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First Aid For Kids

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You are out with the kids and suddenly one of them stops breathing. What do you do? Major panic and helplessness can immediately set in. This will bring about no help to the one that really needs some fast thinking. What is needed is for fast action to kick in from the adult(s) or even older kids. Someone calls 911 (this may mean running a ways to get a signal). Determine if is there is a pulse and start CPR. Sounds very complicated. Well, is really is not. All you need to know how to do is basic CPR. You will automatically stay calm when you what to do to help.

Here are some of the common extreme emergencies that may arise:

– External bleeding that is easily stopped
– Stopped breathing (choking)
– Internal poisoning

With these life threatening events, you may be the first responder.

With external bleeding, you must do everything you can to stop the flow of blood. Take charge. Send someone to call 911 or get help if very close. Keep the victim laying down. Try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure (try to avoid direct contact with blood).

Know CPR. Take a class from your local Red Cross. There is also many local organizations that teach and certify for basic CPR (fire departments, YMCA, etc).

Have a basic first aid kit with you. Someone usually has day pack when you go off the beaten path where not a lot of people are seen. Make it standard practice to take a first aid kit with you in that day pack. Carry one in the car. And have one in the house.

You can turn this very serious issue into a family activity. You can make a very good first aid kit with a lunch box and some store bought items (most you may already have at home). It is a great time to spend time with the kids while talking about what to do in an medical emergency. You can certainly tailor the discussion depending on the age of the kids. I have heard more than once when a 3-4 old saves their mom or dad by knowing to call 911 if they see someone hurt or not breathing.

Try taking a CPR/AED and first aid class as a family activity. You will be amazed on the interest you will get from the kids. Always remember that panic can easily be replaced with calmness when you know what to do in an emergency.

Visit our website at http://familynightactivities.com for some additional resources on first aid and first aid kit ideas.

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First step towards addiction recovery is detox!

There are various factors which lead to getting a person addicted the various drugs and alcohol. But only one factor leads them to get out of this mess and that crucial factor is the willingness or longing to quitting this addiction and to lead a sober life. Many people do so for their loved ones, many do so for themselves. Whatever the reason be, to face the uneasiness for denying body the pleasure it is used to may cause tremendous pain in body, requires lot of courage and a very strong will power. It needs lot of determination and courage to put your body through the painful experience. Apart from these personal factors, external factors such as expert guidance, well equipped rehab, personal monitoring during recovery, individualistic recovery treatment, following approach during recovery and the most important to reform the thinking pattern of the newly sober to refrain from going back the addiction are the basic and most significant things one should look for while finding a right rehab. Nowadays most of the rehabs follow these guidelines and offer compassionate and sophisticated recovery treatment to their clients.

Right after admitting into a rehab an evaluation process, to measure the intensity of the addiction is carried out. Based on the outcome of these evaluations, the medical experts draft a personalized recovery plan for the addicts. The very fundamental and primary goal of those professionals is to get the toxins out of the body, so that the drugs can be effective in fighting against the cravings and foreign substances. Getting the toxins out of the body is called detoxification. As the name suggest, it detoxifies the body. This term does not limit itself to removal of toxins from human body, but it may also include the withdrawal period, caused due to denying the body the usual substance, to which the body is addicted.

In conventional medicine, detoxification can be achieved by decontamination of poison ingestion and the use of antidotes as well as techniques such as dialysis and (in a very limited number of cases) Chelating therapy. Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various other types of taking the poisonous substances out such as “diet detoxification,” but there is little evidence that such methods have any health benefits. Most of the rehabs follow sophisticated drug detox methods. Alcohol detox gives a proper platform to impart recovery treatment. These methods help in getting the body cleansed and conditions it for a better sustainability.

For more information please visit: http://www.soberliving.com/resources/alcohol-drug-detox

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