Tag Archives: Carb

Getting Started With a Low Carb Diet

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So now that you have realized that bad carbs or more carbohydrates are not good for your health, what would you do to reduce your carbohydrate intake? Following are the four basic steps that can help you start your low-carb diet in a correct manner.

1. Become Informed:

You must have read much about the low carb diets in some way or the other and must have found one of them apt for yourself. First, you need to actually read a good book and get a glimpse of its main principles. There are many myths persisting in the minds of novice that no vegetables or fruits are to be added in the diet and that the diet plan is always boring and so on. Just like there are good and bad ways to eat, the diet plans can be healthy or otherwise, balanced or imbalanced and it is not a fact that diet plans are always boring.

2. Start by Making Simple Changes:

There is no need to get panicky and first of all, stop your intake of fattening stuffs at once. Slowly, you will come to know the principles and have the right knowledge of the low-carb-diet. To start with, reduce bad carbs step-by-step by making little changes in your diet. There is no need to stop eating all the items; start with one or two things at a time. You will be quite surprised to see how even the small changes can bring a big change and is not a difficult process at all.

3. Settle on One Approach:

Low-carb diet is prescribed in many ways. There are various diet plans with different effects of carb levels and the range of food also varies according to the user who has to follow this plan. The only thing which is common in all of them is to reduce the intake of sugary and starchy foods. To choose the correct one from all these prescribed plans, you have to visit a library, read some book, or search a lot to select one which suits both your need and comfort. You can also find them on the Internet and sometimes, good books about the diet plans are available on Internet at very reasonable rates.

If you do not like to read books or want to follow someone else’s diet plan, then you can also adopt the ‘No White Diet’, which many people follow. In this type of diet, white things like white flour, sugar, potatoes, and white rice are avoided with some people avoiding milk as well. Since all these items contain maximum carbohydrates, cutting back on these items will definitely reduce high glycemic type carbs. The other white items like cauliflower, onions, and tofu are low in carbohydrates, so they can be added in the diet.

4. Getting Familiar with Foodstuffs You Can Eat:

It is easy to think what can be avoided, but it will be more productive if you think what can be added. For example – you can take your dinner with minor changes, substituting starch with vegetables. Rather than planning for each day, it is better to plan for one whole week. In this way, you will be to create a buffer and you don’t have to worry about what to eat in snacks, lunch, and dinner.

With too many temptations on hand, first two weeks are the real testing times. There will be many obstacles, but only your determination and commitment will help you reach the destination.

Michael’s blog at http://www.generationweightloss.blogspot.com recommends weight loss programs that work and urges to avoid the dieting techniques that are both unhealthy and counterproductive.

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