5 Things That Can Increase Retention In Mobile Apps

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Mobile Applications come in two business models. The first depends on the sale of applications, and actual retention is only a minor concern so far as it can drive additional downloads. The second model depends on user engagement, and the application is generally free, and it relies on user retention to drive ad or sales revenue.

According to Flurry Analytics, which monitors data for over 20,000 Android and iPhone applications and over 2 billion user sessions each month, user retention across all apps drops an average of 85 percent by the first month. This means that 85 out of every 100 people who download an app will have deleted it from their phone within the first 30 days. After six months, retention is only 5 percent.

For apps that depend on user engagement and constant use over time, these numbers are troubling. However, there are many solutions that can increase retention and make applications successful over time.

We’ve taken a quick survey of the software development and marketing teams here at Amadeus Consulting, and come up with the top 5 things that affect mobile app retention.

Marketing  & Acquisition


So you have a great idea, and you’ve created an app, but it has a really low retention rate. What’s wrong?  Well, the most likely problem is its usability. If users cannot figure out how to use it and get it running in 10 seconds or less, they will delete you and potentially find a competitor’s app that is easier to use, even if it does not provide the same depth of services.

Some things that affect usability include a mandatory or lengthy registration, difficult or unusual controls, a very clunky interface, or slow sync time between the app and your servers. In order to increase the value of your app, you need to optimize the user experience.

For example, let’s say that you are a local pizza restaurant and you have an application that is designed to increase sales of pizzas by letting users place orders through the application. For you to be successful, your application needs make ordering pizzas as simple of a process as possible. Evaluating good UI design is difficult to describe in words, but basically the user should not have to think about how to use the app, and it should be intuitive with as few steps as possible.

An extension of this idea is creating a positive user experience. Some apps claim to provide certain functionalities, but they require a lengthy setup process, or have a clunky interface, or are not intuitive, or have any number of other usability problems. Good development requires more than just great coding. It requires an understanding of how people will use the application, and a development process focused on the end user.

Great interface design is a very valuable skill and it can make-or-break an application in the eyes of your users. Even if you have excellent in-house programming to back up the UI design, it may be worth your time to look at getting help with the interface.


The problem with software is that it changes so often. Your app may work perfectly today, but tomorrow Apple may provide an update to the iPhone operating system and your app suddenly develops bugs. Can your developer anticipate the changes and provide an update to your application to prevent downtimes?

Developers need to offer troubleshooting and “IT” service to the application once it is developed. If you are hiring a third party to develop your app, you should at the very least expect a warranty period, but also carefully consider the option for extended service and upgrades, which usually cost extra. In most cases, you or your developer will be able to anticipate changes or upcoming issues and provide an update to your app that will limit downtimes.

Also, some operating systems are used across different phones. What will happen to your app over the next few months if Apple releases a new version of the iPhone, or if Android OS comes out on a different model?  You need to consistently provide compatibility updates; otherwise people will drop your application in droves.

Additionally, frequent content updates are an excellent way to keep people engaged. If people know that there is an update coming soon, or that you provide frequent content additions to a paid app, then they are more likely to download it and hang onto it. Updates are also a great way to remind users that your app is still there, and remind them to use it.

These recommendations are all things we take into consideration when we develop mobile applications for our customers. They are the best way to keep users engaged with your app; let us help you in the process.


There are two sides to retention: The usability side, which encompasses most of what we’re talked about so far, and the acquisition side, which means getting people to download the app initially.

Acquisition includes more than just a measure of the number of downloads; it also describes how well people are able to find the app, and how likely they are to download it. Just remember, on the Apple App store, there are over 180,000 applications. You need to make yours stand out.

How do you do that?  First, you need to make sure that it meets basic search engine optimization (SEO) requirements, which includes making sure that it is appropriately labeled and categorized during that submission process. You wouldn’t want your new banking app to end up in the games section, because people that wanted a banking app would never find it. The description and information needs to be targeted and exact using appropriate keywords, but also inviting. Pictures almost always help, especially if you have a great UI, but you also need to make sure that everything else is correct.

Second, you need market your application. You need to tell people about it, and provide some incentive to download it. If you are building an application for a current business, then you can piggy back on a few of your other marketing efforts so that you include your app as well. Additionally, there are also many websites that specialize in app reviewing and rating and you can work with these sites to provide a bit more visibility to your application.

Also, a word about rankings: while it may be tempting to pad your own rankings, doing so is extremely dangerous and has gotten more than a few apps banned from the store, and is fairly easy for users to spot. Instead of padding your own rankings, use your time to build legitimate user reviews by being very transparent and providing frequent updates and quality feedback to users. There are thousands of new app startups, and if you are planning on being in the app business (or offering apps) for awhile then you definitely want to brand yourself as reputable.

I know many third-party developers, including Amadeus Consulting, provide specialized SEO and marketing for apps, which are definitely worth looking into. Whether you do it, or if you hire someone else to help you do it, marketing will give your app an extra ‘oomph’ that it needs for a successful launch, and give you the momentum to succeed down the road.

In Conclusion

Creating an application is not a pass/fail process. Like almost everything else, quality matters. To make a comparison, it is like creating a personal Facebook account but never logging in, accepting friends, or responding to friendly inquiries. Are you on Facebook?  Yes, technically. But it is not doing anything for you, and may even be hurting since you seem to ignore everyone who would be interested. App development works the same way:  having a bad app is much worse than having no app at all.

What this means is that you need to understand that creating an app is an investment and a commitment. It also means that if you are looking to get into the app business, you may be much better off investing in an experienced third party developer that can guide you through the process and manage it with you until you are ready to take over.

Stay tuned for our second part of this post, where we will discuss Design and Integration best practices for mobile application development and retention.

As the Search Visibility Manager at Amadeus Consulting, Monica’s knowledge is extensive in search engine marketing and conversion optimization strategies. Monica is dedicated to helping both Amadeus Consulting and our clients succeed online and is passionate about all things search. The Search Visibility Insights blog offers knowledge and market-related information for readers interested in the ever-changing world of online marketing trends.

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How water is making Everyone Mobile

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If you are among those lucky enough to have your health and mobility then you may also be among those that have never considered how it would feel to not have the use of your legs. If you do, it seems so normal, so easy to take for granted, to stand or walk or run. Imagine for a moment if you didn’t have that ability. Now imagine what it would feel like to suddenly get some of that mobility back.

It would be pretty freaking awesome.

To many, physical therapy pools seem to be the giant tubs that sit in the training rooms of your favorite sports team or athlete, but to some, they are a way back to a feeling of control and mobility. The weightlessness one feels in water can be a very liberating feeling to someone normally confined to a wheelchair so it may surprise the mobile masses just how popular and often used they actually are.

Physical therapy pools are not the esoteric training tool most assume that they are as they are in use in residential applications all over the country. The last decade or so has seen a sharp increase in home instillations as their benefits are clearly very well documented. People who previously had no liberation from their physical limitations are making great use of the natural buoyancy of water and the soothing, calming affects that it can achieve. In addition to the mental benefits, physical therapy pools can also bring about great results in overall body health as they can be used as a form of non weight bearing exercise. Immobility is the single largest contributor to muscle atrophy which can lead to a whole host of associated problems including embolism, poor circulation, skin integrity issues and respiratory problems. The ability to move or be moved within the weightlessness of moving water can help alleviate or combat these health issues while also bringing about a feeling of independence and mobility that may be otherwise impossible.

Physical therapy pools are not just for the athlete. They are for everyone.

Crystal is an account coordinator with Location3 Media. Her personal blog discusses travel, health, fitness, and finance.

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Getting Started With Bodybuilding For Women

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Women can be bodybuilders just as men can but the important thing to note is that since a woman’s body is different, she will have many different needs when it comes to bodybuilding. She may do different exercises and routines and will have to adjust her diet differently from that of a male bodybuilder or a female who does not engage in bodybuilding activities.

With female bodybuilding becoming more and more mainstream, a lot of women are learning about their unique needs and how best to shape their body and encourage muscle growth for bodybuilding. If women want to cut and enhance their muscles, they must learn as much as possible about their bodies and how they work.

Women are designed by nature to be different from men in various aspects so the techniques which work for a male bodybuilder will not produce the same results in a female. One of the best ways for a female bodybuilder to build her muscles is through weight training. Cardiovascular workouts are also going to be very important to be sure that you burn extra calories and keep the heart healthy. This will increase your stamina as well.

What are the steps to getting started with women’s bodybuilding? Here are some ideas:

As a woman, you must first start with fat loss. Women generally have more fat than men and this fat covers the muscles and makes it difficult to see them even if they are well cut and built up. Women average about 18-24% body fat and men usually fall in the 14-18% range.

Track your progress. Keep a journal to write down where you are, when you begin and how much progress you make on a weekly basis. Be sure to keep a daily track of what exercises you do, weight training and much more. This will help you know when you need to increase your workout as well.

Remember the importance of your diet. Your body tends to process food a whole lot differently than that of a man.

Watch your weight loss. It’s natural for people to want to lose fat but if you lose body fat too quickly, you might end up losing muscle as well. If you don’t want to lose any muscle mass, the ideal amount of weight that you should lose on a weekly basis should be between 1-2 pounds

Workout 3-4 times a week using both weight training and aerobic exercise. This allows you to tone, build muscle mass and gain strength.

Eat a high protein diet and avoid complex carbohydrates as much as possible. You may try protein shakes, poultry, fish, cheese and eggs.

Be sure to always drink lots of water to hydrate the body and cleanse it of toxins.

Don’t take in more daily calories than you burn. This will cause you to gain weight from fat instead of muscle.

These bits of advice will help you get started easily when it comes to female bodybuilding; one more great idea is to locate a personal trainer that has a record of working with female bodybuilders and helping them achieve results. This way you get the advice of an expert in the field and you know when you are veering off your desired path and goals.

Guy Starbuck is a Super Geek and Health Phreak who writes for StrongRod.com, and StrongRod.com

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How To Make An IPad App

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> The Top 5 Apple ipad Apps

> What Are Top iPhone & iPad Apps in the Year?

A lot of people cashed in big time on the Apple iPhone apps and it is definitely going to be the same with iPad apps.

Making an ipad does not require you to an expert or a tech geek. Normal people like you and more have experienced success. To be successful you just need to know what to do and how to do it and you will do just fine.

Here are the key factors to keep in mind:

Market Research

It is important to know your target market. Most of the people that buy and use the iPad are older folks that are older than 30 to about age 55. It includes both men and women but realistically it is mostly men who are well off or who have done well for themselves. They are mostly interested in apps that will make their lives easier, apps that will make them more productivity and applications that will improve the way they do their businesses.

Important factors to take away from market research in terms of the application you want to make and who will be using it are:

You need to define who will be more likely to be interested in buying your application.
What is their age group
What is the most common problem that they share
How can your application solve the biggest problem that they have

What can you learn from the top 5 to 10 of the top application in the market that you want to venture into?

Spend time studying the apps that are already in the market. What do people love about them? Find out what people are raving about them and what are they complaining about. Find out what makes them similar and different and what makes them similar. What is important here is to find out what they are missing so that you can offer whatever is missing that customers are looking for, look for improvements that you can make and the kind of value that you can offer.

Know What the iPad Is Capable of Doing and Performing

You are probably aware of the iPhone, and when compared with the iPad keep in mind that the iPad screen is bigger at 1024 x 768. The point I am trying to make is that you need to know and understand the inner workings of the iPad and the applications.

Some features that you need to consider include split view, popovers, keyboards that are customized as well as the capability to support multiple formats from pdf to txt.

Guidelines For Creating A Great App

Once you have a picture of how your application is going to look and do, you need to incorporate the users and what they expect from it.

Important factors to keep in mind are:

Design your application so that it functions in both portrait and landscape modes
Make sure the application only presents what the user needs at that moment. Non relevant or confusing information can really bore the user so you need to ensure that your app can hide information that is not needed at a particular time.
Take the best of existing applications that users are already familiar with such as tap, pinch and drag
You can make your application compatible with other applications such as other desktop applications.
If at all possible, make your applications to be universal so that they can be both used by iPhone and iPad users. This will give you a wider audience
Your application needs to be fast, otherwise people can get bored waiting for it to load
Another important factor when it comes to your application is the fact that it needs to appealing visually to your potential customers. Make sure that you use high resolution graphics and make it look as real as possible.

The programming part of your application will need you to hire a professional programmer, someone who knows exactly what is required and can do a great job.

The Design of your application needs the finished product to be represented by a beautiful icon that is visually stimulation to the user. The icon needs to be 72×72 in .png format with 90 degree corners. It should not have shine or alpha transparency, and stay away from giving it a gloss appearance.

Testing The Application – Once you are happy with your finished product, you need test your application to ensure that everything works as it should and that it performs exactly as it was designed.

Once you are happy, you will need to submit it to Apple for a review and approval, so take that into consideration.

The Distribution Of Your Application it is pretty obvious that if people do not know about your application you will not get any customers and therefore you will not make any money.

Step 1:You need to plan how you are going to let people know about it. A month or 2 before it is launched, you need to start connecting with people who can help get your application out there. You can do this by using social media, the likes of facebook, my space, twitter and the like. You also need to get into relevant forums and get your name out there. This would also be a good time to get people to test out your applications so that they give you reviews on it.

Step 2: As you near the launch, say a week before you plan to launch your application, you should have generated a lot of buzz already.

But you can up it up by writing articles about it and what it can do, you can do contests and get people to win it, you can do discounts for limited time, you can do press releases and you can do videos about it, focusing on the benefits it provides on the user.

You do whatever you have to do ensure that a lot of people hear about it.

Step 3: When you are ready for a full launch, you should already have your reviews in and you should have some people who will be helping you get the application out there. By now, you should have a lot of people out there waiting to get the application, provided you have done a great job in promoting it.

Make sure your customers can get in touch with you in case they have questions about it, or for feedback on how to improve it. Continue to communicate with your existing customers as you get new ones. Your existing customers will be instrumental in getting you new business especially if they are happy with your application and your service.

That basically is the skeleton that you need to follow in creating your own iPad app.

10 Must Have iPad Apps

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Squeeze Page Tutorials – Copy Matters

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If you’re putting together a sales page for a product, you will spend as much time, energy and money as necessary to create a winner. You realize that your sales page is the stem of the funnel, the place where people either buy or go away. You can’t afford to have a less-than-optimal money page.

Strangely, though, many marketers and the squeeze page tutorials upon which they rely fail to apply that same solid logic to squeeze pages. They are funnel stems, too. You either get a sign up or the prospect “walks away”. It can be your last shot to turn a visitor into a lead and, thus, a future customer. Nonetheless, the importance of good copy on squeeze pages is often completely overlooked or, in the best case scenarios, treated as an afterthought.

Can you get sign ups by quickly offering a freebie as an inducement and supplying a few bullet points? Of course. However, you’ll get a much higher response rate if you create a squeeze page that features persuasive copywriting.

Many squeeze page tutorials will break down the process of generating leads in great detail. They’ll discuss everything from autoresponder integration to page design. They won’t, however, discuss how to write something on that page that will really convince visitors to fill in those all-important blanks.

So, what’s the secret? It’s the same secret used in the best sales pages. Good copy. We’re talking about a properly-structured, persuasive message that makes it close to irresistible for the prospect to take the desired action. The exact structure and format of that short message will vary based on numerous factors, of course, but a good copywriter will find the right angle to improve your page’s performance.

If you’re doing your own copy, you’ll want to look at other squeeze pages for ideas. Don’t settle for what you get in the squeeze page tutorials, make an effort to see great examples in action. You’ll want to combine that research with a very succinct and well-organized persuasive message unique to your product or service.

If you rely on professional copywriters for your sales page, you may very well want to turn them loose on your squeeze pages, too. Remember, the money is in the list. You want a big list. And an integral part of maximizing sign ups is the presence of good copy.

This look at squeeze page tutorials only skims the surface of a deep pool of valuable information. Take advantage of this opportunity to plunge even deeper into squeeze page tutorials. You’ll love what you find there.

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Medical Coding at Home

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I have worked as a medical biller and coder for 3 years. Now after having my first child I would like to find a job medical coding at Home. Because I have completed the program as a medical biller I feel very qualified to work from home but I am slowly figuring out if this is really an option for me.

So far I have learned that I can get a job for an agency and there is software that I can purchase for my computer. Other then that I am a bit stumped. There are also online courses that teach medical coding that also mention something about software.

Because of my experience I do not want to buy into a scam of buying software that will not do me any good. If I cannot find work then no amount of software is going to help me.

I have also read that depending on the size of the medical practice or hospital, for example, I could get a medical coding at home job where the facility could log me into their system and I could wok from home over my internet connection on my home computer. With an IT specialist on the staff these larger facilities can have additional firewall protection added to my computer because I will be looking at patient information that needs to be protected.

Doing medical coding from home is beneficial for not just me but also my potential employer as well. There is less calling in sick, insurance, space issues, things like that. working from home generally makes for a happy employee. There are very few legitimate work from home jobs and for medical coding there are scams out there as well.

However, that is not to say that they are all scams. There are legitimate medical transcription at home jobs out there for people who have completed the courses and completed the program. This is not a quick certificate for anyone. when I became a medical biller and coder it took me one full year of course work full time.

I just need to learn where the opportunities are for legitimate medical coding at Home jobs are. From there I am hoping that my experience and willingness to learn a new way of doing my job will help me to get a great at home position.


Now Pay Close Attention —

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With over 2 Billion dollars being spend on e-commerce this year alone, online sales are a massive opportunity to make a great living online. But to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, it is always a good idea to get a head start on your competition with the help of a company that has been doing it for years. Visit http://www.takeforeveroff.com and learn how you can make a great living in e-commerce.

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Golf Mobile Apps for iPhone- Easy to Practice Golf

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One of the fastest growing segments in the mobile app market is golf mobile apps, especially golf mobile apps for the iPhone.  In fact, iTunes now has hundreds of golf mobile apps available, but there is a wide disparity between the few good and useful iPhone golf mobile apps and the less than stellar golf apps for the iPhone.

To find golf mobile apps for the iPhone, simply go to iTunes or the Apple app store and look under the “Sports” category.  You can also do a search query under “golf.”  There, you will find hundreds of free and paid golf mobile apps to help you with your golf game under such categories as:

1. Golf GPS Rangefinder

2. Tee to Green Golf Tips

3. Golf Practice Drills

4. Rules of Golf

5. Golf Scorecards

6. Golf Course Finder

7. Golf News

Like any app, when selecting a golf mobile app for the iPhone, be sure to read through the details of the app and look at the screen shots.  Also read the reviews and try to distinguish between authentic reviews and “fake” reviews by the app manufacturer (these are pretty easy to figure out).  When looking at the golf mobile app reviews, pay close attention to reviews that mention ease of use, ease of navigation, quality of visuals, quality of instruction, etc.

Usually you want to go with an iPhone golf app that provides the best balance among usefulness, ease of use and price.  For example, there are some good golf apps for the iPhone that provide solid video instruction that can be useful away from the course, but is not very practical on the course.  Complement that iPhone golf app with golf tips and practice drills you can actually use on the course.  Then, with a few, inexpensive apps, you have your instructional needs covered, no matter where you are!

Something else to keep in mind is to distinguish between golf mobile apps that are “native” vs. those that need access to your provider and/or Wi-Fi.  Once downloaded to your phone, you can use native apps whenever you like and get the information you need with no carrier or Wi-Fi access.  Many of the GPS apps can be frustrating because they often require carrier/Wi-Fi access and if your coverage is not good, the app does not work well.

So, check out all the golf mobile apps for iPhone and get ready for a fantastic golf season!

Designed by top PGA instructors for on-course play and off-course preparation, Golf Genie™ provides easy-to-absorb golf tips, golf practice drills and golf training aids to accelerate your development and rapidly lower your score.

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Reading Guitar Tabs – Why You Should Use Mobile Apps

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Reading guitar tabs can be difficult for most novice guitarists. Playing chords are less complicated than mastering tabs. Most guitarists learned playing chords by themselves. Only some figure out how to read guitar tabs and play these independently. You will gain the most out of getting aid from seasoned guitarists. Alternatively, you could make use of modern tools and download a guitar tab app that has a beginner’s guide.

More and more people decide to download their own guitar tab app since it is more convenient. You will find four significant reasons you should get an app. You could get it on top of your current lessons or try teaching yourself using the program.

First, buying a mobile application saves time. Many people don’t have any time for formal lessons. Your life is busy, with activities filling every minute of your day. It can be hard to include yet another activity to your agenda. Attending formal lessons also requires travel, either on your part or on the part of your instructor. This could be exhausting. Possessing a guitar app helps you study when it’s convenient. You could carry your mobile phone or your iPod along with you and learn to play wherever you go. You’ll save both time and effort from travel at the same time. Use this additional time to learn more skills.

Second, it helps save money. Formal instruction is expensive. Only some people are able to afford to have face-to-face lessons with a skilled instructor. Your fare going to and from lessons will add up easily. Obtaining a mobile application is far more practical. It costs a lot less than one-fourth the cost of getting a teacher. You’ll be able to utilize the cash on more important matters, such as rent or daily necessities.

Third, you learn at your own pace. When you have your program installed, you can take another look at former lessons and get good at each and every skill if you are ready. You won’t be capable to revisit past lessons with formal guitar programs. An app lets you go back and forward easily. You won’t be the only one benefitting from the program as well. You can have a group lesson along with your friends with your mobile device as a guide. You’ll be able to help one another learn for a good price. Developers also provide updates constantly. You may get the latest songs and practice reading guitar tabs with these new tracks.

Finally, many guitar tab app developers seek advice from known and skilled guitarists around the world. You will get the counsel and expertise of the greatest guitarists in your portable device. How many people can declare their guitar teacher is a famous musician? Now you can when you download guitar apps.

Seek an app which has professionally-arranged tabs. There are various paid and free tabs available on the internet, however , not all these are accurate. You will want a software with its own library. This will help you arrange your downloaded tabs, which makes it easy for you to look for a song you’d like to focus on. Finally, hunt for features that will help you learn. Applications with playback features and fingering guides assist you in mastering to read and play tabs. Inspect carefully because only a few apps have these functions.


Chelsea Gibbs is a musician who helps youngsters with reading guitar tabs and works with guitar tab app developers to make a user-friendly program.

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Best android tablets

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Best android tablets

“Apple” is dominating the market of mobile phones since its release. This reputed company captured 85% of the market share in the year, 2010. However, their tough competitor has already arrived in the market and giving tough competition to the ipad. It is the android tablets and it is from Google. In the past year, it has grabbed as much as 20% of market share from ipad. There are various android tablets available in the market and not all of them are same in operation. We want good things in exchange of our money and therefore, we should try to know the feature of the android tablets, before buying it.

According to Lisa Zhou, PR manager of Ankaka.com, that among several devices, some tablets are outstanding in all sectors. In this article, you will come to know about them.

HTC flyer:
In order to get an extraordinary thing, we have to spend a bit more money and it is a universal truth. The HTC flyer is an outstanding device and it will cost you 700 dollars. The entire body of this device is made of aluminum and it has some exciting features. While buying this android package, you will be provided with a free pen, which will make the touch effect much smoother. If you love photography, this device is for you as it has a five-mega pixel camera with photo editing. Adobe image reader is installed in it and you can do editing of your photographs very easily. The interesting fact about this device is that, an updated version of this is coming soon.

Motorola xoom:
If you want fast application, this device is suitable for you. Additionally, it is one of the finest looking phones in the market. Battery of this smart phone is very strong and you can use this for a long time without charging. Another amazing fact is that, you can provide all of your commands right from the touch screen. However, it is a little heavy and bulky. In spite of that, it is one of the finest android tablets.

Samsung galaxy tab 10.1:
Samsung has launched their first android device in the form of galaxy tab 10.1 and it is distinguish for its amazing display. As it got good display, it is best for watching any kind of videos. When you will look at it, you may conflict with ipad 2 from “Apple.” You can say it is an advanced device of ipad 2. In the upcoming days, it will give “Apple” a great competition without any doubt.

Pad transformer from ASUS:
This is the unique android, as it will provide you with the same opportunity of using net books. This device is outstanding for its features and fast operation. It has the option of using a mouse or a keyboard, which make it more fantastic. It is affordable and lighter than the other androids. It has 32GB of built- in memory and slot available for more. Hence, it is an incomparable device.
You should select your aim before buying the android tablets, as not all will suit your choice.

Find more information about Dropship Android Tablet from Ankaka.com http://www.ankaka.com


Lisa Zhou is the PR Manager of China wholesale electronics ankaka.com, which offers latest China consumer electronics for global resellers. Visit Ankaka.com to source Wholesale Android Tablets to start your reselling business.

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How To Make An Android App

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Do you have an idea that would make a great Android app? Turn that vision into a reality by partnering with a talented Android app developer who consistently develops popular applications for the Android. After you find the right professional to develop your application, you can expect the process to run somewhat like the following:

The Android app developer will ask you question after question regarding your application. You will likely find yourself at a loss for some of the answers, but it is the developers job to make sure he or she crafts this application as close to your vision as possible. With that said, even the smallest minutiae will be covered during the planning phase. You will be asked to provide information regarding much more than the simple functioning of the application, but also the aesthetics of the program, your goals for release and more.

After collecting what he or she believes to be enough data in order to start the design, the Android app developer will begin the programming process. Expect regular correspondence to still occur, as the programmer will no doubt have further questions regarding your vision.

A sort of prototype will be designed, and you will be asked to go through it carefully. Make note of any discrepancies and share them with the programmer. This includes aspects that may not sound very important to you but that matter greatly, such as font size and ease of use.

Now that you have witnessed how to make an Android app, you may be inspired to create more. This is the feeling that you will receive when you work with a talented Android app developer who does more than just write code. Make sure you partner with a professional who has a good deal of experience and who knows the marketplace. When you finally upload that app to your phone and know that it was your idea, you want to be proud.

If you are looking for the best Android app development company, look no further. Get in touch with our team of hand-picked Android app development experts waiting to guide you at http://androidappdevelopers.net

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