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Angel Music Receives Critical Acclaim: “A Little Piece of Heaven Here on Earth.”

(PRWEB) December 6, 2005

“I am more than a bit uncomfortable tooting my own horn,” said Cheryl Melody, singer, songwriter and composer of the musical tracks on the celebrated CD. “Fortunately, the overwhelming response has allowed me to stand back and let the actual listeners describe firsthand how this piece of divinely inspired art is changing so many lives and in so many positive ways,” she continued.

For more information, go to http://www.soundhope.com

Voice of the Angels Receives Critical Acclaim.

“Spirit of Change” magazine says that the CD, “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey” is a “little bit of heaven here on earth.” The CD has already received airplay in Peru, Denmark, Canada, various European countries, and throughout United States. One reviewer says: “Melody’s voice is innocent and pure, similar to Enya, like you would expect from a heavenly being…coupled with inspirational lyrics of pure poetry.”

Medically Endorsed. Helps with Loss of a Love One/Terminal Illness.

Dr. Wyman, an internist, states that “Voice of the Angels” CD is beneficial to stress reduction and balancing of body, mind and spirit, and recommends the CD to his patients. Betty Gott describes her dying husband laying in a coma as miraculously responding to the chorus of the song, “Return,” from Voice of the Angels,” and dying with a sense of peace.

Promotes Calm, Sense of Well Being; Used Frequently by Yoga, Reiki, Tai Chi Masters.

Other testimonials state that this special CD gem gives calm, is a Direct Connection to Spirit and embraces all Faiths, helps in recovery, with insomnia, with healing, with stress. Many teachers of Yoga, Tai Chi, Reflexology, Labyrinth, Holistic retreats and Reiki masters use this gentle CD in sessions, and psychologists, music therapists and social workers often integrate the healing sounds and words into their practice with their client.

Helps with Addiction Recovery; NondenominationalPerfect for All Faiths and Religions

People in addiction recovery write Cheryl Melody of the comfort they receive in hearing songs such as “Trust,” “Surrender,” “Return,” “Light,” “Open,” ,”Love” and “Journey.” They share that the guided meditation and the trance-like way it is narrated offers them calm and inward answers on what their next step in life’s journey will be. The CD embraces all faiths, all religions. Both Christian, Muslim and Jew embrace the messages of this CD, Unity Faith has adopted the song “Love” into their Love Notes hymnal.

Brings a Sense of Peace and Completion to the Terminally Ill (and their loved ones)

Hospice caregivers integrate this beautiful music and words into their patient care and transition into death. “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey” is for the person who desires less stress and more calm and inward peace as they live with quality, as well as for those who are grieving or those who are facing their transition into death.

Sound Samples can be heard http://www.soundhope.com, and the CD can be purchased directly from the website. The duration of the CD is 60 minutes, two parts in one CD: soothing ethereal “lullabies” for adults along with a 30 minute guided meditation and visualization, soft piano, Cheryl Melody’s soothing speaking and singing voice, and the sounds of the ocean and river. Each chakra or energy centered is honored, and specific notes are integrated to open the heart, and other energy centers in the body. Also available for personal or Church use is “Voice of the Angels” sheet music and songbook.

Cheryl Melody is the composer, performer and voiceover artist. She is an acclaimed sound healer, involved in sound therapy, and is a peace troubadour, international performer, ASCAP independent recording artist and commissioned composer. She performs at holistic retreats, ecumenical gatherings, churches, synagogues, labyrinth festivals, spiritual healing gatherings, peace conferences, schools, healing centers, hospice centers, and also facilitates workshops and is a Keynote speaker and singer.

Cheryl Melody is also an ASCAP recording artist of children’s meaningful CDs for self-esteem development on http://www.cherylmelody.com. She is also a playwright and has published a play called “Peace Begins with Me” which can be found for purchase as well on http://www.cherylmelody.com. For more information on “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey” CD and songbook as well as Cheryl Melody’s performances, please log onto http://www.soundhope.com.

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