Mobile Phone Accessories – Top Android Apps for Your Phone

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The functionality of Android smartphones with the latest accessories for mobile phones and mobile devices apps makes this a very attractive option for a wide range of consumers. The beauty of the Android market is that it is an open source platform, allowing amateurs to professional developers and apps that can improve your daily life produce.

Here are some of the highest recommended Android apps both free and paid on the Android Marketplace

Zoom Camera FX – Frequently Android smartphones are a little weak in the digital camera department. That’s why the FX Zoom Camera app is so impressive addition to Android device. With 40 unique effects, the camera is improved to almost iPhone proportions.

CoPilot Live 8 – While Google Maps is an impressive and credible option for navigation, for the cost of 23.47 CoPilot Live 8 is the complete package, with voice directions and detailed traffic information including speed camera locations for a smooth transition from A to ? B.

SportsTap – The ultimate tool for sports fans worldwide. SportsTap has combined the latest sports scores of American Football, Baseball and NASCAR to football, tennis and cricket, meaning that users have only a touch away from keeping up to date on the progress of their favorite teams, players and directors.

Aloqa – The Android application is particularly useful when you visit a new city and seek recommendations for nearby restaurants, bars and clubs or even shopping. Aloqa is a GPS-powered app, gives locations based on your general preferences and previous activities.

TripIt – An impressive route operator that pulls all of your travel plans together in one neat list. While the app is free to require a simple registration on the website of the software allow.

This extremely popular mobile phone accessories are just the tip of the iceberg with the Android Marketplace is undoubtedly the most comprehensive database of apps for smartphone users.

What are the top android apps find out at gizmodose

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Mobile app developers are in high demand

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Mobile phone has given overwhelmed notch to the communication services. Now, knowing that Mobile app development market is pretty hot, commercial parties could not refuse to business with the new dimensions of mobile phones; the first thing, Mobile applications and Internet access facility have transformed mobile phones into small PC and the second thing that mobile app development has improved connections between trade and clients. This was good and main course is still awaited. Along with the progress these companies turned out to be more innovative and cost-effective. It became the deal of less expenditure great profit. Flexibility and smooth navigations of the apps are major reasons to be chosen by the clientele.

When matter we are discussing is about development, then how Mobile app developers can leg behind. They are the most important knot of development process. What is the perspective of a developer at the time of app development? What makes them choose app development as a career? What is the need of mobile app in today’s world? Today we will overcome all these questions in this article.

Before thinking of building any first application it is important to choose some platform. There are many mobile app platforms. Developer researches the market of Smartphone and identifies the platform customer deems on. Development is undoubtedly intricate but helps service providers to enhance their business by providing mobile app solutions to the clients.

Right from placing orders to receiving payment mobile apps has grown in business for Finance and Money, games, News Weather, Lifestyle, Travel, Education and Study, GPS navigation, Wireless Internet Security. User may choose any of these applications which suit their business. Some companies are also providing other creative apps apart from these all. User who have own ideas in mind can hire a mobile app developer as well.

Developers can create applications, debug them and package it for delivery. They can communicate directly with the client from any place without wasting the time in travelling. They can also customize or existing apps as per the need of the client’s business.

Mobile app development is beneficial for all three areas, Business, Client, and developer. It supports both Mobile app developer and client to generate and implement their creative ideas and supports companies to acquire great revenue.

OpenXcell Technolabs is working with professional Mobile app developer team. The team is creative and fully skilled. To know more about Mobile app development and developers, kindly visit the site:

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How to Buy and Sell Mobile App Source Code

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The mobile computing market is the biggest thing to hit the computer industry and the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of mobile applications have been developed in a very short period of time. As in the first days of the Internet where everyone and their mother wanted a website developed, everyone wants an application.

A new generation of mobile phone users is always looking for something new and exciting every day. App store flooded with new applications for an hour. Developers and contractors must find the application on the market is very lucrative. App can go from obscurity to fame almost instantly in a few days. It is not uncommon to see the download app found, and to go from zero to a few hundreds of thousands of downloads in a few hours!

Even after so much media attention and a lot of success on the part of developers around the world, Mobile, developers are still struggling to achieve financial success. More than 70,000 registered developers and over 250,000 from the App Store, it is increasingly difficult to stay out so flooded the market. Even when you have a great application, but have little chance without a note, effective marketing and business experts to promote the product.

For many developers, marketing is not their forte. They focus on developing high quality code and have little time on the market or not have the business acumen needed to start your application from darkness to integration. To solve this problem, some sites have been created to help mobile application developers obtain a significant gain for their hard work with the sale of its code of mobile applications. In many cases, developers can make more money by selling their code instead of paying to list your application in the App Store.

Buyers have the opportunity to purchase a mobile application developed that can include graphics, coding and all license rights in the future. In a sense, buying a company, brand and presence in the mobile industry of billions. Many may decide to build a portfolio of applications, while others may take the code and reuse it to improve existing applications.

So if you want to buy or sell iphone app source code and android app source code Mobile apps Gallery also offer you Please visit:

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Make the Occasion More Special for Your Child by Gifting Personalised Kids Books

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With the advent of modern technologies, the things are becoming quite hi-tech. If you go out looking for a gift for your child, you will certainly find some technically advanced gadgets or other gifts like 3D games, sports equipment to puzzles. Gifting either of these gifts can be a very common thing for every mother, father, friend or for uncle and aunties. But, an idea of gifting some personalised gifts to the closed ones is something that the gift taker cannot forget. People generally preserve personalised gifts for a longer time than the one purchased from the markets.

However, when it comes to arrange for a gift for your child, you can easily think of creating something innovative than actually visiting each and every shop to find the most advanced gift. It not only proves a time consuming process, but is also an expensive way of gifting the person. Thus, by going for the personalised gift, it becomes easier for people to portray a sense of affection and warmth to your child.

The creation of personalised gifts starts from selecting an idea as in what should be gifted. There are certain things in the market that proves to be one of the most attractive ways of expressing one’s love and care to your child and that are in the form of books, calendars to albums.

Personalised kids books can be made very creative and unique by incorporating the life story of your child and family and making your child as the protagonists of the story. For instance, any character playing the role of a superhero can be given your child’s name that will automatically double up his or her interest. This will not only increase the interest of your child in reading books, but will also help in bringing the memories of childhood in his or her front.

The growing popularity of internet has certainly taken away children from the books, thus, an idea of customized kids books goes well for such children. Furthermore, other ideas can be easily searched upon the internet, so that the books can be made more attractive and livelier.

Thus, it is an undeniable truth that nothing can replace the sense of warmth or care that the personalised kids books or personalized books actually can deliver. It certainly helps in expressing the intense for your child in the simplest form. Therefore, a bit extra effort and creativity can eventually change the normal occasion for your child into the most special one.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to personalised kids books and customized kids books for more details please visit .

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Allsport GPS Mobile App

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Whether you’re a marathon runner, a cyclist or simply enjoy long walks, there’s something new on the market that covers all levels of exercise.  The Trimble AllSport GPS Mobile App has just what you’re looking!  This just released app has integrated more than 20 statistics for the fitness enthusiast.  Not only does it allow you to plan ahead by giving you real time weather reports, but you can also search and view maps and parks using the Pro app.  This app makes it easy for the user to create a customized training program that provides data on the calories burned at any given time.  These are the types of amenities you would expect to see on a dedicated piece of GPS sport equipment.

According to Rich Rudow, General Manager for Trimble Outdoors, “When Trimble set out to create the next generation of our Android app, we first paired active athletes with our Trimble Outdoors Android engineers. Together, they collaborated on design and features. Next, we invited hundreds of people to test-drive the app in a closed beta for three months. The result is an AllSport GPS that’s fine-tuned to the specific needs of outdoor fitness fans and the fastest growing smartphone market in the U.S.”

In other words, before its launch, this app was seriously road tested by a mixture of athletes representing various types and styles of exercise regiments.  For more than three months, researchers had 350 users putting the app through its paces.  Over the three month period, the researchers recorded 1,800 activities of all types.  More than 17,000 miles had been clocked and approximately 9 million calories were burned in all.  Listed below are some of the features included with this app.  

• Keep track of weekly workout out data.  Compare and chart your progress directly on the phone, or go to

• Chart your workouts on maps so you will always know your location and routes.  This is available to all users whether biking, running or walking.

• Monitor cardio statistics during your workout – including distance, calories, speed and time.

• Share your workout training progress with friends on Facebook by using your online account.

• The Allsport GPS Trimble Outdoors app is free to download
Both apps are available in the android market, so you can download them onto your iPhone, BlackBerry and other select feature phones offered by Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile.

Bradley Jacobs is a <a href=””>GPS</a> enthusiast and touts the benefits of <a href=””>garmin</a>, tomtom, magellan, lowrance, and other gps system available with unmatched on-line store experience.  With over 20 years of direct engineering, marketing, and customer service experience in the GPS industry, he is uniquely qualified to offer top-level support.  His favorite distributor, GPS City, sells to thousands of customers in the USA, Canada, and worldwide. They range from small businesses to many Fortune 500 companies. From major universities and technical colleges to the Pentagon, Canada’s DND, military and other government institutions.

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Things To Consider For Mobile Apps Testing

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If you are a freelance mobile developer or an individual who wants to develop and release his own applications then you would probably be doing a lot of testing over emulators and browsers etc. Testing is a very important phase of software development and you should take it very seriously. During the initial testing of the app over emulators everything might seem to function properly, which is a good thing, but an emulator only shows you how your application should work on a real device and you are never really sure how it would behave on the actual device.

Using browsers for testing the app is also a good technique but it also has some limitations. You cannot really test the touch screen functionality of the app and you also have to consider the CPU difference, memory usage and many more critical factors. The slight deviation of the application functioning on real device as compared to testing results could be a matter of real concern for you. Large organizations and businesses usually hire an offshore software development company to make sure that the application is properly developed and exhaustively tested for performance issues.

However, here are some aspects that you must consider before testing the application on the real device:

The Required Mobile Device: Deciding the type of device that you wish to test the app for is also a big questions. Let us take the example of iPhone which is the most popular range of smart-phones and devices. There are many devices and further there are hardware differences, multiple versions, operating system versions and other aspects associated with each device. The suggestion would be that you should opt for the latest hardware and firmware as these users generally upgrade their devices whenever new firmware is launched. This way your app will remain effective for a longer period.

What to do if You Can’t Afford the Real Device: These devices are usually very costly and especially when it comes to iPhone devices one has to think twice before buying it. However, most carriers offer these devices on a very low price if the user is ready to sign lengthy contracts. Still it is not worth buying it just for testing an app. The most sought after and cost-effective testing method would be to hire a professional mobile application development company offering proven mobile app testing services and let them do it for you.

Professional App Test Before Release: As you are just single person therefore you have a certain perspective shared by you only. Further, you can also miss out on some things. It is always better to get the app tested by others too. This does not means that you have to hire a professional app tester as you can take the help of your colleagues, friends and or other person who has proper knowledge. However, it would be better if you can afford a professional mobile apps tester.

The Network/Carrier Providers: The type of carrier does not really matters as app testers usually check the application performance at good, medium and poor signal strengths. As long as the testing includes network specific testing specifications you should not worry about the type of signal carrier.

Mobile apps development is a very costly process and you should be careful and thorough in the testing process so that you investment could provide proper returns. Mobile application development is also a complex process and unless and until you have total confidence in your skills, you should try to hire a mobile development company and get the app developed by experts.

Amy Patrix is an industry expert for IT technologies and is currently providing consultations and advices to organizations and businesses spread all over the world. Formally, Amy is associated with Xicom technologies, a renowned offshore software development company and mobile development company offering highly business centric and reliable software solutions to clients spread all over the world.

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The Essential Guide to Design a Better Mobile App

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The challenge to build a better app and how to market it effectively

In spite of the abundance of apps in the market that are available for the mobile platform, and most of them rather mediocre or plain boring, it is possible to build an app that really stands out in the crowd. Marketing apps pose a challenge to many developers. Unless an app is featured among the top 20 apps in its category, the chances of people discovering it are thin. A good solution is to place mobile ads within other apps and on websites catering to the mobile community.

In the Android Market, apps are not pre-approved to be made available for downloading unlike Apple’s App Store. The problem is, with the absence of an approval system in the open environment of the Android market, countless poor quality apps have entered the foray. In fact, the Android market is overflowing with badly built apps that crash too often, or don’t install properly, or simply lead to a bad customer/reader experience.

The secret of building a better app

As every experienced mobile app developer worth his salt will tell you, every app needs to have a reason for using it. Also, a better mobile app design is one that makes smart use of built-in features within the handset such as the compass and GPS. Other important factors to consider are the ease of use (and installation), the attractiveness of the interface, and most significantly, the real usefulness of the app. So, here are some tips for how to build a better app that will be noticed, along with some points that you should avoid.


Make smart use of in-built device capabilities such as compass, calendar, etc.
Your marketing endeavors should stress the advantages of using your app over other kinds of editions (such as on the Web or in print)
Use social media to spread the word around
Add links to your app in other digital platforms
Test thoroughly before releasing it in the market. Be sure that your app will generate a good user experience


Don’t build an app that is similar to an existing one
Don’t build functions that cause users to leave your app. Instead, weave them into the app itself
Don’t build an app that takes too long to download and install
Don’t forget to have some kind of a feedback system to know how your users feel about your app
Don’t forget to take into account the profile and demographics of your users while building the app

When there is a huge download rate as big as 15 billions downloads, there are only 20% of the app that come from big brands, and only  1% of them has been downloaded more than a million times. So, it is the time we need to re-think about mobile app development sector.

This article has been written by a technical writer working at SynapseIndia –  a leading web design company india . We offers  mobile app design, html5 web development,html5 web design  etc

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Kids play tent

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It’s not unknown that children are very demanding when it comes to playing, and that we adults sometimes don’t have necessary time and energy to follow their needs. Kids need their toys to enter the world of fun. The best way to provide that to them is getting a kids play tent. It maybe doesn’t seem like the best solution, but by the end of this text you will think different.

It really shouldn’t be hard to find a play tent that will make your child happy and excited because there are so many designs. You can get cowboy tents, monster tents, the ones that are shaped like a castle so your little ones can be kings or queens. Or maybe your child wants to be an astronaut, no problem, just let them travel the universe, and all that from your living room while you are watching them with pleasure. I say ˝with pleasure˝ because at the same time they are happy and developing some very important skills.

Here are 3 reasons why to poses kids play tent

1.  Improving motor skills and coordination
In this area the best tents you can buy are play tunnel tents because children love to develop body awareness and motor planning skills and the best way to do that is crawling through these play tunnels. From a play tunnel you can make their own sensory room by filling them with different materials to explore variety of lights and sounds and challenge their balance and motor skills by shaking them up while they are crawling.

2.  Improving creative play in your kids
Kids at the very young age show how great is their possibility of imagining things and most of the time parents are amazed by is´ proportions. But you as a parent can be satisfied because you make it possible for your kids to develop and sharpen their mind by getting them a play tent. Now they can be whatever they want to be.

3.  Learning to interact with others
Everything is so much better to do when you can share happiness with your friends, and children are not exception. Imagine having a sleepover. Pop up the tent in the living room, throw in some pillows and books for bedtime stories, and you have got some very happy children.

Here are some tips that will help you chose the right one

1.  Interests of your child
You as a parent know the wishes and interest of your child, so getting a tent and decorate it with their favorite characters shouldn’t be a problem.

2.  Your available space for the tent
Make sure that you look at the size of the room you intend to assemble the play tent. It is also important if that tent is going to be a permanent fixture in the room or simply a toy to bring out now and then.

3.  Where will your kids play tent be?
The two biggest differences between play tents are that some are waterproof or at least water-resistant and some aren’t. So depends on your needs what kind of a tent you will buy.

4.  Quality is important
This depends on many things like is your kid going to use his or her tent only inside and how much will the tent be used. Is your kid careful with his or her toys, and you should also consider friends that will probably use the tent as a playground.

Imagination is a great learning tool for kids and by giving your children a kid’s play tent you are providing countless hours of fun and adventure.

Danny Reed is a writer who specializes in outdoor activies. You can check out his latest website at
2 Person Tent, where he provides great advice for buying small tents,
including the 1 Person Tent and Kids Play Tent.

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Convertin Psd To Html Coding

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Your business means a lot to you and you would make every possible effort to make your website look different from others.There has been a increasing trend in the online industry from last few years and to cope up with the growing cut-throat competition the entrepreneurs are trying their level best to make their business stand out from others. This article will give you an insight about the various important steps which should be considered while coding PSD to HTML.
So here we go…

The first important thing to do is to create a style.css file structure which includes all the styling codes that will make everything look nice.

Then set up Reset.CSS file because different browsers tend to have inconsistencies in the way they display different HTML elements. Using a reset style sheet enables you to reduce the impact of these inconsistencies.

The next step should be to add the basic HTML Markup and then you need to start referencing your style sheets which tells index.HTML page where to find your main style sheet.

The basic HTML/CSS template structure to avoid any kind og future complications. Most of the developers are using this template and you will also find it easy to familiarize with this structure.

Then comes the coding of the basic page section but make sure that you have to be very careful while doing the coding part because a small mistake made by you can put you into great trouble afterwards.

Then comes the task of creating the background and selecting the logo. Here also you should be careful while selecting the colors for your background. Make sure that it suits your designing needs and doesn’t looks too flashy. Providing your site with a dark background may hinder your users to read the content written on your site.

Do not forget to provide a client testimonial section for your website.

Once you are done with these processes you will get an idea of how well you are going to make your website work for you. However, there are still several things to noticed while coding but all you need to do is to be careful in whatever you are doing while coding.

By MARKUPBOX:- provides best psd to html services, where you get conversion services for psd to xhtml, psd to joomla, psd to drupal, psd to wordpress etc.

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How Can Garden Studios Propel Cosmology?

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Theoretical physics blows my mind and I love it.  Having taught it to both enthused and apathetic teenagers in past times, it’s now just a habit of thought, keeping up with the latest theories.  Garden studios have a role to play, as investment budgets are cut, in discounting the current apathetic acceptance that everything we know suddenly appeared from nothing, one Tuesday morning, 13.7 billion years ago.

Having considered Hubble’s expanding universe and the mainstream multiverse theory pulling us rapidly towards a range of answers, this is a bad time to loose research funding. Such research is a common denominator in the modern peer group of garden room doctors: the ever expanding number of highly qualified scientists who are ordering private research rooms and detached garden studios in which to establish and enhance their theories.  Given the current exponential expansion in cosmological theories, it may be logical to conclude that future truths manifesting from these quiet garden studios could constitute a breakthrough.

The cabin-like character of the space is ideal for deep thought.  Removed from the shadows, disturbance and noise of other buildings, the detachment of garden research rooms allows them a personal study, “My Space”, ambience.  Custom made to order, these buildings allow intensive work of exceptional depth and quality, partly due to their high thermal and sound insulation – distraction barriers.  Those committed to cosmological development have exactly the right temperament and atmosphere within private garden studios to extrapolate their theories.

With funding problematic, venues need not be a problem at all when garden studios of this quality and cost exist.  Rapid-build garden rooms allow the research to continue, unimpeded.  I want to know why and how we came to be, not content with Darwin’s brilliant but vague conclusion, that we are all descended from one cell.  Wonderment and intelligent passion are fast closing on black hole bounces, cyclical like our seasons, bringing religious doctrines together in a genesis meets nirvana moment of truth.


Jewel attained a medical degree with Honours in 2003. She is passionate about
environmental issues and the benefits of home-working, including the health and environmental advantages of flexible working practices – among others.  She currently works from home as a company Director and tends to her growing family.

Jewel has helped form a show-case website of top quality garden rooms involving contemporary designs and best value for money garden buildings so call today on UK 02890 425538;  RoI 0044 2890 425538 for more information.

For free information and advice on all aspects of sustainable timber
structures and home working visit our fresh gallery pictures:

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Electronic Music For Inspiration And Relaxation