep notes and annotations as an electronic file for later distribution either on paper or through a number of electronic formats. Many companies and projects now focus on creating supplemental instructional materials specifically designed for interactive whiteboards. Electrokite out of Boston, MA, for example, will have the first complete curriculum for schools and districts.

But, According to Larry Cuban, education professor emeritus at Stanford University, “There is hardly any research that will show clearly that any interactive whiteboards will improve academic achievement.

Today also interactive whiteboards are still a question mark. Undoubtedly, they are helpful but not everywhere and needs to be discussed some more.

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Getting Started With Freelance Writing

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Freelance writing is one of the many ways to make money on the Internet and is perhaps the easiest and fast is to get into. I started making a considerable amount of money out of it after just a couple of months which compared to many other genuine online business ventures, is certainly quick and easy money.

I use freelance writing to fund my travels nowadays and I greatly regret not getting into it several years ago as I would never have had to come home on a frequent basis to start working again and saving up for my next jaunt around Europe. Freelance writing is not so well suited to people who like to travel quickly but if you’re on the road for a long time, and you tend to travel slowly, then freelance writing is an amazingly effective way to keep on your travels. Of course, it is good for just about anyone who wants to be able to work from home and be at liberty to work when and where they want.

It is very easy to find freelance writing jobs and there are quite a lot of sites and directories to choose from where people regularly post all sorts of jobs from web design to content writing. Finding these jobs can literary happen overnight but it will take a little bit longer if you want to find a decent and well paid jobs. Making sure you uploaded decent profile is a great bonus as is being a native English speaker.

To get started, you will typically need to send some samples to prospective employers and yes, you do need to be able to write well. However, it is not the same as writing for newspapers and a lot of the work is indeed rewriting for search engine optimisation. The cheaper projects tend to supply all the research material you need so you can get the job done super quickly.

The amount of money you earn is not only dependent on how much the employer pays you, but even more importantly, how fast you can actually produce an article. If you are writing articles based on research that you have been supplied by the employer, you could probably turnover 5 to 6 articles an hour of four and to five hundred words each. Any respectable employer will pay you at least $ 2.50 for a 400 word article so that’s already up to $ 15.00 an hour. However, if you are fairly good at what you do, you can probably earn almost twice that.

The only things you need are a computer and Internet access and if you have a laptop, you can pretty much work anywhere in the world so long as there is an Internet supply. If you want the freedom of being able to work at home or on the go, then freelance writing is possibly the best way to start since it requires absolutely no investment, not much time to get into are not necessarily great deal of specialist knowledge.

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Electronic Music For Inspiration And Relaxation