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The amazing do-it-yourself clay battery. A safe battery anyone can make. Robert Murray Smith

Amazing New Device – A Rechargeable Battery Made From Earth’s Most Abundant and Safest Materials – Water and Clay – Will Last Forever And Generate

From the Amazing YouTube channel:

Robert Murray-Smith – T’n’t – Thinking ‘n’ Tinkering


“1956 The Amazing DIY Clay Battery – A Safe Battery Anyone Can Make”

By Robert Murray Smith


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Amazing New Device – A Rechargeable Battery Made From The Earth’s Most Abundant and Safest Materials – Water and Clay – Will Last Forever And Generate.


The materials are cheap, they’re abundant, and they’re renewable. Just Water and Clay.


Hi everybody. So welcome to Bishops in Glen. And it’s a site of special scientific interest mostly for the wildlife and geology. This area was actually under a shallow sea for ages and what you can see quite clearly when we look to the top, with the newer sands that have been laid down and it’s clearly banded into grades of sand until you get to the bottom where my feet are, and that’s the London clay belt.


So, this whole area is covered in clay. Now we can’t take clay from here because it is a protected site and one of the reasons it’s protected,… now, these little holes here in the cliffs, they’re actually bees, solitary bees. The bees come out and they paralyse their prey, drag it in there, lay some eggs, seal the hole up and it becomes a nursery and a tomb. So, there’s lots of strange animals and insects and plants here that make it a protected site, both in terms of the Zoology and in terms of the Geology.


Of course, we can’t dig clay out of that. That’s an area of special interest. But we come down the beach a little bit, and we come to these clay formations, and the whole hills are made out of this stuff. It’s quite dry because of the weather and it changes its colour from that sort of reddish brown, which has got lots of iron in it to this kind of silvery grey, which has got a lot more aluminium in it and of course… I’m being a little obsessive about clay right now because I’m always obsessive about the things that we can pull from nature. This exact area is where I come to collect bits and pieces in order to make solar cells. What we can do is collect the bits and pieces that we need in order to make a battery.


Because there are lots of different kinds of clay; you get Britain red clay tile, red clay, London yellow clay, porcelain clay, China clay, just a whole range of different types of clay that you can literally dig from the ground. And this is the same stuff. This is just the type of clay it’s called zeolite and you come across this mostly in face masks and filter material for fishponds, that kind of thing, this grade is called X13.


Now, something really amazing happens when you add these two things together, this clay and this water. It happens quite a lot, actually, usually not very dramatic, so you don’t notice it. What it is, is that when they’re separate like this, they have a higher energy. When you combine them, the energy is much lower and so that extra energy is given off as heat.


And as I say, when you’re dissolving things actually, that happens, you just don’t notice it. But when we add this to this, which doesn’t dissolve it, the water goes into the galleries of the clay. That extra energy is super, super noticeable. Of course, the immediate question is: can we do something with that?


And I was thinking about it because there are some awesome things you can do with it. One of the things you can do is you can take this. It’s a Peltier device, you find these in beer chillers, that sort of thing. And it’s really good for when you have a heat difference that is, cold on one side and hot on the other side. It will generate an electric current between these two wires, so if we can get something hot and something cold, we can automatically generate electricity from it, so I’ve got one here.


And I’ve got a little steel tin. Now this steel tin is battered about and it’s quite dented, so a thermal paste would work really well. I’m going to use a bit of graphite foil as a thermal contact. So put the foil on there. Put that on there and we have a thermal contact.

Now I’m going to add my dry clay into my steel tin. There we go.


And we’re going to add some water to that. So, this is just plain water. So, add some water to it. It’s going to get hot. You see, following the water immediately. Going to put that on. Give it a bit of pressure so we get a good contact between the cold marble under here and the hot tin can.


What I want you to do is keep your eye on that motor there, there we go. What’s happening here is that now it has a hot side from the clay and a cold side from the marble. It’s generating electricity and it’s running that motor, and it will continue to run that motor as long as there’s a difference between the hot and the cold. And of course, we’ve used clay and water.


I can’t repeat that often enough.


It’s clay that you dig out of the ground and water! If we want to recharge this… ‘Dry off the water!’ and you’ll have clay and if you actually drop it. It’ll do nothing because it’s already ground. So to get it going you add water. It’s an amazing device if you think about it, it is a rechargeable battery made from the Earth’s greatest, safest materials that will last forever and generate.


So that really will run for ages until that cools down. So, if I put that in a thermos, for example, it would maintain that heat difference and so this would run it even longer. This is just out in the air. So we put it in a thermos it would run it even longer.


The materials are cheap, they’re abundant, and they’re renewable. They’re non-caustic, they’re safe. I just can’t think of anything else to recommend it. Anyway, if you enjoyed that video, thank you very much for watching. Please remember to like and subscribe.


By Geoff Williams with chatGPT. 15-06-2023


Understanding alcohol addiction recovery with energy medicine

Alcohol addiction recovery with energy medicine could be a matter of debate for medical science but the results tell a different story. People with alcohol addiction found this rather new healing process to be most effective than the available alcohol addiction treatments whether it is counseling or joining an alcohol rehab center. Of late the medical community has also recognized the energy medicine as an effective healing technique for binge drinking and other alcohol dependency issues. Persons benefitted by energy healing maintain that they no longer have the desire to take alcohol. And this miracle is done without any counseling, pills or rehabilitation efforts.

Booze is a social abuse and also the root cause of many personal and family issues. It results in strained relations, depression, financial losses and moral degradation. People struggling to abstain from alcohol knock many doors including counselors, alcohol rehabilitation centers and even doctors. Traditional methods no doubt help in alcohol addiction recovery but the effects of conventional medicine don’t last long. Simply put, an alcohol addict abstains from whisky until he is under the influence of the counselor or the medicine prescribed by a medical practitioner. As soon as the patient comes out of the influence, he feels the intense desire of having alcohol. And this time he drinks more than he used to prior to the treatment.

People taking recourse to binge drinking once the treatment is over is the cause of concern for counselors and alcohol rehab centers. The treatment can’t go for the whole life. So what should be the ideal solution for this tricky issue of alcohol addicts returning back to the bar after abstaining alcohol for the treatment period? The answer lies in the killing the desire for having alcohol or resolution by the alcohol addict that he won’t take alcohol anymore. This is where traditional medicine fails and energy medicine wins. ,b>Alcohol addiction recovery with energy healing is forever.

There are many instances when alcohol addicts have reported to benefitted by new Alcohol addiction recovery process. The energy doctor stimulates the desire to abstain from alcohol and also generates the power within the body to kill the temptation for alcohol. The energy doctor interacts with body and mind. People need alcohol to compensate the energy deficit in the body. But when the body has ample energy, there is no desire for any external material whether it is alcohol or tobacco.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors. For More Information Please Visit,Alcohol addiction recovery.

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Energy medicine supports quick alcohol addiction recovery

When talking about a new Alcohol addiction recovery method, people assume that it should be a latest invention like some medicine or injection or some NGO must be starting its rehabilitation center for alcoholic people. Until now, people knew that only medicines, counseling and rehabilitation could relieve from the iron grip of alcohol addiction. But little do they know about the new energy treatment that is talk of the town and even medical community acknowledges the benefits of energy treatment. Many alcohol addicts have been benefitted by this specific treatment which involves no medicine, counseling or rehabilitation. This is simply amazing. Isn’t it?

People treated with this new method have a history of binge. Some of them even had undergone some kind of treatment in order to get rid of the alcohol abuse but all went in vain. Then they were introduced to energy treatment which they were reluctant to start. They were of the view that when medicines can’t help then how this energy treatment can support alcohol addiction recovery. Their assumption proved wrong and today they are leading a normal life free of alcohol. The energy treatment is a boon for alcohol addicts and this is proved beyond doubt.

Traditional medicine and rehabilitation methods force the person to abdicate alcohol. These methods rely more on person’s will power rather than on the treatment. There is a time in a day when alcohol addicts feel intense craving for their favorite beverage. As long as they are in the rehab center or under the influence of the medicine, they suppress their desire. But once out into the free world, they prove weak before their craving and start drinking again. This is the main primary reason why alcohol addiction recovery with conventional methods has remained a tricky issue. Medicines and rehab centers put brakes on the drinking habit but they can’t treat the desire to drink.

However, an energy medicine doctor treats your desire to drink alcohol rather than tweaking your habit. Once the alcohol desire is eradicated, you will never drink alcohol again in your life. The energy doctor inspects the addict both from inside as well as outside to arrive at a decision. The Alcohol addiction recovery by energy treatment involves counseling which is positive in nature and guiding in behavior. Alcohol addicts find solace in energy counseling and feel confident enough to suppress their desire rather than drinking habit.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors.For More Information Please Visit,Alcohol addiction recovery.

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Alcohol addiction recovery by energy treatment

Alcohol addiction recovery has been a elusive issue for people grappling with this problem. Though there are counselors, alcohol rehabs and many other treatments available, nothing seems to help the alcoholic persons. Alcohol is a social menace which has devastated many lives and severed even blood bonds. Once caught in the grip of this liquid, people find it next impossible to stop drinking. They crave for whisky several times in a day and when stopped, they become violent and sabotage everything they have at hand. Sometimes their frustration drives them to take extreme step – suicide. There are instances when alcoholic person failed to withstand the craving and end his life to escape humiliation.

Where everything fails, prayer works. Energy medicine provides reliable alcohol addiction recovery program. No medicine to take, no shock therapy, no abstinence and no living in rehabilitation center. Energy medicine has helped over thirty thousand alcohol addicts from returning back to their normal life, free of alcohol obviously. If the stories of people treated with energy medicine are to be believed then the world has a sure way to treat alcohol addiction. The new way to liberty from alcohol is reliable, cost effective and doesn’t require the addicted person to remain under supervision.

The energy medicine doctor examines the alcoholic person both from inside and outside and then starts his treatment which is counseling. The energy doctor with the help of his special abilities detects the problem area and tells the patient about all that is happening within the patient’s body. This is a unique alcohol addiction recovery program in which the patient is made to understand what is good for his health and why he should abstain from the golden liquid which is called alcohol. Looking at the number of people benefitted from energy treatment, there remains little doubt that it can help people get rid of alcohol.

Medical science has also acknowledged the advantage of energy treatment. There are doctors who substantiate the claim made by energy doctors. They recommend this treatment to their patients. Energy treatment is becoming popular day by day. Alcohol has people of all ages in its strong grip. Men and women, young and adult and even elderly and old are fighting with alcohol. Now with the help of energy alcohol addiction recovery, it is easy for people to stop drinking alcohol. They can discover the energy within their body hence no need to rely on any external source for feeling empowered.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors.For More Information Please Visit,alcohol addiction recovery.

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