Tag Archives: Cosmology

How Can Garden Studios Propel Cosmology?

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Theoretical physics blows my mind and I love it.  Having taught it to both enthused and apathetic teenagers in past times, it’s now just a habit of thought, keeping up with the latest theories.  Garden studios have a role to play, as investment budgets are cut, in discounting the current apathetic acceptance that everything we know suddenly appeared from nothing, one Tuesday morning, 13.7 billion years ago.

Having considered Hubble’s expanding universe and the mainstream multiverse theory pulling us rapidly towards a range of answers, this is a bad time to loose research funding. Such research is a common denominator in the modern peer group of garden room doctors: the ever expanding number of highly qualified scientists who are ordering private research rooms and detached garden studios in which to establish and enhance their theories.  Given the current exponential expansion in cosmological theories, it may be logical to conclude that future truths manifesting from these quiet garden studios could constitute a breakthrough.

The cabin-like character of the space is ideal for deep thought.  Removed from the shadows, disturbance and noise of other buildings, the detachment of garden research rooms allows them a personal study, “My Space”, ambience.  Custom made to order, these buildings allow intensive work of exceptional depth and quality, partly due to their high thermal and sound insulation – distraction barriers.  Those committed to cosmological development have exactly the right temperament and atmosphere within private garden studios to extrapolate their theories.

With funding problematic, venues need not be a problem at all when garden studios of this quality and cost exist.  Rapid-build garden rooms allow the research to continue, unimpeded.  I want to know why and how we came to be, not content with Darwin’s brilliant but vague conclusion, that we are all descended from one cell.  Wonderment and intelligent passion are fast closing on black hole bounces, cyclical like our seasons, bringing religious doctrines together in a genesis meets nirvana moment of truth.


Jewel attained a medical degree with Honours in 2003. She is passionate about
environmental issues and the benefits of home-working, including the health and environmental advantages of flexible working practices – among others.  She currently works from home as a company Director and tends to her growing family.

Jewel has helped form a show-case website of top quality garden rooms involving contemporary designs and best value for money garden buildings so call today on UK 02890 425538;  RoI 0044 2890 425538 for more information.

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structures and home working visit our fresh gallery pictures:

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