Meditation and Yoga Tips

There are many ways to improve the quality of your life, but one that you may not have thought of is that of meditation.  Some don’t believe it can offer them benefits but there is one thing that meditation and yoga can definitely provide to you:  the ability to relax.

Yoga is a great tool for both exercise and relaxation.  Both meditation and yoga have been shown to provide improvements for those that are in need of stress relief.  And, when you learn how to do them effectively, it takes minutes a day to wash away your stresses.

So, how does this fit into your lifestyle fitness plan?  It’s simple.  You need to spend ten minutes each day, usually before breakfast, quietly meditating or doing yoga.  Ten minutes per day is all that it takes to see significant improvement in your overall well being. 

When you take into account all the things that you are doing in the morning you may not think you have time.  But, again, invest the time for a couple of weeks and you are sure to see the improvements quickly and they will not be such a demanding time taker.

You can learn how to do either meditation or yoga (or both if you like) easily.  Some people are familiar with it enough that they can learn how to do is through at home study.  It’s often a better solution, though to learn with others through a professional. 

Get together with a friend and take a class at your local recreation center or your community college.  You’ll find that once you learn the technique you can do the process on your own, easily.

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Art Therapy – Healing the Heart

We know that art therapy can help children with anger, stress and depression. Do you know that it can also help children with heart disease?

One such patient is an 18 year old girl profiled in the July 1 2009 issue of the Wall Street Journal. At age 9, she had her second heart transplant. Her body was determined to reject the first heart. She went into cardiac arrest six times in 2 hours. She recalled being “awake” when the doctors were frantically trying to revive her.

Fearing that they would pull the plug on her, she tried desperately to tell the people in the hospital room that she was alive.Recuperating at home was no easy matter; she kept having recurring nightmares in which she watched herself suffering cardiac arrest.

Things, however, began to change when she took up the pen. She began writing down her thoughts about being helpless and scared. She turned these details into poems and stories. Eventually, the nightmares disappeared.

Now 18, she has successfully completed high school and is looking forward to nursing school in the fall.She credits her writing for helping her deal with her heart and surgery. It was her creative expression through writing that enabled her to transform something frightening and painful into a positive goal – to make something of her life.

Researchers are taking note of the positive relationship between art therapy and the heart. Some current clinical data on this relationship include the following:

a) Psychosocial factors like depression and stress have been found to be strong risk factors for heart attacks. In fact, these emotional factors are considered as strong as physiological factors like high blood pressure and diabetes.

According to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, depression increases the risk of heart disease more than genetics or the environment. This means that any intervention that can reduce depression can benefit the heart. Scientists are working to determine how artistic expression can be considered a valid form of clinical intervention to be used along with exercise, diets and medication for reducing heart disease.

b) Researchers at Temple University in Philadelphia have found that music can offer substantial benefit to patients who are stressed and anxious about undergoing treatment for coronary heart disease. Listening to music decreases blood pressure, heart rate and levels of anxiety in heart patients. In fact, music therapy is getting increased recognition as a viable form of treatment for depression and mood.

Take for example, Justin P, a young boy born with a heart defect. At 8 months, he had heart surgery. Since he was five years old, he has been experiencing attention and behavior problems at school. Unable to “settle down” in the classroom, Justin nevertheless responds well to music, especially songs with a strong upbeat tempo.

His parents decided to place him in a music therapy class when he turned six. Now 7, Justin can play the piano; he is more focused in school; he is just starting to read and he is a happier child.
According to his parents, music relaxes him and makes him more open to their suggestions.

Creative expressions in art, writing and music can be very effective therapeutic processes for children with heart disease.

Bianca Tora is a writer interested in the relationship between lifestyle and the brain, specifically the area of emotional regulation and control. She has published a book on anger management for children. Visit her at

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Game Addiction Rehabilitation

What is Video Game Addiction?
Video game addicts are living with a psychological addiction to playing. This form of addiction is not currently included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) due to a lack of research and evidence indicating that it is a disorder. If it is officially recognized as a psychological disorder, it will likely be placed in the same category as gambling addiction – a disorder involving a lack of impulse control.

When they play, their brains produce endorphins, giving them a high similar to that experienced by gamblers or drug addicts. Gamers responses to questions even mirror those of alcoholics and gamblers when asked about use

Causes of Addiction
The video game addict may start off playing for fun, but get “hooked” on the fact that video games are designed to give players a series of rewards for reaching certain levels while playing. The person keeps playing in order to keep getting this payoff. The video games also allow players to develop relationships with other players, and the video game addict may find these virtual relationships more rewarding than those that take place outside of the game.

Signs that a person has become a video game addict include:

1. Do you neglect relationships with your friends and family to spend more time playing video games?
2. Do you struggle to keep up with your schoolwork and/or professional responsibilities?
3. Have you ever taken a “sick day” to play your favorite game?
4. Do you lie to others about your video game use? Have you ever been criticized by someone close to you for spending too much time playing video games?
5. When you’re not playing video games, do you feel angry or depressed? Do you spend your time wishing you could be playing your favorite game?
6. Do you get so engrossed in video games that you neglect to eat, sleep or shower?
7. Do you suffer from backaches, dry eyes or headaches after playing video games? Have you been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome?

Treatment for Video Game Addiction
1. A therapist or treatment program that specializes in adolescents would be a first place to start. For example, a summer camp or wilderness program will get your child out of his normal environment and into a situation where he is forced to experience reality.

2. Sending a socially challenged child to a rough-and-tumble military or boot camp with highly competitive activities could do more harm than good.

3. Sharing experiences and interacting with other video game addicts could also be an essential part of the recovery process.

4. Video Game Detox, treatment for video game addiction is similar to detox for other addictions, with one important difference. Computers have become an important part of everyday life, as well as many jobs, so compulsive gamers cant just look the other way when they see a PC.

5. With appropriate help and support, a video game addict can learn to stop playing games.

However, therapy involving a young child will usually focus on the parents developing strategies and setting appropriate limits for their child.

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Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a process that can help you get in touch with yourself and your mind. This practice, a series of meditation techniques and philosophy, descends from Buddhist teachings. Basically, mindfulness involves having a total awareness of one’s self, their mind and body and consciousness, as well as having a completely open and curious mindset. Most importantly, mindfulness involves slowing the mind down so as to be aware only of the immediate present. Before attaining this mindset, one must clear away all thoughts of distraction.

How can you start doing this? Start by finding a quiet and comfortable place to relax. You don’t have to lie down; in fact, you can sit in a chair or on the floor. Keep your head, neck and back straight, but do not tighten up. Now it’s time to try and relax. Remove all distractions from your mind, everything related to the past and future. Live in the present and let your mind become only aware of the immediate present.

It also helps to use what is called the “anchor.” This is an object that can be focused on, in order to help you clear your mind. Some doctors have used physical objects (remember the old swinging clock?) though a more modern anchor is a concentrated series of breaths. If you become aware of your breathing, and focus deeply on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body, as well as the rising and falling of your belly, and you really focus on all these physical processes, then this can be your anchor.

Do not try and ignore other thoughts and distractions because this will involve too much fighting. On the contrary, let the thought come and go and concentrate on remaining calm.

Eventually you will start to feel this completeness and calmness. After it passes, sit still for about two minutes and let yourself become aware of where you are. Return to routine gradually, slowing things down. Guided mindfulness meditation will help improve many aspects of your life.

When you experience Buddhism you experience…life. Visit | the ultimate tool for self discovery.

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Musical Instrument Gift Day Helps Combat Wounded Veterans

Keller, TX (PRWEB) August 16, 2011

On September 21, 2011, the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) is sponsoring its third annual Musical Instrument Gift Day, where pawnbrokers from around the country make generous donations of musical instruments to organizations in need.

This year, NPA is working closely with Wings for Warriors, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide necessary tools, insights and resources for combat wounded veterans as they go through the recovery process and transition into new realities.

Anthony Ameen, the organizations founder and a combat wounded veteran who served in Afghanistan, stated, My recovery was helped immensely through music therapy by playing the guitar. We are excited to be working with the NPA to deliver the gift of music to help speed the recovery of combat wounded veterans. Visit to learn how the organization is changing lives.

Now in its third year, Gift Day has donated thousands of musical instruments to charity organizations supporting underprivileged children, families, and veterans. This year, NPA members will donate guitars and other musical instruments used for physical therapy and fun to three leading Army Medical Centers and other related groups.

If you are interested in participating in this years event you can sign up by visiting the Gift Day website and submitting a contact form.


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New Resources on Adolescent Grief and Bereavement

Eugene, Oregon (PRWEB) September 27, 2011

Losing a loved one is a difficult time for anyone at any age, said Steven Ungerleider, PhD., founding editor of The Prevention Researcher. But for an adolescent, such a loss can be especially difficult.

During adolescence, many young people unfortunately become bereaved due to the death of a family member, loved one, or friend. Most youth are resilient and recover from their grief fairly soon but many others have difficulty and may need the help of supportive adults

In the current issue of The Prevention Researcher, four researchers examine how bereavement impacts adolescent development, explore the influence of culture on adolescent grief, provide insight into adolescents mourning process, and discuss strategies for supporting grieving youth, including use of music therapy.

David Balk, PhD. writes that In order to understand how grieving youth respond to the loss of a loved one, it is important for counselors, clinicians, and others working with youth to understand how bereavement impacts adolescent development and how adolescent development impacts bereavement. In his article, Dr. Balk explores these two components focusing on cognitive, behavioral, and affective responses during three stages of adolescence and discusses human responses to bereavement.

Sandra Lopez, D.C.S.W., examines culture as an influencing factor in adolescent grief and bereavement, introducing a framework for understanding culture and its components. She provides a case illustration that provides practical guidelines for honoring cultural differences for grieving adolescents.

An interview by Carol Thomas, PhD. with Wendy Littner Thomson, a bereavement coordinator in a hospice program, provides insight into the mourning process and shows how adults can be effective in helping youth who are struggling with grief. Ms. Thomson notes that whats written in most high school health textbooks about stages of grief is outdated. We dont get over grief. We learn to live with it; we integrate it into our being, our identity, and the way we see the world.

Katrina McFerron, PhD., writes in Music Therapy with Bereaved Youth: Expressing Grief and Feeling Better that music therapy is particularly effective for promoting resolution of grief-related feelings. She outlines relevant outcomes for the prevention of health problems in response to bereavement among adolescents.

For a preview of a digital edition of The Prevention Researcher on Adolescent Grief and Bereavement, visit

About The Prevention Researcher

Founded in 1994, The Prevention Researcher is published by the non-profit, Integrated Research Services in Eugene, Oregon. The quarterly journal focuses on successful adolescent development and serves professionals who work with young people in a variety of organizational settings.

Each issue of The Prevention Researcher covers a single topic, presenting the latest adolescent behavioral research and findings on significant issues facing todays youth. The journal provides information about programs that create supportive environments for youth, strategies for preventing problems affecting adolescents, and resources that help youth-serving professionals.


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Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Using Music for Enhanced Healing

(PRWEB) December 1, 2004

Music has always been a very important part of our lives, from childhood to our being an adult. As a part of our experience, music can have both a physiological and psychological affect upon us as human beings. In addition to the influence that it has on our life, music also has many therapeutic qualities and has been utilized in promoting a variety of healings throughout the ages. As we know further, music can be a very powerful medium for altering our state, of changing how we actually feel. More specifically music can be very effective in producing a very deep and healing state of relaxation and in the process, reduce stress and even promote sleep. Music can also be used to assist one in improving his or her self-esteem and furthering an individual’s personal growth and development, even his or her transformation and recovery.

As a therapist working with individuals in recovery at the drug rehab center Holistic Addiction Treatment Program, I always use therapeutic relaxation music in my clinical and counseling work. I have repeatedly found that when I use therapeutic relaxation music during both an individual and group counseling session that my clients do more productive work, are able to focus more effectively on themselves and the issues that they are becoming present to because they are more relaxed, focused and centered and as a result, better able to concentrate. Being relaxed during the counseling process always tends to generate more productive results for the individual being counseled. Therapeutic relaxation music can be a very effective and powerful aid for assisting a client to reach resolution with respect to that which he or she is working on with their mental health or addiction counselor.

Brooking Parks Music Therapy Program Enriches Lives of Older Adults

Chesterfield, MO (PRWEB) February 07, 2012

Brooking Park resident Patrick Elder, 83, sings songs not just for fun, but because its good for his health. For older adults, music therapy enhances their quality of life, helping them maintain key functioning skills and stimulating their mind, according to Amy Roberts, Brooking Parks Music Therapist.

For Elder, music therapy lifted his spirits after losing his wife last year. When Amy does musical matching games and asks questions, thats fun, said Elder, who even meets with Roberts one-on-one to chat about Big Band music, his favorite genre. When I first came to Brooking Park I was depressed. If it wasnt for the people in the Activities Department, I would be in depression again.

Roberts uses well-known classics such as Blue Moon and What a Wonderful World to bring smiles to more than 180 residents who call Brooking Park home. Roberts looks for facial expressions, physical reactions if theyre joining in, engaging or clapping, learning the rhythm and singing along. Other cues, such as an improvement in alertness and mood, also showcase the benefits.

We just have a lot of fun. Some things challenge our minds a bit, which is great, said Dolores Scholl, 73, a resident for the past 3 years. We do things as a group and I am very seldom in my apartment.

Roberts has a bachelors of science in Music Therapy from Maryville. Music therapy at Brooking Park also includes activities that enhance memory, alleviate pain, and create an outlet for elders to express their feelings.

Music Therapy is so crucial to our activity program. Music sparks such happy and sometimes bittersweet memories in a persons life and takes them back to important events in their lives, said Donna Mattingly, Director of Activities at Brooking Park. Our current Music Therapy program led by our wonderfully talented Music Therapist is creative, interactive and educational and is so much more than just listening to music.

There are many recent studies and facts on the benefits of music therapy for seniors, according to the American

Music Therapy Association website,

Music therapy reduces depression among older adults.
Music experiences can be structured to enhance social/emotional skills, to assist in recall and language skills and to decrease problem behaviors.
Individuals in the late stages of dementia respond to and interact with music.

Join us for our music therapy events and find out more on this growing trend for older adults by calling 314-576-5545.

View photos of a recent Brooking Park music therapy session by clicking here.
Watch a video of a recent music therapy session by clicking here. Amy explains music therapy here.


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Social Hill and Fender Music Foundation Keeping Music Alive

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 23, 2012

Social Hills private celebrity lounge for the Grammy awards partnered with the Fender Music Foundation to help raise money and awareness for the cause.

“We couldnt think of a better charity to support during the Grammys, music is so important for children to be exposed to, said Bob Olejar, CEO of Social Hill.

Founded in 2005, The Fender Music Foundation was created to provide resources for music programs across the country so that kids and adults alike will have an opportunity to experience the joys of music. The programs reached by this charity include school music classrooms, community music programs and music therapy programs. Celebrities who took part in the Fender Music Foundation Grammy suite include: Grammy Nominated artist Mary Mary, Evan Ross, Cobra Starships Victoria Asher and singer and musician, Ryan Cabrera.

Social Hill partners with a different charity every month to raise awareness for different causes within the celebrity community. Past charities supported by Social Hill include: Operation Blankets of Love, Shoe Revolt, C5, Susan G. Komen, Little Kids Rock and Soles 4 Souls.

For More information on The Fender Music Foundation please visit:

For information on getting charity sponsorship with Social Hill please contact: Jennifer McCartney at Jennifer(at)socialhill(dot)com or visit


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Music Production Machine – Make Beats at Home!

New producers-to-be may be constantly scanning the web for a music production machine suitable to their beat creating needs. With the advent of high technology over the past few years, music recording equipment has become increasingly advanced, as well as increasingly easier to use.

This makes things much more stress-free for the layman with no production experience, who just wants to make beats but has no idea where to start. All you need is a music production machine, or interface, that you can wrap your mind around and get used to rather quickly.

Here are some tips to make your introduction to the production interface even simpler:

Grasp the Instrument

If you are a creative person interested in producing hip hop instrumentals, chances are you get ideas for catchy songs in your head all the time. Now, the only problem here is translating what is in your head to the interface itself. 

One difficult hurdle that you are going to have to get past is learning an instrument. If your aim is producing hip hop, focus on learning the keyboard. You may have a sweet synth part playing in your head, but if you can’t translate it on the keyboard, you have nothing!

Learn the Terminology

Nothing makes an interface harder to navigate than not knowing the terminology. 

For example, you may think you have no use for quantization if you have no idea what that word means. However, quantizing your beats gives them proper timing, and keeps them programmed correctly with the song’s beats per minute. It is one of the most important elements to add to your beats!

With these concepts in mind, producing your own beats should now seem like a much smaller hurdle! With the right interface and the proper understanding, you should be well on your way!

Still in the dark about what interface might be right for you? If you are using a Windows-based computer, why not try Fruity Loops or Pro Tools? If you are a Mac user, GarageBand or Logic Studio may suit you perfectly.

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