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Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity of the brain. This technique is used for recording the brain wave patterns for the evaluation of brain disorders. It involves the placement of electrodes under the scalp, which are then linked to an electroencephalograph, which is an amplifier connected to a mechanism that converts electrical impulses into the vertical movement of a pen over a sheet of paper.
Basically, the EEG is performed to detect or diagnose the disorders in the brain. Some of these disorders include coma, tumors, confusion, long-term difficulties with thinking or memory, or weakening of some parts of the body. Mostly it is used for showing the type and location of activity in the brain in case of a seizure. An EEG is also used for determining brain death. For example, it may be used to show that somebody on a life support system has no chance of getting fine!
For detecting the electrical activities in the brain, an electrode or an array of electrodes are attached to the scalp with conductive gel or paste. Each of the electrodes is connected to the input of a differential amplifier that amplifies the voltage between the active electrode and the reference. The amplified signal is then digitalized after passing through an anti-aliasing filter. The output of the EEG signal is seen as the deflection of pens as paper passes underneath. A characteristic adult human EEG signal is 10µV to 100 uV in amplitude when measured from the scalp and about 10-20 mV when measured from subdued electrodes.
The preparation for an EEG is quite simple. You may be asked not to consume caffeine before the test. It is better to avoid hair-styling products such as gels and creams. If you are having a sleep EEG, then you may be asked not to sleep the night before. If the EEG is being conducted to mimic or produce the problem that you are undergoing, then you might be asked to look at a bright flickering light or breathe a certain way. It is necessary that you take someone along with you to the test location, especially if you have been asked to stop your seizure medications!
The test is painless and a routine procedure may take approximately 60 minutes. In case of young children and adults, the time may extend up to 90 minutes. Sleep activation and deprivation techniques also last approximately 90 minutes. There is no risk involved with an EEG and patients do not experience any sort of shocks or pains.
An EEG is an effective method to find out about the brain disorders. So, if you or any of your relative/friend has some sort of brain disorder, then you should get an EEG test as soon as possible. Have a healthy life!
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