Coding standards and guidelines

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Good software development organizations usually develop their own coding standards and guidelines depending on what best suits their organization and the type of products they develop.

The following are some representative coding standards.

Rules for limiting the use of global: These rules list what types of data can be declared global and what cannot.

Contents of the headers preceding codes for different modules: The information contained in the headers of different modules should be standard for an organization. The exact format in which the header information is organized in the header can also be specified. The following are some standard header data:

• Name of the module.

• Date on which the module was created.

• Author’s name.

• Modification history.

• Synopsis of the module.

• Different functions supported, along with their input/output parameters.

• Global variables accessed/modified by the module.


Naming conventions for global variables, local variables, and constant identifiers: A possible naming convention can be that global variable names always start with a capital letter, local variable names are made of small letters, and constant names are always capital letters.

Error return conventions and exception handling mechanisms: The way error conditions are reported by different functions in a program are handled should be standard within an organization. For example, different functions while encountering an error condition should either return a 0 or 1 consistently.

The following are some representative coding guidelines recommended by many software development organizations.

Do not use a coding style that is too clever or too difficult to understand: Code should be easy to understand. Many inexperienced engineers actually take pride in writing cryptic and incomprehensible code. Clever coding can obscure meaning of the code and hamper understanding. It also makes maintenance difficult.

Avoid obscure side effects: The side effects of a function call include modification of parameters passed by reference, modification of global variables, and I/O operations. An obscure side effect is one that is not obvious from a casual examination of the code. Obscure side effects make it difficult to understand a piece of code. For example, if a global variable is changed obscurely in a called module or some file I/O is performed which is difficult to infer from the function’s name and header information, it becomes difficult for anybody trying to understand the code.

Do not use an identifier for multiple purposes: Programmers often use the same identifier to denote several temporary entities. For example, some programmers use a temporary loop variable for computing and a storing the final result. The rationale that is usually given by these programmers for such multiple uses of variables is memory efficiency, e.g. three variables use up three memory locations, whereas the same variable used in three different ways uses just one memory location. However, there are several things wrong with this approach and hence should be avoided. Some of the problems caused by use of variables for multiple purposes as follows:

• Each variable should be given a descriptive name indicating its purpose. This is not possible if an identifier is used for multiple purposes. Use of a variable for multiple purposes can lead to confusion and make it difficult for somebody trying to read and understand the code.


• Use of variables for multiple purposes usually makes future enhancements more difficult.


The code should be well-documented: As a rule of thumb, there must be at least one comment line on the average for every three-source line.

The length of any function should not exceed 10 source lines: A function that is very lengthy is usually very difficult to understand as it probably carries out many different functions. For the same reason, lengthy functions are likely to have disproportionately larger number of bugs.

Do not use goto statements: Use of goto statements makes a program unstructured and makes it very difficult to understand.

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How To Remove Antivirus Studio – Get Rid of Antivirus Studio 2010 Virus in 3 Minutes

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Antivirus Studio sounds like legitimate software. It sounds like it could protect your PC against spyware, rootkits, and other viruses, but in reality it is fake spyware itself, that wants to slow down your system, and assault you with annoying pop ups. To get rid of this virus is crucial, as leaving it alone to do its work will result in more infections, more headaches, and possibly stolen funds from your bank account. We have to remove antivirus studio before it causes any serious damage.

This particular spyware is a relative of a previous fake program called Desktop Security 2010. The hackers who created it released this new version, in hopes that users will download and purchase a corrupt ‘Full Version.’ Once Antivirus Studio 2010 is installed, it makes serious adjustments to the user’s PC, and begins creating files and folders. It will scan the computer and come up with false infections. It will try to scare the user with warnings such as “Your computer is being used as spamming machine. You can get sued for spam.

Your computer WILL BE DISCONNECTED FORM INTERNET BECAUSE SPAMMING OTHER PCs” and “The antivirus database has become outdated and should be updated now. Click on this message to receive the latest antivirus updates.”

To remove infections like this one, you either need manual removal from a professional, or something called a malware removal tool. An automatic removal tool will clean the infection from your PC, and actively protect your PC as you browse the internet, from now into the future. It’s a vital to protect your PC, as new viruses and spyware are stronger and more frequent than ever. If you’re an advanced PC user, or a registered technician, then you can follow the steps at my website to remove selected files from your system’s registry, however be aware that a single error can make things worse for the computer, so extra care must be taken.

Are you tired of risking your security and safety online? Remove Antivirus Studio and surf the internet with a peace of mind.


Bob Walker is a veteran IT consultant with over twenty years of experience in the industry. He’s helped clean up the computers of everyone from fortune 500 organizations to individual users and families. His website is dedicated to anti-spyware and virus removal research, where he ranks the most efficient anti-spyware and anti-virus programs currently available.

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Medical Coding Training

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Medical coding training can be a great way to develop the skills needed to begin a career as a medical biller and coder.  This is a growing field that will be in high demand for at least the next 20 years.  For this reason, many people are eager to get training in this area to begin this career.  Here, we take a look at some of the common questions people have about the training.

1. How long does the training last?

This is largely dependent on the person taking the class.  The reason is most of the courses are self-paced where how long it lasts depends on how fast the person goes through the material.  However, as a general rule, you should reasonably expect to spend anywhere from 6 months to 18 months.  Of course, some courses can be completed in as little as 2 months because there are no set standards on what courses need be offered.

2. How much does it cost?

The cost of the course will vary depending on who is offering it.  Most of the top courses will charge a tuition of around $ 2,000 to $ 2,500.  This amount may include additional supplies books and the software or it may not.  Many people can also join payment plans to make the costs more manageable or even apply for financial assistance.  In this way, they work very much like any other college or trade school would.

3. Should I get certified?

The answer will almost always be yes.  The two biggest reasons for getting certified are to get the first job and to be able to get better pay.  Of course, one popular draw is that getting certified opens the doors to more potential jobs.  This means you may be able to choose among more jobs which can help increase the odds that you will like the job you choose.  Also, if you choose to start your own business in this area, this credential can become a selling point for your business to prospective clients.

4. Why should I get the training if I don’t have to?

This training has helped many gain the confidence they needed to start this career.  It teaches you a good foundation in a number of areas that will be key to you doing well at your job.  Although you can find work as a medical biller or coder without training, your job prospects will not normally be as good and you will be more likely to make mistakes or have a longer learning curve with this first job.

By keeping all these questions and answers in mind, you should have a much better idea of what the medical coding training entails.


For more information on medical billing from home, click on the following link: medical coding training


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Get Reliable iphone App Development At MDE Mobile Application Developers

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The industry for specialist designed by leap and boundary, because the more and more people use mobile Internet access. A few years ago, every self-respecting company desired to make their own web-site, and now history is repeating itself with mobile applications. Assess for yourself how it will be practical to the consumer through the restaurant’s mobile application program to see on the display of their mobile phone line-menu, purchase record, reviews about the assistance.

Today, almost every representative of the middle and upper classes have a smart phone or tablet, and often, this prestigious products of Apple, namely the iPhone and the iPad.

In this respect, enhancing iPhone app development, ipad apps development, android apps development is becoming more popular among designers of specialist.

The industry for specialist has started a very dynamic development, helped not least the reputation of iPhone. however, the industry of the Indian country only started to type, which in turn indicates great prospective for the long run of this industry.

The organization mobiledevelopmentexperts Online has comprehensive experience in iphone app development, ipad app development, android application development and iPhone Game Development. We can help you recognize your thoughts, from making a simple program to enhancing the overall activity.

Applications for the iPhone will make you profit.

As a common guideline, owners and audience iphone are people effective. These clients want to get any organization. Research indicate that clients are devoted to the iPhone advertisements, and in most cases determine based on details acquired through the phone. Thus making a really useful program for clients, you can include the ads there, and the outcome will not take long. Consequently, you get an effective device to advertise your business. Also you are making a positive mind-set towards the organization by clients. With the program you will also keep organization as a contemporary, to keep speed with the times.

Why are we?

We create applications for iOs, using all opportunities provided by this managing system: location alternatives, the movement of any complexness, enjoying all kinds of press and video content, system features, multi-touch (with the ability to observe several points of contact to the display), accelerometer, etc.

provide alternatives for the execution of Web alternatives and incorporation with them, either with current alternatives designed for specialist.

We have the opportunity to recognize any venture (on the program before the game) Involved in the generation of applications by professional, with each accountable for their perform (design, development, performance, etc.) You get excellent products and on time Throughout plenty of duration of database incorporation, we will offer you with all necessary details on the project

The organization mobiledevelopmentexperts On the internet is the formal position of the program creator for Apple company iOS.

What are plenty of some time to price of program development?

First of all, some time to price of database incorporation rely on the appearance, performance and complexness of the program.

Typically, enhancing iphone app development is from 2 several weeks to 3 months. Secondly the price of program will rely on the excellent of design and style. The conventional edition of style is regarded to be grey or black colures. If it is necessary to indicate the business identification in the style, the price of program is significantly improved because this includes additional perform of the developer. The actual price and conditions of database incorporation are mentioned independently.

Stages of development applications

Preliminary training.
At this level, the planning projects that must be fixed by the program.
Development and control of specialized specifications
Creating a model of the long run applications
Project implementation
Testing the application
Transfer to the consumer application

MDE is the professional mobile apps development company offers iphone app development, ipad app development, android application development and iPhone Game Development services across the globe. You can call us by phone or deliver a ask for through our reviews type.

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Mobile apps to help you remain stress free

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Mobile apps to help you remain stress free

(NC) – Spring is just around the corner which means a hectic time of year at work,  home, with the kids and  juggling ongoing events with friends and family, it’s no secret that life can get busy, stressful and overwhelming. When your days get too crazy to handle, your smartphone can be your best personal assistant—at home or on the road.

If you’re looking for a quick escape, there are some amazing advances in mobile technology that can help you make the most of a last-minute getaway. Products like Google Goggles (where you take a picture of something with your phone—say, a statue in Trafalgar Square or a painting at the Art Gallery of Ontario—and can instantly get all of the relevant information on the object from a quick internet search) and Google Maps for mobile (where you can get driving, walking, biking, or public transit directions at the touch of a button) are quickly earning a place in the arsenals of the savviest travel and tech enthusiasts.

To stay organized no matter where you are, try some of these useful apps that can help you streamline every aspect of your life:

Enhanced with ‘touch-screen’ buttons and color-coded events, Google Calendar can help keep track of your hectic schedule. No more forgetting dinner with friends or that important appointment.

• Easily keep track of shopping lists or mental notes while you’re on the go with Google Tasks.

• Make phone calls, send text messages and so much more using simple voice commands with Google Voice Search. It’s an app that’s especially handy for all you multi-taskers out there.


Check out Google Googles, Google Maps, Google Calendars, Google Tasks and Google Voice Search on your smartphone today!  Google can help you to make your life a little easier with these downloadable apps!

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How to Set Up a Home Recording Studio – 4 Great Techniques For Your Home Studio

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How to set up a home recording studio can depend on the location, the walls, even what’s under and above the room. These are 4 tips I personally utilize in my own home studio, as well as my studio away from home. You’ve came to the perfect place to find more helpful information for your home recording studio whether you’re a rookie or a rookie veteran.

1. Save Your Money!

Do not spend your rent money on studio equipment like many people do. This is a very common problem because people feel the need to go after their dreams by risking all of their expenses. They do this with the hopes of getting all their money back in a short period of time. Very seldom does this situation turn out the way people want it to. Start small and finish big.

2. Where to Begin?

Keep it simple when you’re just beginning. Purchase a good computer if you don’t already have one. You need good music production software, a condenser microphone, and a mixer. This is all I needed to get started. More information on this below.

3. Food

A great way to attract people to your studio is a refrigerator. Yes, a mini or large refrigerator will keep your musicians and artists coming back to pay you. People will choose your studio over many others because of this great product that keeps people alive, food. Moreover, you don’t want to have everyone walking around your house, going into the kitchen, and waking people up in the middle of the night to get bottled water. Keep your refrigerator conveniently right next to your sitting area.

4. Water

Many public speakers drink room temperature water before they get up to speak. This same method can be used for your artists. To prevent the redundant throat clearing and overly excessive recording of tracks, drinking warm water is essential.

Bonus Tip

A bonus tip on how to set up a home recording studio is installing carpet in the room. This helps with eating up the sound waves so they don’t bounce all around the room back into your microphone.

For additional tips and techniques on how to set up a home recording studio visit my blog by clicking here

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Microsoft Visual Studio 11 developer Preview

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Visual Studio 11 (also called “vNext”) is the next generation of IDE from Microsoft. It seamlessly spans the entire lifecycle of a software application starting from design and architecture phases to coding, testing, validation, and deployment.

 This new version sports improvements in multi-monitor support, toolbox, IDE search, solution explorer, filtering capabilities, performance improvements with reduced memory usage, explorer search, etc. In essence, Visual Studio 11 provides an IDE that is simpler, easy to use, faster, and rich with new features. In this article, I examine many of these features in addition to the new features in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.


The new features of importance in Visual Studio 11 include:

·   Support for developing Metro-styleapplications and enhanced support for game application development.

·        Better JavaScript tools.

·        Improved diagnostics support.

·            Support for analysis of code duplication and cloning.

·            Support for exploratory testing and enhanced support for unit testing.

·            Enhanced support for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).

·            Support for local, simulator, and remote debugging.

·            Support for IIS Express as the default integrated Web server.

·            Support for smart tasks.

·            Support for creating user controls from Web pages.

·            Event handler generation from markup.


Visual studio 2011 provides a new development experience from architecture to coding and testing.
It includes new features for Asynchronous programming for VB.Net & C#.
Now you can develop applications which targets to cloud computing.
Smart Task: Visual Studio 2011 Introduce smart task for complex & commonly used features. now using smart task you can add data source to your data repeater control from source view it self, earlier this feature is based on properties.
It has solid integration with HTML 5 and CSS3.
Now you can run your application in design mode, just to see how your page will looks in actual. 
Good News for JavaScript developer, Now it’s new editor is based on IE10, it has the features like automatic matching of braces, you can move to the definition, 
You can develop metro style application. You can develop enhanced games on VS 2011

Training outfits like Knowlett Labs, who offer training and project experience on latest version of Microsoft .NET,  are a big draw among students who wish to make use of the emerging opportunities in this high growth area.


Good .NET programmers are highly sought after in the industry, an increase of 25% in requirement of .NET programmers is projected in the current year. Training outfits like Knowlett Labs, who offer training and project experience on latest plaforms are a big draw among students who wish to make use of the emerging opportunities in this high growth area.



Knowlett Labs is technology training arm of Knowlett Technologies, a global company headquartered in Kansas, USA and providing Software, Consulting & Technology Enabled Learning Solutions to clients worldwide.

We at Knowlett Labs, are focussed on enhacing the quality of technical graduates passing out from institutions to make them employable in the industry.

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What Is Antivirus Software And Why Do I Need It?

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Before I talk about antivirus software I need to mention why it exists : computer viruses.

A computer virus is similar in many ways to a human virus in so much that it spreads infection from one point of contact to another. With a computer this means that it multiplies through infecting additional machines. A computer virus can spread through many means, the most common of which are infected emails, USB and flash drives, exploited web sites and other forms of removable media.

Computer viruses are not only viruses though – the term ‘virus’ has come to mean many other distinct forms of threat that should otherwise be known collectively as malware and singularly as viruses, Trojans, adware, spyware, rootkits and keyloggers, to name just a few.

What is antivirus software then?

An antivirus program is a piece of software designed to protect your computer from the type of threats I mentioned above. It can either be a standalone program, such as KAV, or part of a bigger internet security suite, such as KIS.

An antivirus program typically uses one, two or three of the following methods to analyse your computer’s memory, hard drive and external drives to determine whether any code found in those locations poses a threat –

1. Virus signature definitions

Virus signatures are used to compare code discovered on your system against a database of known threats. This provides a good level of protection as long as the malware being checked for is already known about.

2. Heuristics

In this case common behavious of viruses are compared with the code on your computer in order to detect new threats that are not already in the virus signatures database.

3. Cloud protection

Cloud protection is an add-on to the above which allows other users of an antivirus program to share new threats found in the wild with the rest of the community, thereby allowing an even quicker response and countermeasure to be developed.

Why do you need antivirus software?

In the early days of the internet hackers and other bad guys used to create viruses in order to claim bragging rights, have a bit of fun or to just gnerally be a nuisance. In more recent times, however, the bedroom nerd has given way to the professional hacker who creates new types of malware with the sole intention of making money.

If you don’t protect your computer with antivirus software then you are at far greater risk of being infected with a Trojan or keylogger, for instance, which could be used to acquire your online banking details or credit card information.

And you wouldn’t want that kind of information in the wrong hands. Would you?

Lee Ives writes on a large range of internet and computer security topics. If you want to know more about getting a good level of protection then read his 2012 internet security reviews.

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Develop Mobile Apps having Best User Experience

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The difference between great mobile apps and bad ones has become really straight forward today. A great app is an app that offers a great user experience. Now days, the best apps in the market engage their users for an extended period of time beyond one or two days. Let us discuss a real life case of how a great user experience leads to app success and let’s understand the different steps developers follow to improve their apps’ user experience. For developers, the more their apps stay on their customer’s mobile phone, the better it is. It helps them cultivate a loyal audience that is more likely to pay attention to future apps that they develop and deliver.

Let’s take an example of Flipboard, as a mobile application development. This is an intuitive social aggregation iPad app which became so popular for its amazing user experience. It also had focused on a number of user related things like:

1. A simple concept offering a more personalized social media experience

2. An easy-to-use interface for effortless collection and organization of social updates

3. A visually appealing design

Adherence to components that offer value to the user encourages users to download the app and keep it in their device for an extended period of time. It is essential to focus on user experience above all else to make the app more essential to users. This is what makes mobile apps development successful.

It is also important to pay attention on user experience for developing both consumer-driven apps and enterprise applications. A great user experience is essential, whether you are creating an app that allows all employees to bill their hours remotely or a department specific app to allow them to perform their jobs more effectively while on the move.

It is also vital to focus on efficiency while developing an app for employees. An employee-focused app must have a simple concept, an easy-to-use interface and a visually attractive design. The employee must easily understand how to use the app and how it can benefit him for improving productivity.

An enterprise app also must offer improved customer engagement to drive sales. For example, a pharmaceutical sales rep having mobile apps development, can easily access product information, will be able to better serve clients and engage with prospective doctors. The amount spent in doctor’s office is precious for a pharma rep and by using an app he can maximize it and drive more sales. So, user experience is vital.

This article has been written by a technical writer working at SynapseIndia – a leading iphone and mobile application developmentcompany in India. We offers iBook publishing services,  iphone ApplicationDevelopment, which works with New iPad, iPhone and iPod.

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BlackBerry Development: Pioneer In Mobile App Development

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Before the advent of smartphones, BlackBerry had huge and full QWERTY keyboards with well sized displays. BlackBerry was the first mobile company to introduce the features of digital diaries for business people, which became a hit with the mobile users.

With the increase production of handsets, the market also saw a surge in the use of Blackberry phones and apps. The flexibility in the development of BlackBerry apps and the huge amount of user engagement in those apps makes BlackBerry app development an advantageous option. With the help of Java or the BlackBerry MDS Runtime one can develop an BlackBerry app.

BlackBerry handsets are Java based handsets. The apps for BlackBerry are created with Java’s mobile version called Java ME. Knowledge of Java is an important criteria for BlackBerry app development. The web apps are no different from the Blackberry apps.

There is huge flexibility involved in BlackBerry app development using Java ME although the development process is a little tedious job and also a little costly. Extra hours are taken for the research work so that the developers can get ready the apps with development options.

Most of the developers start their BlackBerry development as if they are making a web version of the app. This makes the developer’s work a little more easier. But at the at of the day it all depends upon how you plan and vision your application and get it done using BlackBerry development tools.

Developers can go for BlackBerry’s Mobile Data System (MDS) Runtime development environment for developing BlackBerry applications. It is not as easy as creating a standard web application, it evolves on multiple customizations and edits in the coding part. Go for the mobile app development company, who is equipped with developers that are expertise in this field and will provide the best solution to your app idea. These expert developers know every pros and cons of BlackBerry development. They will strive to ensure that you get the best ROI. An expert BlackBerry app developer will save a lot time and money of yours in development. An expert and professional BlackBerry developer will always ensure that your app is best in the BlackBerry market, so that in return the developer also gets recognition and fame.

Michael Torner is an IT professional and is currently involved in BlackBerry application development.

BlackBerry App Development

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